German's view on Islam...........

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Re: German's view on Islam...........

Post by farmer »

It is not a CHILDISH PERSONAL ATTACK on my part. You want to take a poll on here so that you can see how many people think you are wrong?

Is it a Christian thing to do to ALWAYS HAVE TO PUT OTHERS DOWN FOR HAVING DIFFERENT VIEWPOINTS? The answer to that is NO but you not only continue to do it. YOU ENJOY IT.

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Re: German's view on Islam...........

Post by kantuckyII »

Where have I put them down? The only one I ever say anything about on a personal level is Buck, because... well I'm not going to all the details about him other than to say he is very worthy of that criticism.

I just state my opinions and my beliefs like everyone else. I don't come after you or anyone else if express your opinions or criticisms. I am always more than willing to back up with references to anything that I say or express on here whether it be politics or religion Or any other topic, I'm open to discussion. I love telling people that Jesus Christ died for them. I don't trap people on the streets and say it but if I get the opportunity I'm going to talk to them about it, If they give me an opening I'm going to climb through it. Here, it's different, You can choose to read what I write, or you can choose to ignore me.

P :evil: eople call me names and lie. They call me racist or sexist, those kind of those terms. Now that, that is not fair, It is wrong. If they do want to point out where I made them that think way then, I am more than willing to discuss it and again provide references for the way I feel.

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Re: German's view on Islam...........

Post by noreply66 »

kantuckyII wrote:
abuck76 wrote:You are attacked because you place yourself on the same level as God.........You do not know.........You let your mind run wild............Imagination is a wonderful thing, but it can take over your life........One must be reality based, or your views and thoughts become clouded with pride and confabulation......That is what has happened to you............. :12224
I do not place myself on the same level of Jesus - I simply believe on the works of Jesus Christ and believe in the Word Of God! I count on the promises of God - as any believer or Christian will who's a possessor of the Holy Spirit and am always anxious to spread His Gospel!
The way you put thinks on here about the president is something Jesus or a follower of his would never do. Saying you are a believer and doing the things you do makes you a sinner in the eyes of God. You go too far out of the way in finding these articles to try and put a person down that was made by God. A true believer would never do this. I really don't thing politics is one of Gods favorite thing anyway. You are on here preaching hate because he is different than you. No matter how much you dislike him he is and always will be a better man than you.

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Re: German's view on Islam...........

Post by abuck76 »

Well tuck old buddy, the truth is coming out about you..........I knew there were other rational people on this site , but were just not ready to express themselves...........O and B is exactly right, and I am proud of him or her for standing up..........I scare you tuck .........Because I know the truth about you............ Noreply is right and has your number..........You have a closed mind about everything and will not and can not tolerate anyone or anything that goes against your mind set............I gave as an example the greek word used in the original bible that you say means homosexual......I proved you are wrong..................Toleration is all anybody on here is asking............But for you, it is as if you do put yourself on the same level as Jesus or God........... I pray for you directly every day of my life tuck, so that you may find your way.....Seek Jesus and he will save you............ :12224

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Re: German's view on Islam...........

Post by kantuckyII »

Well, the way I see it, Jesus already did! I have a completely free conscience in this matter. There are many reasons, I've said over and over, and yet, some never hear. I'll never believe that Jesus would ever condone abortion on demand. The Bible says He hates hands that shed innocent blood. No president has ever been so Pro-abortion as Barack Obama. Obama even favors allowing people the brutal practice of live birth or partial-birth abortions. And to take a step further, even voted no on his states version of the Born Alive Baby Act. What kind of human being could do such a thing?

I also look at the stand and beliefs on Israel. God has said that he would bless those that bless them and curse those that curse them. Right now, Israels PM is begging Obama for help in this situation of ensuring that Iran does not obtain nuclear weapons. Yet, Obama continues to turn a deaf ear, and even refused a meeting with him, claiming there were scheduling conflicts. Yet he can go on several talkshows including The View. Now, he is described Israel's Prime Minister as simply being noise in the campaign. Every day that goes by is one more day closer Iran is to obtaining nuclear arms which will offset the balance and whatever stability there is now in the Middle East. I am afraid we have a president who is asleep or doesn't care and we will pay for that the near future over this situation.

Obama stated during the campaign that he would read all abortion laws, and repeal DOMA , or the Defense of Marriage Act.

Obama promised he would close Gitmo, yet recently spent millions of dollars updating the facility. While many people languish in those prisons without a trial or a voice!

I still cannot escape Obama's church affiliation. At worst, He is aligned with his former pastor's racist views. At best, he is not able to discern what goes on around him. Either way, the media gave him a tremendous pass on this. Had it been McCain or Romney who had affiliation, they would have tarred and feathered them! To consider that his pastor actually printed the Hamas manifesto in his newsletter that goes out to the congregation is just to difficult to comprehend.

