Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.
- Der_Kommissar1968
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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.
That being the case then, you believe that slanderers and gossipers ought to be put to death? That what Romans Ch. 1 mandates, isn't it?
- S
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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.
I believe everything from Genesis to the maps
It's all about who you choose to follow and where you choose to spend eternity and there is no in between.

- godsgeneral
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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.
(from a Christian perspective) We have ALL sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). That includes all of us. In other words, on our own, or by our own deeds, none of us deserve the life or especially eternal life that God offers. Without grace, we can all kiss our rears goodbye.
My suggestion is that we love the "sinner" in spite of the "sin" we hate.
My suggestion is that we love the "sinner" in spite of the "sin" we hate.
- S
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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.
My suggestion is that we love the "sinner" in spite of the "sin" we hate.
Good point...sin is the real issue and needs to be dealt with.
- kantuckyII
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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.
Funny thing...
As I've mentioned on here before, I have our 4 and 5 year old Jr. Church class at my church. This past Sunday my lesson was about the man who owed the king a lot of money and was about to be sold along with his family to pay the debt but...because the King had compassion on him. The King gave him more time but this same man went right out and ran into a man who owed him a wee bit of money, demanding that the man pay him. The man couldn't so he had thim tossed into jail.
Of course...the parable teaches us because..God is willing to forgive us for so much, we should forgive others.
I'm trying to explain to them just what it is that God is willing to forgive us for...if you say sin, you have to provide an example. So...what's a safe one that you know we have all done? lied, right?
First, you have to know, it's rare for any 4 or 5 year old to use sarcasm, they just do not understand it and are incapable of doing so. Here's how that conversation went
Me: how many of us have lied before? (10 kids tossed up their hands..2 way!)
Me: now come on, haven't you ever told a lie before?
Braxton (1 of the 2) Nope, not me John! I don't tell lies...
(class now starts looking at each other..pretty soon, a few wags of the head that signifies they are all backing out of their first admission)
Me: now guys, we've all told lies
Zoey: have you told a lie before John?
(before I can answer)
Trent: have you told lies John?
Me: (now, I'm really under some pressure here) well yeah, of course I have, we all.... (cut off)
Class: People shouldn't tell lies John
Braxton: John?......why do you lie? don't you know you're not supposed to tell lies?
Class: yeah John! you shouldn't tell lies!
Me: we've all told lies guys
Braxton: no, not me John, you shouldn't lie John!
Morgan: you shouldn't lie John!
Class: yeah's not right to lie!
We move on at that point..
As I've mentioned on here before, I have our 4 and 5 year old Jr. Church class at my church. This past Sunday my lesson was about the man who owed the king a lot of money and was about to be sold along with his family to pay the debt but...because the King had compassion on him. The King gave him more time but this same man went right out and ran into a man who owed him a wee bit of money, demanding that the man pay him. The man couldn't so he had thim tossed into jail.
Of course...the parable teaches us because..God is willing to forgive us for so much, we should forgive others.
I'm trying to explain to them just what it is that God is willing to forgive us for...if you say sin, you have to provide an example. So...what's a safe one that you know we have all done? lied, right?
First, you have to know, it's rare for any 4 or 5 year old to use sarcasm, they just do not understand it and are incapable of doing so. Here's how that conversation went
Me: how many of us have lied before? (10 kids tossed up their hands..2 way!)
Me: now come on, haven't you ever told a lie before?
Braxton (1 of the 2) Nope, not me John! I don't tell lies...
(class now starts looking at each other..pretty soon, a few wags of the head that signifies they are all backing out of their first admission)
Me: now guys, we've all told lies
Zoey: have you told a lie before John?
(before I can answer)
Trent: have you told lies John?
Me: (now, I'm really under some pressure here) well yeah, of course I have, we all.... (cut off)
Class: People shouldn't tell lies John
Braxton: John?......why do you lie? don't you know you're not supposed to tell lies?
Class: yeah John! you shouldn't tell lies!
Me: we've all told lies guys
Braxton: no, not me John, you shouldn't lie John!
Morgan: you shouldn't lie John!
Class: yeah's not right to lie!
We move on at that point..

- JV Team
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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.
For the record, I do not believe any of the "sinners" mentioned above, should be "put to death."
