Glad we have a telephone!!!

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Glad we have a telephone!!!

Post by basketballparent »

My mother and I were talking last night on the phone. She only lives 15 minutes away but with the gas prices we said we would have to do our visiting on the phone and limit our personal visits. This is sad, when we can't go visit our families or friends due to watching how much we are putting in the gas tank. Anyone else limiting personal visits or business you may have to take care of? I'm thinking of telling my son he has to ride the bus to and from school because of gas prices. He's not going to like that a bit!!!!

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Re: Glad we have a telephone!!!

Post by Philly »

Oh yea, My Mother lives in Pike County, and I live in Scioto. I use to go to her house most Sundays, but now go maybe once every 2 months. We call each other a couple times a week. You have to save every way you can. The price of gas is crazy. I know that there are people out there who don't care what the gas prices are, but they just pay for it anyway, and continue drving excessively. The one thing I will spurge on, is gas to go to my Granddaughters softball games. I try to work in grocery shopping and other things along with the games.

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Re: Glad we have a telephone!!!

Post by abuck76 »

Me too philly.... my grandkids live in columbus... we go every other weekend... I'm beginning to think it would be cheaper to retire and move to columbus ..... :12224

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Re: Glad we have a telephone!!!

Post by Orkan »

There you go Abuck. I've heard there's a magazine stand for sale at one of the beaches at Alum Creek.

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Re: Glad we have a telephone!!!

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

talk to my mom and dad daily and they usually stop at our house on Sat. to visit!! :122245

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Re: Glad we have a telephone!!!

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

I wish I could do that gahs4ever but we have at least 3 to 4 doctors appointments a week out of town at that..

here's Sat. Schedule my youngest son has therapy at 9 my youngest daughter has eye exam at 9:30 we kill time after the eye exam pick my son up at 12 and then he has an eye exam at 1:00 all in Athens but that is a typical appointment day I do try to schedule as many things as possible in one area if I can :-D

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Re: Glad we have a telephone!!!

Post by Philly »

My granddaughters softball goes on until the middle of June! Hopefully I won't run out of money before then!!! :122246 :122245 :122248

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Re: Glad we have a telephone!!!

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

gahs4ever wrote:I am in the process of scheduling all my Dr appts on the VA campus in Chillicothe the same day. If they cant accomodate me, I just cancel them. I can phone in my Rx and they mail them to me and save the office bill and the gas.

we are thinking alike :122245

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Re: Glad we have a telephone!!!

Post by mvlnewlex »

It is isnt pleasant. but it is what it is. it hasnt stopped me as much as I thought it would if gas got this high.

of course I dont have to travel a long distance every day. I know people who drive to Columbus to work every morning. OUCH.
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Re: Glad we have a telephone!!!

Post by mvlnewlex »

yes, sir.

not looking foward to it.

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Re: Glad we have a telephone!!!

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

gahs4ever wrote:I live in no-man's land in Rio Grande. Its about 40 mi roundtrip to either Jackson or Gallipolis. In the past if I wanted to get out of the house or wanted something in town I just went without thinking.

Last night I needed a cube of pop and at first I thought about WalMart, but then realized it would take about 2 gal of gas ($8) to make the trip to save a whole $1 on the cube, so I went down the street and paid a dollar more at the convenient store.

It's come to that for me.

When the Dollar General store opens up in Rio, I may not go back to Jackson or Gallipolis until the fall. I am bound and determined not to give the oil barons one dollar more a month than before they decided to rape the American public at the pumps without a conscience.

don't blame you one bit I have a friend who spends almost $200 a week driving back in forth to columbus to work :122246
my hubby spends between the truck and equipment over $4000.00
last month they spent more than $17000.00 in fuel

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Re: Glad we have a telephone!!!

Post by Philly »

We have cut down how much we drive by 75%. We won't be going on vacation this year, we are putting up a pool. One of the Hotels we used once down in Myrtle beach is running a special. You show them your Gas receipts, and they take 15.00 a day off your stay! We still are staying home.

One thing we really want to use gas for is mowing the yard, but it has rain so much that our grass can be bailed for hay!!! :122246 :122245 :122246

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Re: Glad we have a telephone!!!

Post by biggdowgg »

Im going to buy a goat for my grass.

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Re: Glad we have a telephone!!!

Post by Philly »

^^^ That was what I told mu Hubby today!^^^

A couple of Goats would help alot!!

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Re: Glad we have a telephone!!!


Using the phone and e-mail is how I get/keep in touch with most of my friends.

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