Woman, 77, Attacked By Pit Bulls should we outlaw them?
- orange-n-brown 365
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Woman, 77, Attacked By Pit Bulls should we outlaw them?
Should you not be allowed to own these dogs? Someone told me they had heard the state of Ohio may ban people from owning them.. You know you hear more about them attacking people over other breds..
Woman, 77, Attacked By Pit Bulls
Monday, May 26, 2008 9:42 AM
COLUMBUS, Ohio — The owner of three pit bulls could face charges for not having his dog locked up after a woman was bitten by one of the dogs Sunday afternoon.
The woman was gardening when the animals jumped the fence and attacked her, 10TV's Brittany Westbrook reported.
One of the dogs bit her in the leg. Animal control officers took the dogs away.
"I don't really care what happens to me or the dogs, (but) I'm responsible," said James Halbirt, the dogs' owner. "I'm just concerned with (the woman). I want to make sure she's OK. She's a great person."
Halbirt said that the dogs are all animals that he rescued. The woman was in good condition on Monday morning.
Woman, 77, Attacked By Pit Bulls
Monday, May 26, 2008 9:42 AM
COLUMBUS, Ohio — The owner of three pit bulls could face charges for not having his dog locked up after a woman was bitten by one of the dogs Sunday afternoon.
The woman was gardening when the animals jumped the fence and attacked her, 10TV's Brittany Westbrook reported.
One of the dogs bit her in the leg. Animal control officers took the dogs away.
"I don't really care what happens to me or the dogs, (but) I'm responsible," said James Halbirt, the dogs' owner. "I'm just concerned with (the woman). I want to make sure she's OK. She's a great person."
Halbirt said that the dogs are all animals that he rescued. The woman was in good condition on Monday morning.
Re: Woman, 77, Attacked By Pit Bulls should we outlaw them?
They're illegal to have in city limits of So.Point..................... 

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Re: Woman, 77, Attacked By Pit Bulls should we outlaw them?
honestly, I dont just think that it is just all on the dogs....I think the owner has something to do with how they attack people also. Now I am not saying that the owner puts the dog up to attack the person, but it is all on how they treat the dog. If the owner treats the dog bad and what not they are more likely to be mean towards people, no matter the bread of the dog. Don't just take it out on the dog and put it down but put some punishment on the owner also.
- ballparent
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Re: Woman, 77, Attacked By Pit Bulls should we outlaw them?
I think their ownership needs to be resticted especially in city limits. I also don't understand why people keep or allow any dog with any history or genetic background of aggresive tendacies in households with small children.
- All Conference
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Re: Woman, 77, Attacked By Pit Bulls should we outlaw them?
I don't care what anyone says but a dog is like a human, it acts like it was raised. If it was raised to be mean, it will be mean, if it was raised to be a good dog, it will be a good dog.
- kantuckyII
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Re: Woman, 77, Attacked By Pit Bulls should we outlaw them?
I don't know..my mother is closing in on that 77 mark..well, actually, she has a few to go but not that many so I'm not for outlawing them myself.
On the flipside..my nephew was attacked just this Sunday by what he said looked like a pit bull mix. It rolled out of no where he said and attacked him. He done a dumb thing and took off running too..(no one can outrun a dog!) and it closed quickly and knocked him down and took a hunk out of his buttocks and his calf. They had to take him to the ER and he got quite a few stitches..
That's the second nephew I've had attacked by a dog. My other one had his cheek torn off and you could see his molars from the outside of his face as it was hanging down. He was young and while it left a pretty good scar, it faded as he aged but there's no missing it either though
Now, you might wanta discuss getting rid of pitbulls too? I look at it this way..no matter what breed you ban, those people who have aggressive dogs and won't be responsible will just find another breed to replace them with. Whether it's Rott's or Dobermans or Fila Brasileiro or Dogo Argentina or a Caucasian, it makes them feel tough I guess. I'm not talking about the legitimate dog lover who simply wants one of these breeds because it appreciates the qualities in the breed and who are responsible owners.
A couple of those breeds I mentioned for SURE should NOT be in the hands of a irresponsible person! it would be like giving a loaded gun to a 5 year old to play with.
Hey, I LOVE dogs, they just need responsible owners
On the flipside..my nephew was attacked just this Sunday by what he said looked like a pit bull mix. It rolled out of no where he said and attacked him. He done a dumb thing and took off running too..(no one can outrun a dog!) and it closed quickly and knocked him down and took a hunk out of his buttocks and his calf. They had to take him to the ER and he got quite a few stitches..
That's the second nephew I've had attacked by a dog. My other one had his cheek torn off and you could see his molars from the outside of his face as it was hanging down. He was young and while it left a pretty good scar, it faded as he aged but there's no missing it either though
Now, you might wanta discuss getting rid of pitbulls too? I look at it this way..no matter what breed you ban, those people who have aggressive dogs and won't be responsible will just find another breed to replace them with. Whether it's Rott's or Dobermans or Fila Brasileiro or Dogo Argentina or a Caucasian, it makes them feel tough I guess. I'm not talking about the legitimate dog lover who simply wants one of these breeds because it appreciates the qualities in the breed and who are responsible owners.
A couple of those breeds I mentioned for SURE should NOT be in the hands of a irresponsible person! it would be like giving a loaded gun to a 5 year old to play with.
Hey, I LOVE dogs, they just need responsible owners
- orange-n-brown 365
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Re: Woman, 77, Attacked By Pit Bulls should we outlaw them?
gahs4ever wrote:You want to outlaw 77 year old women???????

