Kentucky Trojan wrote:We always knew that you were a pu$$ this proves it.
I think that is against the rules, calling names

Kentucky Trojan wrote:We always knew that you were a pu$$ this proves it.
abuck76 wrote:Kentucky Trojan wrote:We always knew that you were a pu$$ this proves it.
I think that is against the rules, calling names.......BUt to use your words, that is a pu$$y answer you gave about finding the truth...........Simply admit you are lost when discussing this issue and we will leave it alone..................... :12224
A cat is a pu$$y, abuck. How many do you have?abuck76 wrote:Kentucky Trojan wrote:We always knew that you were a pu$$ this proves it.
I'm really wounded, gallant sir.Kentucky Trojan wrote:We always knew that you were a pu$$ this proves it.
dazed&confused wrote:I'm really wounded, gallant sir.Kentucky Trojan wrote:We always knew that you were a pu$$ this proves it.What, are we in junior high now? Try again