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Jackson County Blacksox 14-U Baseball Try-out

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 9:56 pm
by Paul Crewe
On behalf of Coach Phil Kuhn (Principal in the Jackson LSD) next years' Jackson Black Sox 14U Baseball team is in search of two players to join their squad for the summer of 2016.

The team will begin tournament play toward the end of the 2016 Middle School season, and will look to play 30 games or so in 6-7 tournaments in the Columbus and Cincinnati area. A possible out-of-state end of season World Series event in July is also under consideration. Out of area players are encouraged to consider a tryout as weekday organized practices will be limited due to Middle School commitments during late winter and early spring.

Coach Kuhn and the Jackson Black Sox are 191-55 in the last 4 seasons and have established a reputation as a quality program winning the State of Ohio AA & AAA in USSSA and competing and winning 10 Nations Baseball Tournaments during the last 2 years.

If you would like to discuss specific details with Coach Kuhn or schedule a try-out please call or text him directly at 740-418-9016.

As someone familiar with Coach Kuhn's ability to relate to players and provide exceptional instruction and baseball knowledge this is a great opportunity for an elite player to get better and improve.