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Re: Next to go:ABC's One Ocean View

Post by RH@OU »

Misteroby wrote:ABC, in its infinite wisdom, has once again revived the stupid concept of find ing 43 people ignorant enough to allow themselves to be crammed into a 9X 12 room fulla cameras, the modern equivalent of the "Black Hole of Calcutta", for a brief moment of glory on TV. The viewers stayed away in droves. Hopefully, ABC will "get the message" & dump this trash called "One Ocean View" quickly. Given its terrible ratings in its premiere, its end should come quickly.

The only place where this stupid concept has drawn any more than miniscule viewership is "Big Brother". While it's doing all right in the ratings, it's certainly not getting any support from me!

What is the deal with Big Brother? I though that no one watched that crap and now they are having All-stars? Will it continue after this?

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Re: Next to go:ABC's One Ocean View

Post by robycop3 »

RH@OU wrote:
Misteroby wrote:ABC, in its infinite wisdom, has once again revived the stupid concept of find ing 43 people ignorant enough to allow themselves to be crammed into a 9X 12 room fulla cameras, the modern equivalent of the "Black Hole of Calcutta", for a brief moment of glory on TV. The viewers stayed away in droves. Hopefully, ABC will "get the message" & dump this trash called "One Ocean View" quickly. Given its terrible ratings in its premiere, its end should come quickly.

The only place where this stupid concept has drawn any more than miniscule viewership is "Big Brother". While it's doing all right in the ratings, it's certainly not getting any support from me!

What is the deal with Big Brother? I though that no one watched that crap and now they are having All-stars? Will it continue after this?

Unfortunately, over 7 million have been watching that crap, so CBS keeps it on the air for the summer. I'd say that if they ran it in Fall again, it'd flop. Right now, there's little other choice. Thank goodness, there's a VCR and this computer to use when it's too hot & sticky to be outside much!

Hopefully, all "Big Brother"-type shows will soon be history. I join you in HATING'em!

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Post by robycop3 »

Another prediction...Next to go will be ABC's "One Ocean View". Last episode didn't even have 3 million viewers, which is horrible for a major net.

If ya ain't seen it, ya aint missed nuffin...It's just another "Big Brother" clone, with 47 people locked into a 6' by 8' room fulla cameras and one "facility". I watched five putrid minutes of it & turned it off. Dumb & dumber. Oughtta be history before the weekend. Good riddance.

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Post by robycop3 »

Hey, I wuz right again! "One Ocean View" got the green weenie along with "Fear Factor". I wuz surprised that FF bit the dirt, but I guess the novelty of seeing people eat all kindsa non-poisonous creepy-crawlies has worn off. OOV was another pieca krap that never shoulda aired. Good riddance.

Now, if we can get ridda "The Bachelor" this fall....

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Post by robycop3 »

Good News! Two more realitrash dating shows got the axe: NBC Universal's "Blind Date" and WB's "Elimidate". Maybe, just maybe, the news has reached some prog directors in their ivory palaces that few people are interested in such codwallop, and acted accordingly. Now, if they just don't replace trash with garbage...

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Post by robycop3 »


"HOW TO GET THE GUY"...yanked with 2 episodes unaired..THANK GOODNESS! (What on earth were the ABC execs thinking, to allow such Bee Ess on the air at all? Musta been some fave son's pet project.)

"MASTERS OF CHAMPIONS"...This odd-talents competition show wasn't too bad, but a lotta others thought it was, and stayed away in droves. X'd with one episode left unaired. It was a koppie-katt of the successful "America's Got Talent", but didn't have a personality like Regis Philbin to power it.

Also, ABC has stopped the reruns of "Boston Legal" in favor of a 3rd edition of "Primetime", and starched reruns of "Lost' in favor of reruns of "George Lopez".

At least ABC didn't just abandon the network for the summer...they acted to get ridda some clinkers NOW, insteada waiting a coupla more weex for the Fall season. Now, if only they'd consider a little more before airing garbage they should know will flop.....

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Post by RH@OU »

I love ABC only airing new Lost next year. It's such a great show, and only having new episodes will increase the fan viewership.

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Post by robycop3 »

RH@OU wrote:I love ABC only airing new Lost next year. It's such a great show, and only having new episodes will increase the fan viewership.

Yeah, that type show generally doesn't do too well in reruns this close to when they were first aired. Maybe in 2 more years, its reruns mighta had a larger audience....or, had they been able to have run five episodes a week.

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Post by robycop3 »

Looks as if NBC's "Windfall" was yanked. Few, if anyone, will miss it.

