Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by C-Bolt »

ManitouDan wrote:Ok I'll play along . O and B made light of these " scandals" and laughed them off. Said they are distractions to the ' real problems facing America" I disagree wholeheartily . Severe partianship on both sides is exactly whats sinking the ship called the the USA. But in todays world that we actually are living in right now one political party has sicked the IRS on the opposing political party . Thats is no laughing matter to simply gloss over and make stupid comments about . Thats at the very heart of the problem. If you disagree th that I think you are stupid . or maybe ignorant is a kinder word ?
I'm just messing with ya! Don't you like a good argument once in awhile? This is my last post on here seems this topic is heading down the poopy hole anyway

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by C-Bolt »

Oh I'd be remiss if I didn't play a little look away-look away defense as my last post,where was all the outcry when this was going on? Does this mean it's alright to target liberals but not conservatives,hum, well all I know is it needs to stop on both sides,goodbye! ... _liberals/

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by ManitouDan »

Cbolt -- dont run off... anyway that link you provided is biased garbage .. the first sentence or two claims there was " NO POLITICAL MOTIVATION " from the IRS . Cmon !

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by ManitouDan »

Also the accusation from a far leftist congressman from Ca is just a tad different than the IRS admitting guilt in these matters . Had anything been proven I'd be pissed about anyone getting the IRS sicked on them.

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by dazed&confused »

I find it laughable that the extreme right is equating this to Nixon-era politics. I lived through that.....NOT EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE!

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by dazed&confused »

Also, maybe it is time for tax reform. I'm against the flat tax but give us simple, graduated rates, you pay what you owe, no exemptions for houses or kids (you want to procreate, that's your choice, not mine). And tax capital gains as income.....that's what it is. simple form at end of year; here's how much you made, here's how much you owe! Oh, one more thing, no tax-exempt status for political organizations or churches. Sorry thumpers.

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by The D »

Ah, how nice a flat rate would clear up all of the red tape and confusion, simplify the entire process, and everyone would pay their fair share..

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by C-Bolt »

ManitouDan wrote:Cbolt -- dont run off... anyway that link you provided is biased garbage .. the first sentence or two claims there was " NO POLITICAL MOTIVATION " from the IRS . Cmon !
I'll still be around md,just done on this topic :122249

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by dazed&confused »

Well, at least we have some interesting chat now!

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by courier »

The only way to fix this mess is do away with tax exempt status on everything.....There should be no exemptions, unless it is personal (mortgages, families, etc) below a certain threshold.....Every darn thing nowadays is political....

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by dazed&confused »

FIDO (Forget It Drive On) wrote:The only way to fix this mess is do away with tax exempt status on everything.....There should be no exemptions, unless it is personal (mortgages, families, etc) below a certain threshold.....Every darn thing nowadays is political....
I'd do away with tax exemptions on mortgages, too. It's a house, not an investment. If you can't afford it, you shouldn't get tax help from the government to buy it. We're still working out of that mess. Some people just need to rent.

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by Paladin »

Hold it......... the Rs were hell bent to repeal Glass-Steagal. Part of the deregulation BS they forced down everyone throats. Since the last Great Depression, we had no problems with homes or mortgages until the Rs pulled that boner. Break up the banks and put Glass-Steagal back on the books. A home is but the one item the working man has that is an INVESTMENT that pays off. Not this Las Vegas casino the Rs were running. No oversite of the industry allowed realtors to run amok , banks & mortgage companies to bundle and sell " home packages" as investments to "investors".

The current scam the Rs are running as a "scandal" will appear in history books as a joke. Much ado about nothing while real problems are blocked or ignore by the bumbling Rs.

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by ManitouDan »

IRs sicked on any citizen or group is not " much ado about nothing" but Pal is a political hack of the worst kind and we all expect no better from him.

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by courier »

Though both parties are equally to blame for the economic misery we face, it is absolutely laughable to solely blame the "CONS" for the housing collapse and the ensuing collapse of the financial institutions that directly resulted in the bailouts....FRANK/DODD, Clinton, Dirty Harry Reid and others forced lenders into accepting greater subprime loans....Lenders were forced to lower their standards in accepting loan apps......You can't hide from the truth....You can lie about it but you can't hide from it...

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by Paladin »

More info coming in that the IRS was simply reacting to being understaffed by cheapskate Rs budget funding ( just like they underfund many govt budgets and woder why things go wrong - levies break, roads need repaired , no oversite of businesses while criminal activity runs amok) that found itself swamped when the cons flooded the IRS with requests for exemptions from tea party groups and this coming from people TRYING to avoid paying taxes... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Theres the scandal ! 8) ... nment-pays

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by ManitouDan »

^^ It's Bush's fault . I thought of Old Pal when I heard this ::: The cookie-cutter liberal, the standard operating procedure liberal is really a giant ignoramus. I mean that seriously. They're really ignorant. They are so politically oriented, and they are so arrogant and condescending -- and they have such solid boundaries built around themselves -- that the truth of anything doesn't permeate. The only truth is what they believe and what they think, including all of their biases and all of their prejudices.

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