Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-Shirt

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Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-Shirt

Post by Tigercannon71 »

Cheerleaders Chastised for 'Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-Shirts

ABC News’ Carrie Gann reports:

Cheerleaders at Gilbert High School in Gilbert, Ariz., can’t wear the pink t-shirts they bought to raise money for breast cancer research because the school’s administrators claim the slogan they bear is inappropriate.

According to a Thursday report in the Arizona Republic, the squad’s shirts say “Feel for lumps, save your bumps,” and the team planned to wear them during the school’s football games during their cheers on the field and while collecting money from the crowd.

Gaylee Skowronek, the cheer booster club president, told the Arizona Republic the administration approved the squad’s plan to raise money, but the school’s principal, J. Charles Santa Cruz, objected to the slogan on the shirts and banned the cheerleaders from wearing them.

“We thought the shirt was age-appropriate,” Skowronek said. “I think it’s hypocritical they would approve a fundraiser for breast-cancer research but they won’t approve a shirt to bring awareness to breast cancer.”

“All we want to do is support the cause and raise money for breast-cancer research,” said Ashlee, 16, a member of the squad.

This is not the first time breast cancer awareness campaigns have caused a stir for edgy messages. The Keep a Breast Foundation makes bracelets and t-shirts that say “I [heart] Boobies” and distributes them to young people with the goal of raising their breast cancer awareness. The bracelets have been banned by several school districts across the U.S., but in April, a federal judge in Pennsylvania upheld public school students’ rights to wear them.

Other breast cancer organizations are more cautious when it comes to supporting campaigns with these kinds of messages.

“While Komen for the Cure tends to stick with more mainstream language about breasts, we do understand that young people talk differently than adults,” said Andrea Rader, the director of marketing communications of Susan G. Komen for the Cure, a network of breast cancer survivors and activists based in Dallas. “We generally support efforts to educate and engage young people, especially young women, about this disease.”
Whats everyones thoughts on this? I'll give mine later.

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by fightingtigers45 »

I think breast cancer awareness has become very trivial. My family, as well as many others I'm in contact with, have been struck by this awful sickness. Research is very important, but is there not a better way to fundraise than stuff that says "I love boobies" or "boobies rule"? I wear a pink bracelet every day, it was a fundraiser and does not say anything trivial.
Last edited by fightingtigers45 on Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Moose will have a field day with this one........I can think of no one better to make a comment on the subject of Boobies.... :)

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by Tigercannon71 »

Really I dont see anything wrong with it. If a silly little saying like I (heart) boobies or feel your lumps save yoru bumps is what it takes to get young kids to volunteer their time and it gets some awareness out for breats cancer, or any other kind of cancer Im all for it.
My mom used to be the director of the American Cancer Society in Ironton till the reorganized the organization. So basically as Dr. Dorado would say I grew up in the Cancer Society. From age 8 to 23 I was a volunteer and there were a ton of activites that we did to fundraise like bike rides, the tennis tournament was our huge one, you had daffidil days, Relay for Life, Great American Smokeout, and others. So basically every year we had 5 or 6 huge events that raised cancer awareness. Now you have the Relay for Life every year, but outside of that you dont see a lot of events promoting cancer awareness. So I think its great these school kids are taking an active part in raising awarenss and in raising money for the Cancer Society.

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by moose »

I graduated from Gilbert High School. (Gilbert WV) Regular exams, probably more frequent than necessary, were taken seriously there two. These days I take all breast issue questions to the ladies at Pulley's Nursing Home in Chesapeake. Those gals have always been there for me when I kneaded them.

60% thought the shirts were appropriate
30% thought the shirts were over the tops
10% found these type questions offensive but promised not to hold them against me

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »


And he never fails to deliver.

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

And he never fails to deliver.
he had me worried for a while but I knew he would deliver, not as expeditously as usual but still delivered....... :)

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by noreply66 »

They can't wear them so just hold them up

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by mstangmom »

I say let them wear them, Breast cancer not only strikes women, Men get it too (though rare they do get it). theres alot worse things these kids could be saying or promoting. When Westfall/Circleville played the game this year to raise money for Breast cancer they were wearing shirts with all sorts of slogans on them to make people aware.
Save the boobies, I (heart) boobies, one boy had a shirt on that said Save the milk machine.

But througout the weeks leading up to the game all the students learned something about breast cancer. and in the end that is what was important.

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by Tigercannon71 »

'Save the Milk Machine' thats a great one. Thats clever.

