Homeland Security Sucks Up More Ammo!

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Homeland Security Sucks Up More Ammo!

Post by kantuckyII »

DHS Purchases 21.6 Million More Rounds of Ammunition

Federal agency has now acquired enough bullets to wage 30 year war

The Department of Homeland Security is set to purchase a further 21.6 million rounds of ammunition to add to the 1.6 billion bullets it has already obtained over the course of the last 10 months alone, figures which have stoked concerns that the federal agency is preparing for civil unrest.

A solicitation posted yesterday on the Fed Bid website details how the bullets are required for the DHS Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Artesia, New Mexico.

The solicitation asks for 10 million pistol cartridge .40 caliber 165 Grain, jacketed Hollow point bullets (100 quantities of 100,000 rounds) and 10 million 9mm 115 grain jacketed hollow point bullets (100 quantities of 100,000 rounds).
The document also lists a requirement for 1.6 million pistol cartridge 9mm ball bullets (40 quantities of 40,000 rounds).

An approximation of how many rounds of ammunition the DHS has now secured over the last 10 months stands at around 1.625 billion. In March 2012, ATK announced that they had agreed to provide the DHS with a maximum of 450 million bullets over four years, a story that prompted questions about why the feds were buying ammunition in such large quantities.

To put that in perspective, during the height of active battle operations in Iraq, US soldiers used 5.5 million rounds of ammunition a month. Extrapolating the figures, the DHS has purchased enough bullets over the last 10 months to wage a full scale war for almost 30 years.

Such massive quantities of ammo purchases have stoked fears that the agency is preparing for some kind of domestic unrest. In 2011, Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano directed Immigration and Customs Enforcement to prepare for a mass influx of immigrants into the United States, calling for the plan to deal with the “shelter” and “processing” of large numbers of people.

The federal agency’s primary concern is now centered around thwarting “homegrown terrorism,” but information produced and used by the DHS to train its personnel routinely equates conservative political ideology with domestic extremism.
A study funded by the Department of Homeland Security that was leaked last year characterizes Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” and “reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right-wing” terrorists.
In August 2012, the DHS censored information relating to the amount of bullets purchased by the federal agency on behalf of Immigration & Customs Enforcement, citing an “unusual and compelling urgency” to acquire the bullets, noting that there is a shortage of bullets which is threatening a situation that could cause “substantial safety issues for the government” should law enforcement officials not be adequately armed.

As we highlighted last month, the DHS’ previous ammunition solicitation was awarded to Evian Group, an organization that was formed just five days before the announcement of the solicitation and appeared to be little more than a front organization since it didn’t have a genuine physical address, a website, or even a phone number.

While Americans are being browbeaten with rhetoric about the necessity to give up semi-automatic firearms in the name of preventing school shootings, the federal government is arming itself to the teeth with both ammunition and guns. Last September, the DHS purchased no less than 7,000 fully automatic assault rifles, labeling them “Personal Defense Weapons.”

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Re: Homeland Security Sucks Up More Ammo!

Post by kantuckyII »

Seriously! ammo 'ain't cheap...why are they buying up such huge quantities?!! Some said in the past, for practice but why hollow points? and..if they used 5.5 million rounds a month, it would take them THIRTY YEARS to exhaust what they've just purchased! that's a LOT OF A LOT OF AMMO!

I can think of some reasons that might be...

..they could be buying it up and selling it in a black market scheme

..they could be trying to drive the cost of ammo out of the range of most Americans (sounds like a stupid Gov idea)

...they could be diverted it so some other countries in a clandestine venture

..or, they could be ready for a civil war?

Either way, surely Senate will investigate this soon?!

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Re: Homeland Security Sucks Up More Ammo!

Post by Bighitsinc »

Ammo goes to help with O'Bamies Fast and Furious episode.....

What a dumb a$$ move


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Re: Homeland Security Sucks Up More Ammo!

Post by abuck76 »

Wow, fast and furious is your standby??.............wow......I bet you are a birther too............ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .............. :12224

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Re: Homeland Security Sucks Up More Ammo!

Post by Bighitsinc »

Fast and Furious is something YOUR party should take great pride in huh?????

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Re: Homeland Security Sucks Up More Ammo!

