Still turkey, not saying it isn't any good, I just don't like that turkey taste, never did and I know I could taste the turkey in it no matter what kind it is or who sells it.

Conns SV: Ole SC knows they have the strongest SV taste to them is why he gets them probably, plus the chips are a softer texture. Ask him, I bet he says the same thing. Conns SV chips will make you eyes water they are so strong sometimes. I've noticed that myself, CK thinks they're too strong but I like-um but not my favorite, they are too strong at times. Ole SC's after that taste to go along with all his consumption of adult beverages.

Conns SV chips seems to have more of that SV white glaze on their chips and it gives it more stronger SV flavor. I've noticed other SV brand chips don't have much of that SV stuff on them. Eat one weak chip then one might have more on it than the other. Some are a rip off and don't hardly have any of that artificial SV glaze at all, just slipped by the glazing machine.

Conns has about the same glaze on every chip. You can see it on your fingers too if ya eat enough of them, Conns loads it on them most of the time but I have seen bags with hardly none with Conns too. All the artificial flavor ones can be mis-leading though. Ole CK likes ranch and bbq in any kind, but me I go for the more real potato taste and salt. Now, for a regular potato chip taste that has more potato taste, ya can't beat Lay's imo. Has more potato taste. Ruffles comes in second then Mike Sells. But to be truthful Muncho's has the more salty taste of all, if ya like plain salt taste. Then it's a close call with Pringles, I love those too. Those are real good with an adult beverage.