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by kantuckyII »

I don't understand something...more men die from prostrate cancer than people (men get it too) breast cancer. So, why not the drive to make people aware of that as well? maybe Camo ribbons and stuff?

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by dazed&confused »

kantuckyII wrote:I don't understand something...more men die from prostrate cancer than people (men get it too) breast cancer. So, why not the drive to make people aware of that as well? maybe Camo ribbons and stuff?
Yellow Live Strong bracelets. Remeber Lance Armstrong?

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by Tigercannon71 »

The OHSAA has 1st friday in sept where the refs and coaches wear blue wrist bands in awareness if prostate cancer. Usually a small paragraph is read by the PA anouncer talking about it, but I dont think it was done this year.

Lance Armstrong had testicular cancer not prostate cancer. The livestrong bands are for cancer awareness itself. I dont think it signifies any particular one.

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by mstangmom »

KII any school can do something like this. In our case there are 4 schools in the county and we all play each other. so they got together and one year Logan elm and Teays valley play each other and the next year Westfall and Circleville play each other. and that game is dedicated to Breast cancer reaserch. I THINK the reason why Breast cancer was chosen for ours is because Ms.T (westfall trainer) and loved by the students at all schools in the area is a Breast cancer survivor. the schools in Pickaway county put alot of work into this they start raising money and making plans at the end of the school year for the next season. the Boys have to pay for thier Jerseys to play in something like $100. and the name of a survior or someone who lost the battle is on that jersey. somtimes the persons name on the jersey will buy it for the boy to wear BUT whoevers name is on it gets the jersey (I think). the local hospital helps put alot into it to. I got to say the Boys look good in the pink jerseys out on the field. ALL cancers have a color to represent them I think Prostate cancer is Purple

one game you guys always have as a rival game is portsmoth Right? that would be a great way to make it even better year after year seeing which school raises the most money and so on you could choose any cancer research, that game here is played on Saturday so more people can come to the game to and a prtion of the gate goes to the gate too. get the ADs together and make it happen. I believe I read that right now Pickaway county schools in ohio are the only ones who do something like this.

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

kantuckyII wrote:I don't understand something...more men die from prostrate cancer than people (men get it too) breast cancer. So, why not the drive to make people aware of that as well? maybe Camo ribbons and stuff?

Maybe they could pass out Latex Gloves with reminders to get checked to all the men that come through the gate. :lol:

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by Space Cowboy »

kantuckyII wrote:I don't understand something...more men die from prostrate cancer than people (men get it too) breast cancer. So, why not the drive to make people aware of that as well? maybe Camo ribbons and stuff?
Maybe Moose can figure out some great phrase for the "save the twig and berries".

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

I don't see anything wrong with the slogan.

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by caglewis »

kantuckyII wrote:I don't understand something...more men die from prostrate cancer than people (men get it too) breast cancer. So, why not the drive to make people aware of that as well? maybe Camo ribbons and stuff?
"prostrate" means lying face down - on your stomach. Supine is opposite - lying face UP on your back.

The PROSTATE is the gland, which produces semen, located in males just below the bladder surrounding the urethra [tube carrying urine out of the bladder through which you urinate].
Think of it as donut-shaped - if it swells, it squeezes the tube running through the hole in its center smaller/closed making urination - draining the bladder contents out - difficult.
Most of the time that swelling is benign [non-cancerous], and can be reduced by surgery.
When it is malignant, it can remain hidden and undetected because its symptoms are not perceceived as alarming - like ovarian cancer in women is unrecognized. The blood test for prostate cancer - PSA - has recently been questioned for producing too many "false positives".
Maybe, but it's still a decent indicater of something potentially "out-of-whack", and I think this "questioning" is spurred by insurance companies who don't want to cover the cost of this test.
The only way to "get checked" - the same as women have always been told to do for a pap smear for cervical cancer - is a "digital exam" - a Dr. putting his finger up there vaginally for women, or rectally for men to feel for lumps and bumps and oddities in that adjoining gland.
The difference in info, promotion, and fund-raising events between prostate or ovarian and BREAST cancer is that breast lumps can be detected, felt and monitored, by SELF-examination on a regular basis - prostate/cervical/ovarian lumps/bumps are not so much do-it-yourself. You have to go to a Dr and submit to a somewhat embarrassing, unpleasant internal exam to monitor/check for those.
Last edited by caglewis on Mon Nov 07, 2011 10:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by abuck76 »


................................................................................................ :12224

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Re: Cheerleaders in trouble Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-S

Post by Tigercannon71 »

Abuck, I like that one.

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