Post by Bighitsinc »

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Weapons recovered by Mexican military in Naco, Sonora, Mexico on November 20, 2009. They include weapons bought two weeks earlier by Operation Fast and Furious suspect Uriel Patino, who would buy 723 guns during the operation.[1]

The United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) ran a series of "gunwalking" sting operations[2][3] between 2006[4] and 2011.[2][5] These operations were done under the umbrella of Project Gunrunner, a project intended to stem the flow of firearms into Mexico by interdicting straw purchasers and gun traffickers within the United States.[6] "Gun walking" or "letting guns walk" was a tactic whereby the ATF "purposely allowed licensed firearms dealers to sell weapons to illegal straw buyers, hoping to track the guns to Mexican drug cartel leaders."[7]

The stated goal of allowing these purchases was to continue to track the firearms as they were transferred to higher-level traffickers and key figures in Mexican cartels, with the expectation that this would lead to their arrests and the dismantling of the cartels.[7][8][9] The tactic was questioned during the operations by a number of people, including ATF field agents and cooperating licensed gun dealers.[10][11][12][13][14] During Operation Fast and Furious, by far the largest "gunwalking" probe, the ATF monitored the sale of about 2,000[1]:203[15] firearms, of which only 710 were recovered as of February 2012.[1]:203 A number of straw purchasers have been arrested and indicted; however, as of October 2011, none of the targeted high-level cartel figures have been arrested.[7]

Guns tracked by the ATF have been found at crime scenes on both sides of the Mexico–United States border, and the scene of the death of at least one U.S. federal agent, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. The "gunwalking" operations became public in the aftermath of Terry's murder.[2] Dissenting ATF agents came forward to Congress in response.[16][17] According to Humberto Benítez Treviño, former Mexican Attorney General and chair of the justice committee in the Chamber of Deputies, related firearms have been found at numerous crime scenes in Mexico where at least 150 Mexican civilians were maimed and killed.[18] As investigations have continued, the operations have become increasingly controversial in both countries, and diplomatic relations have been damaged as a result.[2]

As a result of a dispute over the release of Justice Department documents related to the scandal, Attorney General Eric Holder became the first sitting member of the Cabinet of the United States to be held in criminal contempt of Congress on June 28, 2012.[19][20] Earlier that month, President Obama had invoked executive privilege for the first time in his presidency over the same documents.[21][22]

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Re: Homeland Security Sucks Up More Ammo!

Post by dazed&confused »

Kentucky Trojan
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Re: Homeland Security Sucks Up More Ammo!

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

Revolution...it is a comin'...

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Re: Homeland Security Sucks Up More Ammo!

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Probably has something to do with abortions, right KT?

Seems like every other topic you respond to does.

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Re: Homeland Security Sucks Up More Ammo!

Post by abuck76 »

Kentucky Trojan wrote:Revolution...it is a comin'...

And another substantive response from our friend.......Have you ever heard of the phrase one trick pony................. :12224

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Re: Homeland Security Sucks Up More Ammo!

Post by Space Cowboy »

Actually, Tuck has a legit concern here. Just why does DHS need that kind of ammo? They have no need for that kind of firepower....none...especially hollow points.
Im still suprised that nobody is even upset about the justice dept. memo that OKs the use of armed drones to be used against American civillians on U S soil.
Aint heard a peep from any of you voicing concern about the Fed. Reserve decision back in sept. to release $40 billion per month to fund mortage backed securities.

Do the dang math, it will free your minds and your a$$ will follow

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Re: Homeland Security Sucks Up More Ammo!

Post by kantuckyII »

They don't want to discuss things like this. That's a HUGE BUNCH Of ammo! Where are they getting all that money? I know when I buy a box for my 380 or 38, it is tough to take and I know I don't get that, 'buy a billion shells and get a discount price' but it would still have to be kinda expensive I'd imagine.

Pick up a box of 50 and feel how much they weigh can you imagine how much lead, brass and power there is? No wonder copper prices are so high! If you're curious, I done the math for you...10 million rounds of 40 caliber/165 will weigh...343,750 lbs!that's 172 tons of ammo in just this one order of 40 caliber shells!

Space Cowboy wrote:Actually, Tuck has a legit concern here. Just why does DHS need that kind of ammo? They have no need for that kind of firepower....none...especially hollow points.
Im still suprised that nobody is even upset about the justice dept. memo that OKs the use of armed drones to be used against American civillians on U S soil.
Aint heard a peep from any of you voicing concern about the Fed. Reserve decision back in sept. to release $40 billion per month to fund mortage backed securities.

Do the dang math, it will free your minds and your a$$ will follow

Kentucky Trojan
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Re: Homeland Security Sucks Up More Ammo!

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

They love to attack people instead of the issues.

Revolution...it is a comin'...

Abortion is murder.

The trumpets may sound soon.

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