People are hurting in this country under Barack Obama. He promised hope but life is much worse under him. Family household income has now gone down over $3000. Gas prices continued to hover four dollars and unemployment is well over 8% still. The war in Afghanistan rages on and yet there is seemingly a media blackout. I would assume to bet that you could go on the street and talk to 100 people At random and probably the majority will not even know that people dying in that country every day, American soldiers. It is amazing how the media bends for this man.

I could go on and on and on, but I just gave you a few things as to the reason why have no guilt when I speak out so strongly against Obama and this administration.
Last edited by kantuckyII on Fri Sep 28, 2012 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: German's view on Islam...........

Post by kantuckyII »

Abuck, I'm really just about done with you. I am going to stop addressing you in any way in the very near future. It just kills me that spread so many lies though. I don't know why you're making this a homosexual thing. Look, homosexual activities are just sins, just like any other. Christ died for them too and God loves them as he does all people. However, no sin will go unpunished, including this. If the person does not come to Christ and get forgiveness, he will have to pay the price for his or her sins themselves. And, it will never be enough. I obtain this belief from the holy Bible, the Word of God. It is the only source. If someone else chooses not to believe this, that is their prerogative, God gives them Freewill.

However, it most assuredly is a sin. The Bible is quite bold in the condemnation of homosexual activity, as is the case and any sin.

Leviticus 18:22 "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination."

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Re: German's view on Islam...........

Post by tarheels18 »

Reread abucks post, he wasn't making this homosexual.

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Re: German's view on Islam...........

Post by abuck76 »

Thanks tarheels...........But poor old tuck evidently has an unusual fixation on homosexuality.......But thanks buddy........... :12224

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Re: German's view on Islam...........

Post by kantuckyII »

You are coming into a running conversation and not reading it all. Not only does it encompass this entire thread, but it extends to other threads as well.

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Re: German's view on Islam...........

Post by abuck76 »

Tuck, try and remember where you are............. :12224

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Re: German's view on Islam...........

Post by tarheels18 »

kantuckyII wrote:You are coming into a running conversation and not reading it all. Not only does it encompass this entire thread, but it extends to other threads as well.
I'm not reading it? He was providing an example of a time you were proven wrong. What he said in no way makes this thread homosexual.

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Re: German's view on Islam...........

Post by kantuckyII »

First of all, he never proved I was wrong - the Bible is quite clear that homosexuality is a sin. Secondly, there was no reason for him to even bring it up. He perverts the Gospel at every point. I don't know what church he goes too...oh wait, he doesn't go to ANY church because none will have him..ask him!

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Re: German's view on Islam...........

Post by abuck76 »

Tuck said "Secondly, there was no reason for him to even bring it up." talking about homosexuallity......... :roll:

Tuck sometimes forgets where he is.........I did not bring it up anywhere in this thread...........Tuck says the same things in every thread he posts, so I can see where he would a little flustered.........You keep on keepin' on tuck.........It will be o.k........... :12224

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Re: German's view on Islam...........

Post by farmer »

Maybe Tuck will back into the truth.

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Re: German's view on Islam...........

Post by abuck76 »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: He is done with me...AAARRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGG...........Oh woe is me!!!............ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ......I found a picture and I think, maybe, it is tuck......... :lol: :lol: :lol: ............. :12224


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Re: German's view on Islam...........

Post by Orange and Brown »

So islam is bad, Barak Obama is comparable to the Anti Christ, But good ole Morman Mitt is okay? Mitt believe in sacred underwear, and that there are 7 levels of heaven. He believes that Joseph Smith is a Prophet and that God showed him these Golden plates that only he could translate, hence the Book of Morman. He cheated and lied his way across the country until they settled in Utah, They practiced Polygamy for Years and years. If there kids are bad or make the church look bad, there parents are forced to kick them out of the house and shun them...I can go on and on, but I won't. I am just gonna say this......................................................

WTF Batman???????
How is Mitt any better than Obama? or for that matter, how can anyone bash Islam, accuse our President of being Muslim (If he was, I'd be okay with it), and be okay with Mitt being Morman and being president?

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Re: German's view on Islam...........

Post by kantuckyII »

You make a mockery of the Gospel of Jesus Christ Abuck. You lie about who Christ was/is - you mock the Word Of God and call it made up, picking and choosing what YOU want to believe, casting out much of it and then making up large portions of it on your own. Every Christian who claims to be 'Born Again' you're always in sharp contention with. You stand in the way of people hearing the truth. You mock God, you mock His Children. If you're not demonically possessed, I don't know what your motivation is because you aren't Christian, there's no doubt in my mind about that.

Some of the last Words recorded of Jesus Christ, the Creator of the Universe in the 22nd chapter of The Revelation say:
12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

Christ states that He is and has always been God. Then, He gives the warning that if any man adds unto His Word, God shall add the plagues that are written and if you take away, God shall take away His part of the book of life, and the Holy City and you've done both repeatedly! Jesus is the truth, you are a liar

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Re: German's view on Islam...........