There is a lot to be learned from David of the Bible. David has really always been given a "pass" by today's Christians, because of his bravery over Goliath and the killing of a lion and bear with his "bare hands." However the life of David is a great example to all Christians, who would read it. David lusted for the woman and even had her husband killed to cover up his adultery. This sin, even though committed by one of the "hero's" of the Christian faith, was no less or more than the sin of homosexuality/adultery, being committed by Mr. Boltz and others. For some reason, modern day Christians have lifted homosexuality to some very high level of sin. All sin is the same. No less or no more.
Now, David repented and he certainly paid the price for his sin. However, we Christians must remember David. Not only for his act of heroism and bravery, but his act of adultery and murder. He needed repentance and restituttion, in order to be made whole. Mr. Boltz and all who sin need the same. No more, no less.
There is a lot to be learned from David of the Bible. David has really always been given a "pass" by today's Christians, because of his bravery over Goliath and the killing of a lion and bear with his "bare hands." However the life of David is a great example to all Christians, who would read it. David lusted for the woman and even had her husband killed to cover up his adultery. This sin, even though committed by one of the "hero's" of the Christian faith, was no less or more than the sin of homosexuality/adultery, being committed by Mr. Boltz and others. For some reason, modern day Christians have lifted homosexuality to some very high level of sin. All sin is the same. No less or no more.
Now, David repented and he certainly paid the price for his sin. However, we Christians must remember David. Not only for his act of heroism and bravery, but his act of adultery and murder. He needed repentance and restituttion, in order to be made whole. Mr. Boltz and all who sin need the same. No more, no less.
- kantuckyII
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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.
All sin is the same. No less or no more.
as far as making one a sinner, yes, all sin is the same but to say that God doesn't recognize in our daily lives that some sins worse just doesn't seem right. Let's also not forget that at Corinth, Paul, under the control of the Holy Spirit demanded that one of the church members there be put outside the congregation for the destruction of their flesh. When that person repented though..they were commanded just as sternly to receive that person back to their congregation. All cities had sinners but Sodom and Gomorrah were earmarked for judgement and destruction
Would God be as angry with person who told a white lie about their child's drawing that they had brought home or the song that they sang in the play etc etc as God would be with someone who rapes and murders a child?'s no sin for this man to be tempted..yielding though is another thing all together. In my opinion, as long as he continues in this behavior...he is not acceptable for any type of ministry in a church.
- All State
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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.
I've always said. "With my looks, money,and attitude, every guy I don't have to compete with for women is a blessing"
Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.
It's his life and his choice. If he isn't pushing it on you let it be. It's not for us to judge anothers lifestyle. I'm sure we all have ghost we rather not be discovered.
- orange-n-brown 365
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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.
well my belief is and boy am I climbing on a weaken limb on this one.. if he is "Gay" and states he is a Christian he has been lying because true Christians are not "Gay"
God's chosen ones live a life of Godliness not in sin as stated in the Bible...
and as I said this is my belief and I am just making a statement of what I have been taught..
oh and btw I am in no way living the straight and narrow as I have been taught and I am sad that I don't but I believe in God and I know especially after Monday that God does work miracles!
and I should be a better person and just not call on him when its convenient for me 
God's chosen ones live a life of Godliness not in sin as stated in the Bible...
and as I said this is my belief and I am just making a statement of what I have been taught..
oh and btw I am in no way living the straight and narrow as I have been taught and I am sad that I don't but I believe in God and I know especially after Monday that God does work miracles!

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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.
der kom , overkill, gods general and others--hats off to you for discussing a very emotional subject with level heads and respect for each other. This has been a good read. Glad to see several people understand one sin not greater than other sin. And stating the obvious that churches have been wrong to assign a greater negative conatation (sp?) to homosexual sin than other sin. I've been accused (as as kantuck and proabaly others) of being a hate monger towards gay people -- had the ol' "homophobe" thrown my way , and it's just not true.
- S
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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.
I was always taught to hate the sin and not the sinner. Deal with the sin and show compassion to the person. That is the way I was treated when I first got saved.
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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.
Manitou Dan:
With age has come maturity. I used to be very hostile over the subject. Many hours of self study and studying God's word, has allowed me to mellow a bit. That being said, I still feel very strongly about homosexuality. However, building walls and pointing fingers very rarely lead to change. In my opinion, there needs to be a change in this particular person's lifestyle. I can accept the person, without accepting the lifestyle.
I believe a respectful dialogue, with an unwavering belief often leads to self study and sometimes a change. If we are not willing to be respectful, we will never see change.
