Congratulations to FIDO on his promotion to Chief.....

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Congratulations to FIDO on his promotion to Chief.....

Post by BubbleGumTiger »

I received word tonite that our good friend FIDO was promoted to the rank of Chief Master Sgt (E-9) in the Air Force.

Nice job David....... :!: and my personal congrats go out to you........


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Re: Congratulations to FIDO on his promotion to Chief.....



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Re: Congratulations to FIDO on his promotion to Chief.....

Post by ballparent »


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Re: Congratulations to FIDO on his promotion to Chief.....

Post by noreply66 »


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Re: Congratulations to FIDO on his promotion to Chief.....

Post by biggdowgg »

Congratulations on the promotion,I know you worked hard for this.....

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Re: Congratulations to FIDO on his promotion to Chief.....

Post by vids4ckcrash »

I think that in the enlisted ranks, this is as high as you can go. So this is REALLY an accomplishment. Not an every day thing.


I think this does mean you sleep 'til noon, true?

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Re: Congratulations to FIDO on his promotion to Chief.....

Post by mstangmom »


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Re: Congratulations to FIDO on his promotion to Chief.....

Post by The Instructor »

I am so proud of my, FIDO!

Way to go Chief FIDO!!

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Re: Congratulations to FIDO on his promotion to Chief.....

Post by Focused »


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Re: Congratulations to FIDO on his promotion to Chief.....

Post by BubbleGumTiger »

vids4ckcrash wrote:I think that in the enlisted ranks, this is as high as you can go. So this is REALLY an accomplishment.

You are absolutely correct, the next step on the ladder for FIDO will be retirement unless he gets nominated for Chief of the Air Force and if that happens I am going back in as his aide.......... :)

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Re: Congratulations to FIDO on his promotion to Chief.....

Post by The Instructor »

I want to be his aide too. Can he have two of them?

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Re: Congratulations to FIDO on his promotion to Chief.....

Post by IronTigerMum »

Hearty congrats from the Mums FIDO!

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Re: Congratulations to FIDO on his promotion to Chief.....

Post by Boonedawg »

E-9 holy crap that's grand poobah of the coffe pot!

*I'm not worthy**I'm not worthy**I'm not worthy*


Congrats man! :122245

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Re: Congratulations to FIDO on his promotion to Chief.....

Post by BubbleGumTiger »

The Instructor wrote:I want to be his aide too. Can he have two of them?

absolutely.........but you will be the cook and I will be the bartender.......... :) :)

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Re: Congratulations to FIDO on his promotion to Chief.....

Post by kantuckyII »

WOW! what an accomplishment! good night! I'm so tickled for him. That is just awesome to make that grade!

Can you believe he's biggdowgg's cousin? hmmmmmmm :122246 and they grew up together or something?! hmmmmm

Congratulations Fido, I'm so happy to hear this!

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Re: Congratulations to FIDO on his promotion to Chief.....

Post by caglewis »

I also say CONGRATS!! I just have one little question - how come the military waits til a person is just months away from retirement to promote him? Couldn't his abilities have been recognized and capitalized on sooner while he still had time and inclination left? MERCY - what a waste of time, credit, and recognition to grant him a promotion when he's just about to LEAVE military service and take his experience, skills and abilities elsewhere - should have happened way sooner.
I absolutely congratulate FIDO and wish him the best wherever he goes and whatever he does!

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Re: Congratulations to FIDO on his promotion to Chief.....

Post by The Instructor »

Caglewis, maybe he tricked them by saying he was going to retire. So, they promoted him. Then, FIDO will tell them he changed his mind about retiring! :122245 :122245

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Re: Congratulations to FIDO on his promotion to Chief.....

Post by kantuckyII »

I stand to be corrected but if I recall, last year or so, Fido explained to me unless he made the grade of Chief, he could not stay for the whole 30 years. Now that he has made that grade, he'll be able to do so. It's rare for a person to make that grade, there are very few in the whole military who hold it. Fido, I think could give you an exact figure. Turk might be able to as well.

Personally, I have no idea why they'd want to send a guy on his way who's just a grade under chief when, as you said, they have so much experience and skill and you KNOW they have untold amount of dollars invested in their training them.

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Re: Congratulations to FIDO on his promotion to Chief.....

Post by The Instructor »

TigerTownTurkey wrote:
The Instructor wrote:I want to be his aide too. Can he have two of them?

absolutely.........but you will be the cook and I will be the bartender.......... :) :)


This sounds wonderful to me, TigerTownTurkey!

I will get my Betty Crocker Cookbook out right away.

I will make sure I choose recipes that go well with your bartending concoctions!

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Re: Congratulations to FIDO on his promotion to Chief.....

Post by biggdowgg »

kantuckyII wrote:I stand to be corrected but if I recall, last year or so, Fido explained to me unless he made the grade of Chief, he could not stay for the whole 30 years. Now that he has made that grade, he'll be able to do so. It's rare for a person to make that grade, there are very few in the whole military who hold it. Fido, I think could give you an exact figure. Turk might be able to as well.

Personally, I have no idea why they'd want to send a guy on his way who's just a grade under chief when, as you said, they have so much experience and skill and you KNOW they have untold amount of dollars invested in their training them.

you are right.......he was still a couple years from retiring,as he signed for 3 more years last year,they dont just give you this promotion, he had to take the test a couple times to get it.....

he poased it this time, because he came home to let me help him study for it :mrgreen: :mrgreen: .

you can bet,"if I know him any at all" FIDO will not be retiring for a few more years...".....

been good to know this when he was in, we coulda had a big party at B DUBS 8)

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