Name/describe your biggest pet peeve

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Name/describe your biggest pet peeve

Post by robycop3 »

Mine is those ridiculous T-shirt grocery bags, which don't hold much, burst easily, spill their contents when set down, and litter the landscape without decomposing.

The New-Age-Liberals say they save trees, which must be destroyed to make paper bags, but what they DON'T tellya is it takes the destruction of plants from 17 species to make ten of those plastic T-shirts.

I say, ship the New-Age-Liberals(my biggest people peeve) to Cuba.

YOUR turn! (No personal attax on anyone, please!)

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Re: Name/describe your biggest pet peeve

Post by Tigercannon71 »

People that don't put their weights away after lifting. Its like you can lift it you can put it away.

When theres a line of cars in one lane for 2 miles I hate those people that drive on other side then want somebody to let them in line.

People that don't flush the toilet.

I could go on and on, but I wont.

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Re: Name/describe your biggest pet peeve

Post by Philos_Finest »

People being late...

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Re: Name/describe your biggest pet peeve

Post by C-Bolt »

People that don't move over to let you on 4 lane highway when your trying to get on, even when they have room,people who won't dim their brights or use turn signals or tailgate.Also people who love slowing up the passing lane.All those things drive me crazy! Deer running in front of me totaling my new truck was my most recent peeve :122246

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Re: Name/describe your biggest pet peeve

Post by moose »

He had trouble with some words but my beagle said:

"You don't walk me enough."

"Why did you have me fixed. It was a wood :shock: tick. I coulda grown out of it."

"Rover has a bigger bone."

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Re: Name/describe your biggest pet peeve


some long time ones with me are
1-people smacking their lips and or eating with their mouth open
2-can't stand a liar or a thief
3-just like someone else said, walking into a restroom where somebody has not flushed the toilet. not an outhouse people.
4-standing next to someone in a grocery line, and you was able to spend 27.00. and the people before you spent 650.00 with stamps
5-being in a church service where a baby is totally disrupting the service by crying or being obnoxious. and the parent refuses to walk the child out. I love seein babies in church. I love hearing babble and laugh. but if you see the pastor sweatin bullets, time to walk to the nursery.
and finally 6------------letting my dog's down some how.

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Re: Name/describe your biggest pet peeve


cool I just seen mooses after I put up number 6.

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Re: Name/describe your biggest pet peeve


1: Bait, I agree on your #2.
2: Nosey people.
3: People who are mean/cruel and don't take care of their pets/animals.
4: Cheaters.
5: Arrogant loud mouths
6: Red lights that last more than 2 minutes.
7: When it rains right after I trim/mow grass. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Not all in that order, but I too could go on and on. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Name/describe your biggest pet peeve

Post by grndma1 »

Mine seem really silly after reading some of these, but they still really upset me. 1. When someone messes up your order in a restaraunt or at a store and uses the old line " Sorry about that " You know they really aren't. 2. Going to get ice out of the ice tray and it only has one or two ice cubes left in the tray because no one filled it back up when they used from it. 3. People alwas being late when plans are made well in advance.

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Re: Name/describe your biggest pet peeve


Those are good ones Grandma, not silly at all. I hardly eat out or go to the store, maybe the hardware store from time to time but your #2 and #3 I'm with ya, specially #3. With me, I've had times with plans made and they don't show up as well. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Name/describe your biggest pet peeve

Post by dazed&confused »

One semi passing another at 60 mph for 5 miles! Really? Move the F**# over!

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Re: Name/describe your biggest pet peeve


Yeah, that would get under my skin quick, Dazed. :lol: :lol: :lol: :mad:

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Re: Name/describe your biggest pet peeve

Post by PTrojan59 »

1. When I have plans with someone and they cancel to do something newly planned with someone else.
2. When you're in the straight lane and the person in the turn lane decides to cut you off and go straight.
3. TV commercials (especially the car sales ones)
4. When someone walks their dog and let's them go to the bathroom in my yard and they just leave it.
5. Hypocrites

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Re: Name/describe your biggest pet peeve


portsmouth_trojan59 wrote:1. When I have plans with someone and they cancel to do something newly planned with someone else.
2. When you're in the straight lane and the person in the turn lane decides to cut you off and go straight.
3. TV commercials (especially the car sales ones)
4. When someone walks their dog and let's them go to the bathroom in my yard and they just leave it.
5. Hypocrites
Your # 1 does get under your skin. Takes a rude give a Sh*t person to do that. It's been done to me many times. What really is bad, when they don't even cancel or notify ya about their new plans but go ahead and do them, leave ya sitting. None of those episodes will be forgotten. :122248 What goes around comes around. :122248 8)
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Re: Name/describe your biggest pet peeve

Post by Vladd »

All the political ads and phone calls that I get bombarded with constantly months before an election.

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Re: Name/describe your biggest pet peeve

Post by C-Bolt »

Another that really gets under my skin,when people call you up at the last minute wanting to do something expecting you to break all your plans and people not ready when you go to pick them up.

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Re: Name/describe your biggest pet peeve


1. People breaking plans ya had made at the last minute.
2. People leaving ya sitting high and dry when your not ready but you had a valid reason but hardly you are never late getting ready and 98% of the time you are ready and waiting and pacing the floors, but left ya anyways with out checking but really wasn't in a hurry at all, just didn't want ya to go and didn't care if ya went or not. Didn't want to deal with it and used the "not ready" as an excuse to take off. Talk about no conscience/rude and getting under your skin! I would never drive off from someone without checking first, they are usually a few minutes of being ready and couldn't help it. That was my deal 3 times I can remember. Almost ready and was left. But that falls under really caring about a friend and coming out of ones center.
3. people calling ya back 3 days later after you call them, and they have caller id and know and hear ya calling.
4. people that avoid others and do things to get out of stuff instead of just saying no.
5. People who are self centered and really don't care about others but only what's good for them.
6. People that's only for themselves most of the time but they don't even notice it, but need to take a good hard look at the whole picture. But some don't know any better, it's hard for them to come out of their center.
7. People that pull fast ones but don't stop to think, the fast ones they pull on the person they are pulling it on knows it but lets it slide. But the person pulling the fast one thinks they got away with it. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll:
8. People who never ask or call to do stuff but expect you to do all the asking and calling all the time when events roll around. """But say""" I didn't hear from ya""" and go ahead and go. "That's an old classic". :lol: :lol: :lol: They could have picked up the phone just as well and called to ask. But that falls back on #4 #6 & #7. If they cared they would have called to see what's up.
9. People trying to get ya mad on purpose with little things hoping to get rid of ya for no reason at all. Then they cover their butts and go tell others you are mad at them when you don't talk to them and leave them alone. :lol: :lol: :lol:
10. Most people don't like to be bugged but some take it a little over board. I'll stop here and be bug free from now on. :roll: :lol: But with in the whole picture there's is no comparison. A person can pull some fast ones, but in reality, it comes back on them someday. ;-) :122248 8)

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Re: Name/describe your biggest pet peeve

Post by C-Bolt »

Now tell the whole world how you really feel,nice one :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll:

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Re: Name/describe your biggest pet peeve


C-Bolt wrote:Now tell the whole world how you really feel,nice one :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll:
Sure is nice, when it's the truth 90% of the time, if ya think about it. :lol: :lol: :lol: But I over look most of it anyways, it's funny sometimes. :lol: :lol: :lol: Won't hear anymore from me on this thread though. Got more, but I'm all pet peeved out.
:roll: :122248 :roll: :122248 :roll: :|

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Re: Name/describe your biggest pet peeve

Post by BubbleGumTiger »

warm beer..........

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