High-stepping for higher test scores
London middle schoolers march and chant to rev up for state exams
Thursday, April 24, 2008 3:34 AM
By Holly Zachariah
TOM DODGEDispatch photos

Stormi Hill, right, serves as an impromptu drill sergeant as students circle the school. The 12-year-old and a friend made up a military-style chant to keep their fellow students motivated and entertained as they marched.
Teachers hoped the round-the-school stimulation would carry over and help students concentrate on the Ohio Achievement Tests, which the students began taking immediately after the march.
LONDON, Ohio -- Even at the age of 12, Stormi Hill makes a heck of a drill sergeant.
She led a chant to keep her classmates in step yesterday as they marched around the London Middle School campus.
I don't know but I've been told, our math teacher is mighty old. Been teaching math since '72; I wasn't born, and neither were you.
And Stormi barked out orders whenever someone broke the cadence or stepped out of line.
I can't hear you! Come on! Step, step! March, march!
It could have been her commands or maybe it was simply the idea that the seventh- and eighth-grade students got to poke fun at their teacher. Either way, the 315 or so kids seemed to enjoy the 20 minutes of parading around the block.
It wasn't just for fun. Seventh-grade math teacher Bev Miller, the subject of the chant, learned at a seminar this month that marching engages both sides of the brain.
The theory is that the stimulation would carry over and help students concentrate on the Ohio Achievement Tests, which they began to take right after the march.
Maybe it helped. Maybe not. But Stormi was among those who believed it made a difference.
"It got us going, got us moving, kept us motivated and awake," she said. "It's better than just sitting down first thing with a pencil."
About 810,000 students in grades three through eight will take the Ohio Achievement Tests between now and May 9. Teachers love to find creative ways to motivate them.
On Monday, the kids were less than enthusiastic about the march, so Miller asked a couple of students to make up a chant to increase the fun.
Stormi and her friend, Corie Campbell, composed the little ditty on their way home from a softball game Tuesday night.
Miller was a good sport about it; even chanted it herself. Through a bullhorn, no less.
"I tried to get them to substitute old with pretty," she said. "But I guess they couldn't come up with anything that rhymed."