My Dog Is Missing. Have You Seen Her?

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My Dog Is Missing. Have You Seen Her?

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Our family dog, Ginger, disappeared last Thursday, Feb 26th around noon from our backyard. We live right across the street from where the Wheelersburg Elementary School was located before they tore it down on the corner of Dogwood Ridge and Wildemire. I believe someone picked her up because she was only out for about 5 minutes before I went to get her and she was gone.

She is 14 years old, partially blind, almost deaf, and has a really hard time walking so I know she couldn't have gotten to far on her own. I scoured the neighborhood for almost an hour looking for her and she was nowhere to be found, so someone had to pick her up.

If you have seen her or know who might have her please contact me. My name is Steve Valentine and I can be contacted at 740-574-4843. We would really like to have her back because I don't think she will be around much longer because of her age and her health.

Here is a couple of pics of her that were taken about 3 or 4 years ago.

Thank you.



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Re: My Dog Is Missing. Have You Seen Her?

Post by Orange and Brown »

Cute, I hope you find her!!!
Might want to check in the trailer park. Its almost BBQ season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: My Dog Is Missing. Have You Seen Her?

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Thanks for making this a "sticky".

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Re: My Dog Is Missing. Have You Seen Her?


You are welcome!

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Re: My Dog Is Missing. Have You Seen Her?

Post by BigOrangeOne »

Not to be a downer or anything but you might want to check under your/neighbors houses or someplace secluded like that. Frequently dogs of that age and that bad of shape will find a secluded place for a final resting place. I hope that's not the case but it sounds like it could be a possibility.

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Re: My Dog Is Missing. Have You Seen Her?

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

nothing worse than losing a pet its like a child you cannot sleep or anything until you know something I pray you find her safe and sound :-D

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Re: My Dog Is Missing. Have You Seen Her?

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

BigOrangeOne wrote:Not to be a downer or anything but you might want to check under your/neighbors houses or someplace secluded like that. Frequently dogs of that age and that bad of shape will find a secluded place for a final resting place. I hope that's not the case but it sounds like it could be a possibility.

I thought of that and I looked all over my neighbors yards and under anything I thought she could get under.

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Re: My Dog Is Missing. Have You Seen Her?

Post by oldtrojan »

BG77, not likely I will see her in Pennsylvania, but I told all my family back in Portsmouth, and the Burg area to keep an eye out for her.

Hope you find her safe and sound soon.

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Re: My Dog Is Missing. Have You Seen Her?

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Thanks oldtrojan, I appreciate that.

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Re: My Dog Is Missing. Have You Seen Her?

Post by biggdowgg »

didnt, he/she take off last year or somethinbg, and one of the neighbors return it?

hope you find it , its hard losing family pets.

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Re: My Dog Is Missing. Have You Seen Her?

Post by biggdowgg »

does the radio stations stil have a lost and found pet , on the morning shopws?

I remember they used to put tyem up before,and a lot of pets was found through it.

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Re: My Dog Is Missing. Have You Seen Her?

Post by alabama mike »

Dang neighbor, I didnt know Ginger had left again, hope you find her safe and sound.

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Re: My Dog Is Missing. Have You Seen Her?


We will be working in your area again tomorrow, alot of people up there need shingles repaired. We will keep a eye out for her.

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Re: My Dog Is Missing. Have You Seen Her?

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

didnt, he/she take off last year or somethinbg, and one of the neighbors return it?

hope you find it , its hard losing family pets.

Yeah, she ran off about 5 years ago during a storm and we got her back about 2 weeks later and then 2 years ago a neighbor just 3 houses down had her for 10 days and tried to tell me he didn't know she was out dog. He and his kids walked by the house all the time and she would bark at them so he knew it was our dog and was just trying to keep his kids occupied after his wife left him. I walked by his house quite a few times looking for her and he was even outside one time and never siad a thing about having found a cog until his wife came back and then he brought her back to us. I found out later from some other kids that his kids had taken her out of our yard. This time I don't think she ran off because she can hardly walk and I don't kids got her since it happened while they were in school.

Dang neighbor, I didnt know Ginger had left again, hope you find her safe and sound.

Thanks neighbor. I told #1 son about it one day last week and asked him to keep an eye out for her. He must not have mentioned it to you.

We will be working in your area again tomorrow, alot of people up there need shingles repaired. We will keep a eye out for her.

Thanks Oz. I appreciate that.

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Re: My Dog Is Missing. Have You Seen Her?

Post by Mad-Dogg »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:
didnt, he/she take off last year or somethinbg, and one of the neighbors return it?

hope you find it , its hard losing family pets.

Yeah, she ran off about 5 years ago during a storm and we got her back about 2 weeks later and then 2 years ago a neighbor just 3 houses down had her for 10 days and tried to tell me he didn't know she was out dog. He and his kids walked by the house all the time and she would bark at them so he knew it was our dog and was just trying to keep his kids occupied after his wife left him. I walked by his house quite a few times looking for her and he was even outside one time and never siad a thing about having found a cog until his wife came back and then he brought her back to us. I found out later from some other kids that his kids had taken her out of our yard. This time I don't think she ran off because she can hardly walk and I don't kids got her since it happened while they were in school.

Dang neighbor, I didnt know Ginger had left again, hope you find her safe and sound.

Thanks neighbor. I told #1 son about it one day last week and asked him to keep an eye out for her. He must not have mentioned it to you.

We will be working in your area again tomorrow, alot of people up there need shingles repaired. We will keep a eye out for her.

Thanks Oz. I appreciate that.

i hope you find her 77. my brother lives down the road from you. i'll tell him to keep a eye out for her

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Re: My Dog Is Missing. Have You Seen Her?

Post by The_Intimidator »

I hope you find Ginger

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Re: My Dog Is Missing. Have You Seen Her?

Post by Burg#1 »

You might check over on lang slocum just past the storage unit i seen three dogs there a couple of days ago_not for sure if yours was one of them_ sorry it took so long to post_they was at the first house on the left where the day care used to be

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Re: My Dog Is Missing. Have You Seen Her?

Post by drrabbit »

Hopefully you have already called and sent pictures to:

All Scioto County Veterinarians as well as Dr. Hernadez's in Green-up.
The Dog Pound.
Sierra's Haven.
The radio stations.

Called all three newspapers and put in lost ads.
Posted picture and lost ads at local businesses if allowed: ie. Krogers, Deemers, etc.

Also consider putting up a notice around the school.

There are websites that you can post lost and found dogs. Post yours and check daily for found dogs from the area.

And it is always a good idea to offer a reward.

Repeat the above steps on a weekly basis.

People should also consider permanent identification for their dogs. Microchipping is quick and relatively inexpensive. Collars with a phone number written on it in permanent marker will get more than 90% of dogs home in less than 24 hours.

Of those that go missing without identification, those, still missing after 24 hours, only 10% will ever come home. You have already beaten the odds before BG77, hopefully, you can do it again.

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Re: My Dog Is Missing. Have You Seen Her?

Post by nybucksmom »

Oh, I'm so sorry! I have 2 dogs and 3 cats and I love them all so much. We've lost 2 dogs this past year (one to cancer and the other to old age), so I understand what you're going through. I hope you find her...I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers!

Drrabbit has some great suggestions!

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Re: My Dog Is Missing. Have You Seen Her?

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Thanks everyone. Still no luck finding her. We have contacted the local vets, the dog pound, and Sierra Haven and none of them have seen her either. This is the third time we have lost her and maybe our luck has finally run out. We will keep looking though and not give up on her coming back again.

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