With age has come maturity. I used to be very hostile over the subject. Many hours of self study and studying God's word, has allowed me to mellow a bit. That being said, I still feel very strongly about homosexuality. However, building walls and pointing fingers very rarely lead to change. In my opinion, there needs to be a change in this particular person's lifestyle. I can accept the person, without accepting the lifestyle.
I believe a respectful dialogue, with an unwavering belief often leads to self study and sometimes a change. If we are not willing to be respectful, we will never see change.
- kantuckyII
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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.
Again, let me state my stand or belief here. To simply say that one sin is not greater than another 'could be' misleading. Yes, one sin is just like another in that it makes us breakers of The Law and by being so we are all guilty before God of all because if we offend in one point, we offend in all...but..
It's evident looking at the scriptures that some sins brings the wrath of God faster than others. We can also look at the Old Testament Law (and some New Testament passages) and the punishment and remedy for certain offenses. I think one has to use common sense here while at the same time remembering, that any sin at all makes us sinners before God and creates the need for us to be born again by accepting Jesus Christ as our savior so we can be forgiven. NO one can get to heaven by good works.
In the New Testament and living under grace, consider the Book of Jude! there you have men who are mentioned and it seems to me..the way I read it, that their sin has so offended God that God will NO Longer deal with them and that they are already as good as in hell, God is done with them, they are without hope. As it says that they are 'twice dead' have the scriptures that tell us that if any body preaches a different Gospel then it commands 'let him be accursed'
What differs with Boltz than many of us when we fall into sin or we willfully sin is that Boltz seems to be denying that this is wrong to start with. The thing to remember though is that no matter what Boltz or any of us do, we cannot make God stop loving us
It's evident looking at the scriptures that some sins brings the wrath of God faster than others. We can also look at the Old Testament Law (and some New Testament passages) and the punishment and remedy for certain offenses. I think one has to use common sense here while at the same time remembering, that any sin at all makes us sinners before God and creates the need for us to be born again by accepting Jesus Christ as our savior so we can be forgiven. NO one can get to heaven by good works.
In the New Testament and living under grace, consider the Book of Jude! there you have men who are mentioned and it seems to me..the way I read it, that their sin has so offended God that God will NO Longer deal with them and that they are already as good as in hell, God is done with them, they are without hope. As it says that they are 'twice dead' have the scriptures that tell us that if any body preaches a different Gospel then it commands 'let him be accursed'
What differs with Boltz than many of us when we fall into sin or we willfully sin is that Boltz seems to be denying that this is wrong to start with. The thing to remember though is that no matter what Boltz or any of us do, we cannot make God stop loving us
- S
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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.
All sin is not the same......
Matthew 12:31-32, Jesus says to the Pharisees,
"Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come"
Matthew 12:31-32, Jesus says to the Pharisees,
"Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come"
- JV Team
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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.
could you give us a modern day example of "blasphemy against the holy spirit?"
- Posts: 7840
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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.
Bassmaster -- I agree , I was being overly general when I stated all sin is the same. I knew there were 1-2 exceptions where the scripture taught differently. I was applying a broad sense. MD PS If our wed nite small group would start back up I'd ask that question about blasphemy. I could offer a guess but I hate sounding silly --I'll let others chime in.
- kantuckyII
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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.
I don't know if Bassmaster could give you modern example of that one someoverkill but...I know I could give you a modern day example of this..
Clue..recently some of them tossed their marbles
Anyway..Christians think...what is the world to think when we try to tell them that God holds the same wrath in store for one who tells a wee white lie as He would for someone who rapes and murders a child? As I said earlier..any and all sin make us sinners..if we sin once..we are capable of committing any sin because we are sinners but some sins do carry more wrath, more punishment.
These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots; Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.
Clue..recently some of them tossed their marbles

Anyway..Christians think...what is the world to think when we try to tell them that God holds the same wrath in store for one who tells a wee white lie as He would for someone who rapes and murders a child? As I said earlier..any and all sin make us sinners..if we sin once..we are capable of committing any sin because we are sinners but some sins do carry more wrath, more punishment.
- JV Team
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- S
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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.
someoverkill wrote:could you give us a modern day example of "blasphemy against the holy spirit?"
The modern day example would be the same as it was in biblical times. The Pharisees slandered the work of the Holy Spirit by saying that His work was that of the devil. People still do that today. They continued to reject the works that Jesus did before their very eyes and people still reject Jesus today. Any rejection of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is counted as blasphemy because They are all three as one.