Glad you all had a good time! Some day I promise to meet you all! FIDO maybe your next trip home we can meet up

gahs4ever wrote:BIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEST American flag I ever saw!!!!!!!
OZZIEOHIO wrote:Just goes to show what a hard job TTT has dealing with you all. LOL!!! We try to have a get together with out him, and get thown out. You all should respect the Grand Poo Bah a little more now.
gahs4ever wrote:The Mayor was at Ponderosa yesterday, and I had an occasion to chat with him as we dined.
Tell Randy, Steve says hi when you see him!
gahs4ever wrote:Here is a copy of the letter I just sent to the Ponderosa headquarters at the e-mail address provided by O&B365:I still dont know what happened or why. We were there for about 2 1/2 hours meeting with a friend who was in from Iraq and having a great time. I even filled out a form provided by the waitress commenting on the great service and giving her three smilies across the board. It wasnt until we were leaving that I became aware there was a problem and even then I thought it was good natured kidding. The waitress was offended at something one of the people in our party had alledgedly said, and I attempted to smooth things over by telling her he is a great guy and didnt mean anything by it. At this point the cashier left her post (even though there was a line of people waiting to pay and be served) and she came up to us and TOLD us to leave. Not only that but she didnt want us to leave by the exit, but made a scene out of parading us past everyone in the restaurant and making us exit up the ramp where the line was of people trying to pay to get served. She personally walked us to the door and waited for us to leave without even so much as an explanation. I have no idea why she got involved, but it was at this point, as I saw her red face that I knew something was wrong. I dont see how we couold have been there for as long as we were, and been served refills and had our plates cleared off as many times as the waitress did that any problem was never mentioned until we attempted to leave. Something is not right here. It was mentioned by the waitress that one in our party had entered and sat down and ate without paying, but he had never ate there before and wasnt aware that you paid in advance. In fact, I know for a fact that he had money in hand to pay as we were trying to leave and he did pay, even though the cashier was rude to the point where I think she should have been fired on the spot. I dont live in Jackson, but it is a short half hour drive from where I live and I eat there as often as I am in Jackson. The buffet is usually excellent, but with the recent additions of Bennigans and Dakotas in Jackson combined with the terrible way we were treated at Ponderosa, I wont be back! I am still mystifyed as to if there was such a serious problem why it never was even hinted until we were leaving 2 1/2 hours after we arrived and after many conversations with the servers. Go figure! Ive never been asked to leave an establishment in my life and my embarrassment is only exceeded by my anger, to the point I am considering reporting this to the better business bureau in Jackson along with a strongly worded letter to the Jackson new media.
FIDO (Forget It Drive On) wrote:grndma1 wrote:I guess I can honestly say that I WAS the only innocent one. I left before it happened. After reading everyone's stories, no one seemed to be involved or even realized they were being kicked out. Someone must have done something or maybe it was all the laughter drowning out the Rotary meeting. With the Sheriff and police chief both there, I'm surprised they didn't have them escort you out. And I agree about the food. The last two times I have been there it didn't seem as good as it usually is.
I couldn't tell by the portions on the plates and the number of trips a few of them made to the food bar.![]()
Some seemed to really enjoy their lunch.
It was a very good time! Gahs4ever and BOO had me rolling. Choking on iced tea wasn't a very pleasant experience.![]()
I couldn't believe how they all picked on YTB. I must admit your shirt reminded me of a star filled night in the desert!YTB also had me laughing. You said something about having someone but I can't remember the exact words.