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Post by Equilizer »

I loved to watch "crime story" (NBC) and "1st and 10" (HBO)

Yeah, I know but at least I didn't have to put a number after it.
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Post by robycop3 »

Took a little while, but "Windfall" is now officially history. Good riddance.

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Post by AZeBrA »

Arrested Development = Best show of all times

Fox dropped the ball with this one....

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Post by robycop3 »

Yeah, AD wasn't too bad, but not enuff people watched it...and it's a hard-n-fast fact that RATINGS RULE, & low ratings = the green weenie, no matter how good a show is.

But I agree Fox coulda done a better publicity job with AD. They mighta got more people to at least sample the show, & I believe that had they done so, it woulda been a bona-fide hit.


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Post by robycop3 »

The first official casualty of the new TV season was SMITH, from CBS, a show about a team of professional thieves. Not an awful show, but I believe people are tireda crooks being portrayed as good guys.

Fox has placed its comedy HAPPY HOUR "on hiatus", which in Fox-ese means "it's dead".

Some other shows which will most likely bite the dust:

HELP ME HELP un-funny Ted Danson "comedy"(ABC)

MEN IN TREES...another unfunny "comedy" with Anne Heche(ABC)

SIX DEGREES...A drama about six strangers who find themselves slowly drawn together by some mysterious "fate".(ABC)

STUDIO 60 ON THE SUNSET STRIP...A fictional look behind the scene of a fictional TV comedy, perhaps NBC's most-hyped new show of the season...its ratings are going South fast!

...its title is self-explanatory. NBC has told its staff to close down production, but they're gonna burn off 13 episodes in some TV purgatory such as Saturday evening.

'TIL DEATH...a "comedy" that's not only unfunny; it's downright STUPID. (Fox)

I believe these will be among the next casualties of this TV season. Unfortunately, "Friday Night Lights" is about to join that list, and if tonight's episode doesn't have the ratings, it'll join the above on the endangered species list.


I would liketa see "The Bachelor" on that list, but, unfortunately, they'll burn it off no matter how low its ratings go.

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Post by robycop3 »

Latest on the official "canceled' list:

BLADE(Spike TV)... A show based upon the movie of that name, about a futuristic vampire hunter. Those who would be interested in such a show had seen the movie, & compared to the movie, the show was just too watered-down to retain a viewership.

THREE MOONS OVER MILFORD(ABC Family)...a drama about the moon's being shattered into three large pieces by a comet, with earth being in danger of being struck by one of them. Not a sci-fi, but a bland story of a family trying to cope with what may be their last days. Good premise, but the story was painfully dull, and the viewership quickly jumped ship.

RUNAWAY(CW)...One of only two new shows tried by the CW this season....about a man and his family on the run when he's accused of a crime he didn't commit. This genre of show was burned out by "The Fugitive", and none of the wannabees have succeeded. But leave it up to the CW to try to defy convention and TV viewers again, with something that's sure to fail.

At the current rate, I don't give the CW much chance of lasting past one more season unless they do a radical "About-Face". They dump a fairly-good show with reasonable ratings(Everwood) and keep a very ratings-challenged show (Veronica Mars) which had already been given a fair chance to develop an audience, and never did. If I start a new network, please remind me not to hire Dawn Ostroff as my prog director.

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Post by bigmont5 »

What happened to King of Queens?

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Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

I think it sucks that they cancelled Invasion. I really liked this show and figured it would do good since it was on right after Lost. I figured that since The Nine took it's time slot this fall that it was probably gone, but I didn't know for sure until I read Misterobys post above.

I figured Smith would go fast. That showed was horrible.

I also don't think The Class will make it very long either. It's not bad, but it's not that great either.

Another show I see biting the dust soon is the new one with Tina Fey. Not funny at all.

I also think that Fox is overhyping Dirt with Courtney Cox way to much, so I figure it will be a flop as well.

As long as they keep Lost, The Unit, NCIS, and the original CSI around then I'll be happy.

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Post by robycop3 »

I think King of Queens is on temporary hiatus, prolly waiting to replace some new show that'll be canceled.

Long as I can get three ESPNs, I'll be happy!

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Post by robycop3 »

Apparently, ABC axed Less Than Perfect back in June, but didn't tell anybody.

The axe is being sharpened for the November massacre which happens every year as the nets dump their failures & attempt to stop the bleeding with reruns, or so-so shows that may draw a larger viewership than the shows they just dumped.

Looks as if mosta the reality-dating-relationship dung is moving to the groddy little network-ettes and away from mainstream TV. I say, "Good Riddance!"

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Post by robycop3 »

Fox has given the green weenie to "Happy Hour" & "The Rich List". I believe 'Rich List' only aired one episode.

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