Millionaires running the country.

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Re: Millionaires running the country.

Post by caglewis »

orange-n-brown 365 wrote:
FIDO (Forget It Drive On) wrote:I don't think for one minute these guys "care" for us common folk. I think it is great for those who busted their rears and are now self-made millionaires. My problem is with those who obtained the status from "old money" and have never experienced the everyday problems most of us face. But yet, they want to tell us they know how tough it is. :roll: :roll: If you have never experienced hunger, juggling bills, etc..., how in the world can you possibly know the pain.

yep they all need to walk in the common mans shoes for just one week! :122246

Barack Obama was raised by a single mother and his grandparents. He has stated that after he and his wife married, their combined college student loan debt was greater than their mortgage for over a decade. He became a millionaire by writing 2 best-selling books. Sounds pretty "self-made" to me.

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Re: Millionaires running the country.

Post by someoverkill »

Newark catholic: You were giving what Bush did for our country. I'll take it. You will too, 4 years from now. LOL

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Re: Millionaires running the country.

Post by ghostwriter »

FIDO (Forget It Drive On) wrote:I don't think for one minute these guys "care" for us common folk. I think it is great for those who busted their rears and are now self-made millionaires. My problem is with those who obtained the status from "old money" and have never experienced the everyday problems most of us face. But yet, they want to tell us they know how tough it is. :roll: :roll: If you have never experienced hunger, juggling bills, etc..., how in the world can you possibly know the pain.

FIDO, I agree completely....I do believe the big-wigs have seen how the average American....Can now go to the high class places they once ruled....Now, we are going to see prices go up so high....they will have their playgrounds restored to them....

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Re: Millionaires running the country.

Post by abuck76 »

we've had a Plutocracy for a long time... as for the picture, there are pictures of both Clintons and W.... so, grow up... cage is right... Obama is a self made man... Unfortunately it takes wealth to run for high office..... W. or McCain are not self made men.... Family money and mistress money, never been poor..... Obama knows what its like to be poor..... :12224

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Re: Millionaires running the country.

Post by abuck76 »

GAHS, the problem is most of the wealthy got their money not from hard work, but being born to the right RICH parents..... :12224

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Re: Millionaires running the country.

Post by Bigboy52 »

I just heard that there are 1 million homeless CHILDREN in this "great" country of ours. This country, that sends billions of dollars to other countries to help their unfortunate. This country, that wastes billions of dollars on projects like "the bridge to nowhere". This country that is supposed to be the greatest of all times. I think it's a shame that our government (who takes a large part of our income to use for OUR country) lets this happen.

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Re: Millionaires running the country.

Post by Antony »

What's worse is the offspring of Millionaires

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Re: Millionaires running the country.

Post by abuck76 »

As you say gahs, don't paint with a broad brush... not all poor people are lazy... there are some that will never get a break in life... and this does owe its people everything... thats why this great country is great because we do take care of the less fortunate... The Statue of Liberty does not say, Good Luck to all, Hope You Make It!..... :12224

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Re: Millionaires running the country.

Post by Tigercannon71 »

A couple of points here the President makes $400,000 a year.

Also their has been a lot of buisness failures that turn out great, so just because someone fails it doesnt make then a failure unless they learn from their mistakes. For example Grant failed at everything he did till he became a General and then he was able to succeed. Thomas Edison failed like 5,000 times while trying to make a light bulb till he finally figured it out.

As for a common man politician I can think of two modern day ones. One is a wrestler and one is a 7 time Mr. Olympia.

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Re: Millionaires running the country.

Post by abuck76 »

add w to that failure in business turned out well........ :12224

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Re: Millionaires running the country.

Post by Tigercannon71 »

abuck76 wrote:add w to that failure in business turned out well........ :12224

Its to early to judge it takes about 50 years for history to judge a President. I think histroy will show he did a good job.

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Re: Millionaires running the country.

Post by mikepike »

To whomever wants to respond to this...

You are elected to the Presidency today. What would you do during the next 4 to 8 years as you run the country? Keep in mind that you have Congress to deal with, as well as the ACLU, the EPA, the NEA, the AFL/CIO, all of the assorted lobbyists and influence peddlers, Jesse and Al, Hamas, the PLO, China, Russia, and whoever else you want to list.

I find myself criticizing the efforts of others without really asking myself what I would do if given the chance. Instead of bashing the opinions of others, let's share ideas, then discuss them. Rationally.

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Re: Millionaires running the country.

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

gahs4ever wrote:
I have a balanced check book every month and my husband was a coach and now sits in the stands sign us up we also run a business he's been in politics but we are not millionaires all it takes is a little business sense and know how to rob peter to pay paul to run things

1. Congratulations for being a responsible citizen, and a contributor to your family and community. There are way too many who are not as you are.

2. I believe it takes more than "a little business sense" to run the Federal government. The men and women who are elected to high office are put there by the electorate because they have more than "a little business sense," or at least they try to convince us they do.

3. "Borrowing from Peter to pay Paul" is a basic premise of the Federal budget and has been for as long as I can remember. If we want it and dont have the money for it, we spend anyway and if necessary raise taxes. It has long been acknowledged that if individuals ran their households the way the government runs theirs that the entire country would be bankrupt.

4. The notion that the wealthy should be taxed even more than they already are simply because they have the ability to pay is the most ridiculous thing Ive ever heard. Penalizing the wealthy for their initiative, risk taking, personal investment, and being successful at it is not a crime. The answer is NOT higher taxes. The answer is living within a balanced budget given the obscene amounts of money at their disposal, and NEITHER PARTY has demonstrated the willingness nor the ability to do that in the past.

now you know I was just having fun with you didn't you? :122249 we have done all that but to run this country its too late we need another FDR but those fellows are long gone... we just have the bought and paid for running this country these days :twisted:

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Re: Millionaires running the country.

Post by Eagle82 »

Baby Duck wrote:I say if you are complaining right now about the gas prices and the economy and you voted for Busch, I don't want to hear it. :lol:

No complaining here, I am a conservative. :aaaaa59

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