Ohio Southern Boys Basketball Tournament

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Ohio Southern Boys Basketball Tournament

Post by FrodoBaggins »

Chillicothe will be hosting a end of the year tournament for SCHOOL-BASED teams Feb.13th - Feb.15th. The tournament is for grades 3rd-6th. Entry fee is $100 per team; $150 for 2 teams; $200 for 4 teams. Each school can only have 1 team per grade level. Every team will be guaranteed 2 games!

Modified rules for grades 3rd-5th, 6th grade will follow OHSAA rules. Trophies will awarded for 1st and 2nd place, medals for 3rd place. There is a maximum of 8 teams permitted at each grade level so if you are interetsed please contact Jennifer Valentine at [email protected]

here is list of teams commited:

Chillicothe (each grade level)
Waverly (each grade level)
Logan Elm (each grade level)
Eastern (each grade level)

So still have 4 spots open for each grade level!

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