I got a call about Avery that morning from Coach Newsome and have tried to find a way to get in touch with you and found this topic that you have been on. I wanted to let you know how truly sorry I was to hear about your lost. We got out one of Nora's scrapboooks,You know how she felt about my boys and we just sat and looked thru everything, She especially had fond memories of the Saturday morning breakfasts she cooked for "her boys" and we just went thru the tons of pictures she had taken over the years of those precious times and found alot of Avery with that grin of his having a great time with his fellow "hogs". I wanted you to know I will always have a special place in my heart for Avery and all the support and LOVE you gave him, I also wanted to take this time to thank you for all the unwavering support you gave me during my time at Portsmouth. Avery loved to play the game for all the right reasons, He got everything out of the talent that God had given him and was a silent Warrior that I knew I could count on to give me everything he had every play on Friday nights, It was young men like Avery Smith that made me the coach I was. GOD BLESSS YOU and you will be in our prayers.
Prayers for former Trojan Avery Smith and his family "Philly
- Waterboy
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:11 am
- Charley Hustle
- Posts: 4383
- Joined: Sun Jun 29, 2008 5:03 am
Re: Prayers for former Trojan Avery Smith and his family "Philly
thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Re: Prayers for former Trojan Avery Smith and his family "Philly
Bubba, There was no doubt in my mind that you would get intouch with me in some way. You know how Avery felt when you moved away...I believe he was mad at you for a while, as he loved you as a football player loves a coach. Of course that anger faded, and he just continued to miss you. Coach Clifford put the HOGS to work and they continued to be a large force of a great winning season. My heart is so broken, I can't even express how I feel, as my Sunshine has faded. Coach Clifford and Tim Stewart did Avery proud by standing up and telling everyone how great of a guy he was. Curt had to leave his daughters side at the hospital to come, and I knew how hard it was to stand up there but I know that Avery was one of his boy, just as he was one of yours. Avery loved you all, and we spent many, many days just talking about football. I knew that he would never outgrown his glory days!!! LOL! Thank Nora, for sitting with you and going through her scrapbook, thinking about Avery and sharing your memories. My life will never be the same, but everytime I feel as if I am going to just break down and cry. I close my eyes and see Avery putting his arms around me calling me his "little oompha loopha momma!" So thank you again, and call me anytime. My # is 740-357-6193.
To all my friends, Thank you for all your kind words. I buried my baby today, and it was hard...very hard, but I will make day at a time...with the help of my friends and family...and the memories of my Aveman's smile!
To all my friends, Thank you for all your kind words. I buried my baby today, and it was hard...very hard, but I will make day at a time...with the help of my friends and family...and the memories of my Aveman's smile!
- Varsity
- Posts: 696
- Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2004 2:26 pm
Re: Prayers for former Trojan Avery Smith and his family "Philly
Prayers continue from this Tiger Mom to a Trojan Mom. Hugssss Philly.

Re: Prayers for former Trojan Avery Smith and his family "Philly
continued prayers from all......
everyone was talking about how great a kid he was and how sad this was, at the baseball game last night,cant even Imagine the pain you feel.
everyone was talking about how great a kid he was and how sad this was, at the baseball game last night,cant even Imagine the pain you feel.
Re: Prayers for former Trojan Avery Smith and his family "Philly
Friends, we have finally got Avery's autopsie back, and he did die of a heart attack. We were told that is was heritary (sp). Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular diseasewhich was caused by Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia which is a genetic inheritance. So my other two children are going to the Dr. to have their hearts checked, as well as alot of people in out family,to see if they have this heart desease. They say this causes 17 percent of young adults death, about 1 in 10,000. They also found a very small Papillary thyroid carcinoma.
If you have heart disease in your family please have your children and yourself checked to see if you have it..there are things you can do to help correct it. We never knew that Avery had any problems, but surely would have had him checked, if we had have had any idea.
If you have heart disease in your family please have your children and yourself checked to see if you have it..there are things you can do to help correct it. We never knew that Avery had any problems, but surely would have had him checked, if we had have had any idea.