actually if the dog any dog that is poses to hurt someone or another dog the dog that poses the threat should be taken care of.. I hate to see dogs put down but if they are a danger than so be it.. and the owner should be prosecuted for having a dangerous animal just an idea..I don't know a real solution for it..
kantucky its kind of like the deal guns don't kill people its people that kill people so what do you do???
- kantuckyII
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Re: Woman, 77, Attacked By Pit Bulls should we outlaw them?
Orange-n-brown, here in Flatwoods a couple years ago the City Council, after a guy was attacked by a Rottweiler and was almost killed put their heads together and banned, Pitt Bulls, Dobermans and Rottweilers. The next CC Meeting, you couldn't hardly find a seat as the place was packed with protesters and I was one of them. I thought that this ban was kinda silly as there are many of these dogs that are pretty gentle for the most part. It is how they are raised AND the disposition of their parents, in other words, good breeding. This ban left out so many of the other breeds that would pose far more of problem..the Fila and the Caucasian.
Consider the Fila:

Or the Caucasian:

Sounds great to have a dog that will so fiercely protect one's family and home..as long as you have a responsible owner. As I sat at that meeting and listened to the different comments being made I kept thinking..my Goodness! many of these people have NO business owning any dog let alone a Pit Bull, or a Rott or Doberman! they're scary and heaven help us if they get breeds like I just mentioned! They don't socialize and didn't seem to understand their responsibility of dog ownership. For instance, the Rott attack I mentioned? This dog was known by city workers to be vicious. They refused to get near the fence unless the owner put it in the house so they could read the meter. The day this dog nailed the man, their 11 year old daughter was out on the street with it on a leash. The dog spied the man..and for no reason started running towards him dragging the girl onto her belly. The leash was ripped out of her hand and the dog ran across 3 lanes of traffic...and nailed the guy from behind. It then started mauling him. The owner of the dog heard the girl scream and came running out and got the dog off him pronto. I'm sure had it taken him another 30 seconds..that dog would have killed that man. Owning that dog, who probably never had any socialization and was so vicious, allowing that dog to be on a leash outside the fence by a child who was no way strong enough to hold that dog, showed a total lack of responsibility. They should be barred from ever owning a dog.
ps..I hate pit bulls myself
Consider the Fila:

It needs a dominant owner who understands the alpha pack instinct. Proper socialization and understanding of the breeds instincts are the key to successful ownership of a Fila. Usually around 4 months of age you will see that your pup does not want the attention of strangers as much as he did when he was younger. That is your cue that socializing is over. No more puppy classes, no more letting people just walk in your home and no more going to Petsmart. Of course all pups mature differently so you cannot set a date as to when this will happen. And no you do not force your Fila pup to accept people once he is coming into his temperament. That will only get you a confused and unstable Fila. You own a Fila because they are a protective breed and that is what you are going to get no matter how much socializing you do.
Of all breeds, Fila Brasileiros have the most extreme aversion to strangers. They need extensive exposure to friendly people so they learn to recognize the normal behaviors of "good guys." Then they can recognize the difference when someone acts abnormally. Without extensive socialization, they may be suspicious of everyone, and in such a powerful and determined dog, this can be dangerous. Some Filas go in the opposite direction -- without enough socialization, they become fearful of strangers, which can lead to defensive biting.
Or the Caucasian:

The typical Caucasian Ovtcharka is assertive, strong-willed, and courageous. Unless properly socialized and trained, the Caucasian Ovtcharka may exhibit ferocious and unmanageable tendencies. It is very brave, alert, strong and hardy. It distrusts people it does not know and it has a powerful urge to defend. Everything and everyone who belongs to the family, including children, cats, other dogs, etc, will be regarded by this dog as part of "its" family and will be respected and protected. This dog should not be left alone with children, because if play becomes too rough, the Caucasian Ovtcharka my feel the need to protect your child, and may do it extensively. It has no time for strangers, but it will greet family friends warmly. It can be rather dominate towards other dogs it does not know. Some German fanciers employ the dogs as foremost guardians and deterrents. This is not a dog for everyone. It requires an owner who knows how to display strong leadership and who is willing to spend a lot of time socializing and training.
Sounds great to have a dog that will so fiercely protect one's family and home..as long as you have a responsible owner. As I sat at that meeting and listened to the different comments being made I kept thinking..my Goodness! many of these people have NO business owning any dog let alone a Pit Bull, or a Rott or Doberman! they're scary and heaven help us if they get breeds like I just mentioned! They don't socialize and didn't seem to understand their responsibility of dog ownership. For instance, the Rott attack I mentioned? This dog was known by city workers to be vicious. They refused to get near the fence unless the owner put it in the house so they could read the meter. The day this dog nailed the man, their 11 year old daughter was out on the street with it on a leash. The dog spied the man..and for no reason started running towards him dragging the girl onto her belly. The leash was ripped out of her hand and the dog ran across 3 lanes of traffic...and nailed the guy from behind. It then started mauling him. The owner of the dog heard the girl scream and came running out and got the dog off him pronto. I'm sure had it taken him another 30 seconds..that dog would have killed that man. Owning that dog, who probably never had any socialization and was so vicious, allowing that dog to be on a leash outside the fence by a child who was no way strong enough to hold that dog, showed a total lack of responsibility. They should be barred from ever owning a dog.
ps..I hate pit bulls myself

