Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

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Kentucky Trojan
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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

Paladin wrote:Or openly espouse hatred of a Prez who inherited a whooping deficit created by the other party and then blame him for having caused the deficit THEY created ( while he added 10% more), you have more BS.
Get the deficit to a surplus then pay down the debt!

It does not appear as if this will occur under Obama's administration.


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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by Paladin »

Stop changing the story. The FACTS are that the Rs CREATED almost ALL the current deficit. Yet they act like and openly accuse the Prez of creating it all by himself. Small example why Rs/ Cons are dismissed. They LIE. They avoid the facts. They use ideology ( and a failed one at that) to argue against FACTS. Thats why many of them get upset -- they can't have their ideology AND prove it with facts too. They lose every time. And they should be embarrassed. So then, as now, they simply try to change the story line and avert the stark truth. Thats typical Rs/Con 101.

Epic Fail.

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by noreply66 »

The Rs are like a one point loss football team. We are winners because we showed up and lost by one. The only reason they won is because they gave gifts to the Refs.

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

Paladin wrote:Stop changing the story. The FACTS are that the Rs CREATED almost ALL the current deficit. Yet they act like and openly accuse the Prez of creating it all by himself. Small example why Rs/ Cons are dismissed. They LIE. They avoid the facts. They use ideology ( and a failed one at that) to argue against FACTS. Thats why many of them get upset -- they can't have their ideology AND prove it with facts too. They lose every time. And they should be embarrassed. So then, as now, they simply try to change the story line and avert the stark truth. Thats typical Rs/Con 101.

Epic Fail.
The story has been the same for a long time. (...and I don't care if you are a Republican or Democrat or Conservative or Moderate or Liberal.)

Raise taxes on the wealthy back to at least a 50% tax rate. Reduce spending across the board.

Change the deficit to a surplus and then pay down the debt.

What is so hard to understand?

Here is what will happen if we fail to comply:


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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by wildthingRV »

tigercannon71 wrote:No I really like you abuck. Like if you were on fire Id definitely spit my everclear on you to help.

That's just classy, there. Sorta like mud-wrestling at a wedding classy.

Sorta surrendered all of your moral high ground there, fella.

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by Space Cowboy »

WOW! First, Tuck says bye-bye....then abucks just as he isnt...yes he he isnt...yes he is.....I know I am but what are you..... lets pull the economy into it......last admin.....this admin...hes changing the Im not.......

7 out of the 8 voices in my head are telling me that everyone of you better give me back my jelly doughnut.

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

Space Cowboy wrote:WOW! First, Tuck says bye-bye....then abucks just as he isnt...yes he he isnt...yes he is.....I know I am but what are you..... lets pull the economy into it......last admin.....this admin...hes changing the Im not.......

7 out of the 8 voices in my head are telling me that everyone of you better give me back my jelly doughnut.

...and the 8th voice said, "Don't look back. You can never look back."


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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by C-Bolt »

Epic Fail.[/quote]
Raise taxes on the wealthy back to at least a 50% tax rate.

This is something I totally agree with and would help reduce the deficit, but problem is the cons in office don't want it, they want the rich to keep their money because they somehow want people to think it will create more jobs,well since bush cut them years ago where is all these jobs over the years? unemployment has been awful people still believe it actually works?

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

The Democrats control the Executive and Legislative branches.

Make it happen!

(Just don't increase spending while you are at it.)



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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by abuck76 »

Kentucky Trojan wrote:The Democrats control the Executive and Legislative branches.
I can see you do not teach at all.. :lol: ...The Legislative Branches??.......uh, there is only one........And the dems only control the Senate.....the House has the power of the purse, and they are controled by the Rep. , for now......................... :12224

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by abuck76 »


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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

abuck76 wrote:
Kentucky Trojan wrote:The Democrats control the Executive and Legislative branches.
I can see you do not teach at all.. :lol: ...The Legislative Branches??.......uh, there is only one........And the dems only control the Senate.....the House has the power of the purse, and they are controled by the Rep. , for now......................... :12224
Executive and Legislative branches of government. Plural.


Yes, I made a mistake concerning the House of Reps. I was not aware that the Republicans still control it.

I would not want my child to have you as a teacher.


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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by C-Bolt »

That is correct the HOR is the big holdup in this ever happening :122247

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by abuck76 »

You go with that......... You not knowing something my 7 year old grand daughter knows, about who controls the house, is priceless...........The Republicans control the money now!....Lock , stock and barrel.........So if anything happens with the fiscal cliff, it is on the republicans shoulders.........ouch, did that hurt.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ................. :12224

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

abuck76 wrote:You go with that......... You not knowing something my 7 year old grand daughter knows, about who controls the house, is priceless...........The Republicans control the money now!....Lock , stock and barrel.........So if anything happens with the fiscal cliff, it is on the republicans shoulders.........ouch, did that hurt.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ................. :12224

I am glad that the Republicans control the House; otherwise, we would be in more debt by 2016 than we already will be. Of course, this could change in the mid-term elections in 2014.

At least there is a check and balance for the next 2 years.

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by abuck76 »

Actually the deficit each year has been decreasing since Obama took office........... :12224

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

abuck76 wrote:Actually the deficit each year has been decreasing since Obama took office........... :12224 ... states.php

Easy to do when your first year in office the deficit is $1.4 trillion!!!!!!!!!

2009 $1.413 Trillion Deficit
2010 $1.294 Trillion Deficit
2011 $1.299 Trillion Deficit
2012 $1.100 Trillion Deficit


The real story is what happened prior to this. It skyrocketed when Obama took office and at $1.1 Trillion is still more than twice as much as W's largest deficit in 2008. Can't blame Bush for 2009-2012 deficits when W's were nowhere near Obama's amount.

To be fair, I will begin in 1993 (Clinton's first year in office.)

1993 $255.1 Billion Deficit
1994 $203.2 Billion Deficit
1995 $164 Billion Deficit
1996 $107.5 Billion Deficit
1997 $22 Billion Deficit
1998 $69.2 Billion Surplus
1999 $125.6 Billion Surplus
2000 $236.4 Billion Surplus
2001 $127.3 Billion Surplus
2002 $157.8 Billion Deficit
2003 $377.6 Billion Deficit
2004 $413 Billion Deficit
2005 $318 Billion Deficit
2006 $248 Billion Deficit
2007 $161 Billion Deficit
2008 $459 Billion Deficit

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by KVDW »

dazed&confused wrote:
KVDW wrote:
dazed&confused wrote: And I miss sparring with Tuck, just don't miss his incendiary bombasts. :-D
just curious as to what you are referring to when you say "incendiary bombasts". Do you have an example of Tuck's incendiary bombast you can share with us ?

It seems to me that asuck is more the one prone to prolixity. :mrgreen:
You're kidding, right? :lol:
do i look like i'm kidding?

i would like to know what you consider "incendiary bombast".

please give me an example.

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by C-Bolt »

Well what a surprise the great Ronny Reagan was the biggest spender of them all and of course Carter will get the blame for that :lol: ... ack-obama/
Last edited by C-Bolt on Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Kentucky Trojan
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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

C-Bolt wrote:Well what a surprise the great Ronny Reagan was the biggest spender of them all :lol: ... ack-obama/
Growth....not total.

Total amount of dollars is clearly Obama.

He began at $1.4 trillion and is now at $1.1 trillion and expected to be at $900 billion in 2013 (see my article).

The numbers are clear.

We must stop the amount of dollars being spent now and increase the amount of revenue in the coffers.

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