Post by kantuckyII »

Orange and Brown wrote:So islam is bad, Barak Obama is comparable to the Anti Christ, But good ole Morman Mitt is okay? Mitt believe in sacred underwear, and that there are 7 levels of heaven. He believes that Joseph Smith is a Prophet and that God showed him these Golden plates that only he could translate, hence the Book of Morman. He cheated and lied his way across the country until they settled in Utah, They practiced Polygamy for Years and years. If there kids are bad or make the church look bad, there parents are forced to kick them out of the house and shun them...I can go on and on, but I won't. I am just gonna say this......................................................

WTF Batman???????
How is Mitt any better than Obama? or for that matter, how can anyone bash Islam, accuse our President of being Muslim (If he was, I'd be okay with it), and be okay with Mitt being Morman and being president?
Islam states that Jesus Christ was simply a Prophet, not God incarnate. It says that He not only wasn't resurrected but that He didn't even die to start with. It says that salvation comes by faith in ONE GOD ( simply saying that you don't believe Jesus Christ is God) and then is followed up with good works. Not that much original. Same ole lie the devil has been telling since he spoke to Cain and had him bring the fruits of his own labor instead of a blood sacrifice (which, is a type of Christ or shows the suffering savior that shed His blood for us on the Cross to remove our sins). Islam plainly states that if you believe that Christ is who He said He was, you'll be cast into hell.

Obama's sins that he want's for us to ALL share in are great! His abortion policies (including tax payer sponsored), his stand on Israel and his desiring to remove DOMA all are things that we cannot live with.

Romney? we're not electing him as our pastor but as the President. He is (despite those that might say at one time he wasn''s today we're concerned with) Pro-Life, Loves and desires to be a friend of Israel - and has stated that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and believes in God's definition of America and wants to keep it that way.

You can't go on and on...the very fact that Romney is only running for president and his stands, Christians can all live with, are enough

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Re: German's view on Islam...........

Post by Orange and Brown »

kantuckyII wrote:
Orange and Brown wrote:So islam is bad, Barak Obama is comparable to the Anti Christ, But good ole Morman Mitt is okay? Mitt believe in sacred underwear, and that there are 7 levels of heaven. He believes that Joseph Smith is a Prophet and that God showed him these Golden plates that only he could translate, hence the Book of Morman. He cheated and lied his way across the country until they settled in Utah, They practiced Polygamy for Years and years. If there kids are bad or make the church look bad, there parents are forced to kick them out of the house and shun them...I can go on and on, but I won't. I am just gonna say this......................................................

WTF Batman???????
How is Mitt any better than Obama? or for that matter, how can anyone bash Islam, accuse our President of being Muslim (If he was, I'd be okay with it), and be okay with Mitt being Morman and being president?
Islam states that Jesus Christ was simply a Prophet, not God incarnate. It says that He not only wasn't resurrected but that He didn't even die to start with. It says that salvation comes by faith in ONE GOD ( simply saying that you don't believe Jesus Christ is God) and then is followed up with good works. Not that much original. Same ole lie the devil has been telling since he spoke to Cain and had him bring the fruits of his own labor instead of a blood sacrifice (which, is a type of Christ or shows the suffering savior that shed His blood for us on the Cross to remove our sins). Islam plainly states that if you believe that Christ is who He said He was, you'll be cast into hell.

Obama's sins that he want's for us to ALL share in are great! His abortion policies (including tax payer sponsored), his stand on Israel and his desiring to remove DOMA all are things that we cannot live with.

Romney? we're not electing him as our pastor but as the President. He is (despite those that might say at one time he wasn''s today we're concerned with) Pro-Life, Loves and desires to be a friend of Israel - and has stated that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and believes in God's definition of America and wants to keep it that way.

You can't go on and on...the very fact that Romney is only running for president and his stands, Christians can all live with, are enough
You missed the whole point!

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Re: German's view on Islam...........

Post by kantuckyII »

I never missed a thing, I believe I explained myself throughly on this issue. I agree with what Franklin Graham, Billy Graham's son, said about Romney when asked if Bible believing Christians could support him:
“Listen, we’re not voting for the ‘pastor-in-chief’ of the Unites States. We’re voting for the president,” said Graham. “We’re looking for the person that is the most qualified, a person that shares common values, a person that loves the country, a person who can lead this nation out of the economic mess that we’ve gotten ourselves in, and that’s I think the main thing for most people, today.”

Look, I don't know if Romney is a Christian or not, I know the Bible is the one and only authority though but...on one hand, we have a Morman who's stand on so many issues Christians are in total agreement and on the other hand, we have a man who loosely claims to be a Christian (I strongly suspect that he is a agnostic or atheist myself - I see ZERO evidence of Christ in his life and the Bible tells me by their fruits, we will know them) who's diametrically opposed to what God desires. I can live with Romney but I can't live with Obama!

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