Who's qualified for state?
Who's qualified for state?
South Point has at last night's Pickerington contest! 1st in class of 8 and 4th place overall.
Re: Who's qualified for state?
I must say that over the last 10 years or so South Point's band hasn't been very good. I even cringed at the sound of our "School Song". But this year WOW what a turn around. Enjoy listening at half time and keep up the good work.
Re: Who's qualified for state?
South Point was very good when I saw them last year. Hope to see them this yr also. Heard Athens qualified, GOOD JOB BULLDOGS!!!!
Re: Who's qualified for state?
Chesapeake and Stebbins ( whereever that is
) qualified last night at Green. South Point got a I a the second straight competition.

Re: Who's qualified for state?
Congratulations to all the bands that have qualified so far..
Green qualified for state at their first competition this year...
Stebbins is lacated near Dayton.. They have 80 band members and are in class AA.. They had a very good performance at Green's competition.. In fact, I enjoyed all the bands..
Green qualified for state at their first competition this year...
Stebbins is lacated near Dayton.. They have 80 band members and are in class AA.. They had a very good performance at Green's competition.. In fact, I enjoyed all the bands..
Re: Who's qualified for state?
Coal Grove qualified at West Portsmouth. That makes from Lawrence County: SP, Peake and CG that have qualified.
Re: Who's qualified for state?
south Point has we came a long way in 2 yrs this year i am a 1st year tuba player weve qualified for state 3 times at pickerington,green(grand champs never done before in south point history)at saturday the 4th we was runner up but canal winchester was really good so we have ironton this saturday support us and stat 25

Re: Who's qualified for state?
Rock Hill is getting closer. They go next to Marietta to try it again. Good Luck!
- Grove4Life
- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 73
- Joined: Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:16 pm
Re: Who's qualified for state?
I thought that all of the bands did great yesterday @ Ironton. I really enjoyed watching Hurricane WV perform along with Greenup County. This was also the first time this year that I had seen Ironton perform and I was very impressed by the guard. South Point and Green both are really good this year. And WAY TO GO GROVE!!! Qualified once again!
Re: Who's qualified for state?
sphs bnad did 4 times and 2 grand camps we was the first band in class b 2 make it 2 state and state