Abuck? One that has no business around children. It bothers me that he is, if he's not lying to us? He mingles Christianity and Islam and other world religions together and comes up with some cult that I have no idea what it is, it is not Christianity. It is far more like Chrislam. You would think that Tom would've attacked him and not me (Libs stick together) also, I can tell you the truth. There is not a one of you that I couldn't go out to go to lunch with tomorrow and get along just fine. Even Hosscat

Anyway, I just seen no reason for me to be here. Oh, I might pop in from time to time to make fun of you guys. To point out what a mistake you made during the elections but other than that, there's no reason for me to be here. It is kind of comforting knowing how much you guys are going to suffer as well. This message board has just really gotten bad. The handful of you have ran off so many people off. And they're not like you guys, their good and decent people. That is troubling. Anyway, no hard feelings except for Abum and I don't hate him, I just stay away from him, he's sinister. I'm not picking on him, I'm just telling the truth. I'm just trying one final warning to stay away from that guy and all his beliefs. He is wrong wrong wrong!