Re: Woman, 77, Attacked By Pit Bulls should we outlaw them?
I have a pit bull and she's very friendly.
It's kind of silly to ban ownership of a dog.
It's kind of silly to ban ownership of a dog.
- orange-n-brown 365
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Re: Woman, 77, Attacked By Pit Bulls should we outlaw them?
my labbie is gentle as a kitten but I think if he thought I was in danger he would protect me.. he about breaks his neck when someone goes up the driveway in front of our house! he thinks he is protecting me.. of course the paperman has him figured out he tosses a bone and therefore he is his best friend
that is why I posted this I wanted to see how people felt about that.. don't you have to have a special insurance now if you have a rottie or doberman or pitbull? I thought someone told me that.. not sure...
we had a german sherpard once that my hubbie before he was my hubbie was scared to death of he was parking his truck at my parents at night for my dad to keep an eye on so no one would steal his chainsaws and stuff and him and the workers were scared of him and he acted big and tough but in reality he was as gentle as a kitten
just thought it was an interesting topic.. I personally don't like them but if you raise them right I am sure they are just as good as our dogs

that is why I posted this I wanted to see how people felt about that.. don't you have to have a special insurance now if you have a rottie or doberman or pitbull? I thought someone told me that.. not sure...
we had a german sherpard once that my hubbie before he was my hubbie was scared to death of he was parking his truck at my parents at night for my dad to keep an eye on so no one would steal his chainsaws and stuff and him and the workers were scared of him and he acted big and tough but in reality he was as gentle as a kitten
just thought it was an interesting topic.. I personally don't like them but if you raise them right I am sure they are just as good as our dogs

- orange-n-brown 365
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Re: Woman, 77, Attacked By Pit Bulls should we outlaw them?
I received this e-mail from my cousin in which my other cousin owns a gentle pit bull so this is going around I guess for people to sign:
Hi, I just signed the petition "HB 568 Ohio Pit Bull Ban". I'm asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 2,000 signatures. I care deeply about this cause, and I hope you will support our efforts.
----- ThePetitionSite.com provides tools and empowers individuals to make a difference and effect positive change through online activism. Get connected with the causes you care about, take action to make the world a better place, and start your own petition at http://www.ThePetitionSite.com!
ThePetitionSite.com is powered by Care2, the largest and most trusted information and action site for people who care to make a difference in their lives and the world. http://www.care2.com
Hi, I just signed the petition "HB 568 Ohio Pit Bull Ban". I'm asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 2,000 signatures. I care deeply about this cause, and I hope you will support our efforts.
----- ThePetitionSite.com provides tools and empowers individuals to make a difference and effect positive change through online activism. Get connected with the causes you care about, take action to make the world a better place, and start your own petition at http://www.ThePetitionSite.com!
ThePetitionSite.com is powered by Care2, the largest and most trusted information and action site for people who care to make a difference in their lives and the world. http://www.care2.com
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Re: Woman, 77, Attacked By Pit Bulls should we outlaw them?
kantuckyII wrote: He done a dumb thing and took off running too..(no one can outrun a dog!) and it closed quickly and knocked him down and took a hunk out of his buttocks and his calf.
Maybe he could have outrun the dog if he hadn't had his calf with him.
- kantuckyII
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- Brutus8907
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Re: Woman, 77, Attacked By Pit Bulls should we outlaw them?
pit bulls are more agressive by nature but proper up bringing can turn them into very friendly dogs. i know somebody that had two and they were both very friendly dogs.
maybe instead of suggesting the outlawing of dogs, suggest something we can do to prevent raising these dogs the wrong way. plus, what happens to all these dogs if they're outlawed? they'll be either killed or just let loose on the streets where they're bound to get killed.
maybe instead of suggesting the outlawing of dogs, suggest something we can do to prevent raising these dogs the wrong way. plus, what happens to all these dogs if they're outlawed? they'll be either killed or just let loose on the streets where they're bound to get killed.
- S
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Re: Woman, 77, Attacked By Pit Bulls should we outlaw them?
I think they should do them just like coyotes and have a 24/7/365 season on them with no bag limit