West Point Same Sex Marriage

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Kentucky Trojan
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Re: West Point Same Sex Marriage

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

abuck76 wrote:Did the Constitution change?...NO.........religion is , was and always will be a private matter......And the Government is not telling you have to stop doing something to practice your religion, but do not presuppose you have the right to tell people they can NOT marry based on YOUR religious beliefs..........That is simply the height of pomposity...........Nowhere is God mentioned in the Constitution.......It even says specifically , " but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States" . ........God was put into the pledge in '54, during the red scare........And even saying the pledge is voluntary everywhere..........Marriage is a right of two people in love..... :12224

Kentucky Trojan
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Re: West Point Same Sex Marriage

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

dazed&confused wrote:
kantuckyII wrote:Yes, why? you met the definition or requirement God put in place. The state has always done this
Until 1863, the state recognized runaway slaves as property. Was that right? Until 1965, "seperate but equal" was the law in many southern states. Was that right? And as pertains to my marriage, God had nothing to do with it. Laws prohibiting gay marriage will be as quaint as Jim Crow in my lifetime. Just sayin'. You may not like it, but it will be legal one day. Soon.
...and if all 50 states are forced to accept it, then there will be a full-scale revolution in this country...

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Re: West Point Same Sex Marriage

Post by kantuckyII »

dazed&confused wrote:
kantuckyII wrote:Yes, why? you met the definition or requirement God put in place. The state has always done this
Until 1863, the state recognized runaway slaves as property. Was that right? Until 1965, "seperate but equal" was the law in many southern states. Was that right? And as pertains to my marriage, God had nothing to do with it. Laws prohibiting gay marriage will be as quaint as Jim Crow in my lifetime. Just sayin'. You may not like it, but it will be legal one day. Soon.
You really have answered your own question. God's law always trumps mans

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Re: West Point Same Sex Marriage

Post by abuck76 »

Marriage is ONLY religious whenYOU make it...........Marriage is and always has been secular........That is what you will never understand.......No one is taking anything from you...But you are trying to push your beliefs onto everyone........Be religious....worship any God you wish......... :12224

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Re: West Point Same Sex Marriage

Post by kantuckyII »

I am asking you again Abuck, what is a wrong a civil union?

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Re: West Point Same Sex Marriage

Post by abuck76 »

It is discriminatory!!....Two people that love each other, let them marry........That does not hurt your religion or you or the way you worship.......It does not effect you in any way.......It is that easy......But I do understand your theocratic beliefs get in the way of you EVER thinking rationally......... :12224

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Re: West Point Same Sex Marriage

Post by ManitouDan »

abuck76 wrote:It is discriminatory!!....Two people that love each other, let them marry........That does not hurt your religion or you or the way you worship.......It does not effect you in any way.......It is that easy......But I do understand your theocratic beliefs get in the way of you EVER thinking rationally......... :12224
according to that exact set of reasoning I could marry my daughter or my daschound. I could love either , doesnt hurt anyones religion , doest effect worship, just Let me be me .... right ?

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Re: West Point Same Sex Marriage

Post by abuck76 »

Once again showing your propensity to be extreme and to obfuscate :roll: ......... :12224

Kentucky Trojan
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Re: West Point Same Sex Marriage

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

abuck76 wrote:Once again showing your propensity to be extreme and to obfuscate :roll: ......... :12224
No, abuck...

...once again, you are talking about yourself...

...we are dancing around the issue, but that guilt that we all have is commonly called sin...

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Re: West Point Same Sex Marriage

Post by kantuckyII »

It's discriminatory to expect millions upon millions to accept two people of the same sex are married who know they're not. They are simply trying to force us to accept it. They are trying to take our religious freedom away from us. They are trying to make us say, people it's okay that you do this, there is nothing wrong with it. Mark my words, soon it will be labeled as hate speech to preach the Word of God, even in church!

Dan asked you a serious legitimate question. Furthermore, what about polygamy? If you're willing to accept same-sex marriage, then why not polygamy as well? I mean, if you want toss out rules then how could you stop anyone else from adding/changing the rules as well? I think maybe you're just a hypocrite Abuck?

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Re: West Point Same Sex Marriage

Post by abuck76 »

I am being as simplistic as possible.....md was simply showing who he is :roll: Someone who uses no no substantive argument.....I am nor have I ever danced around the argument..........O.K. Will you admit that not every American is a religious person, let alone a Christian?...I am sure you can.....That is why our country and its laws are secular.........Plain and simple as I can make it...........Two people in our society who love each other , and want to marry, is not the business of the church......If you think they are wrong, pray for them, denounce them, but do not presuppose you have any authority to stop them.......... :12224

Kentucky Trojan
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Re: West Point Same Sex Marriage

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

abuck76 wrote:If you think they are wrong, pray for them, denounce them, but do not presuppose you have any authority to stop them.......... :12224
Your hippie generation is not the only one who can play civil disobedience or revolution. (BTW, thanks hippies for these problems that we now have in our nation.)

There will be a revolution if this continues on any further.

Mark my words!!!!!

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Re: West Point Same Sex Marriage

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

The following was the single most asked-for map, and we’ll publish it, though there aren’t many surprises:

Is homosexuality a sin?


346,925 people have answered

A state’s skew on this question very closely reflects how it voted in the 2008 election. With the exception of Arizona for obvious reasons, the relatively “No” states voted for Obama and the “Yes” ones voted for McCain.

http://blog.okcupid.com/index.php/sweet ... an-trends/

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Re: West Point Same Sex Marriage

Post by abuck76 »

You are but an example of a small disgruntled group that believes they know the best for everyone.........The problem you and your ilk is we live in a democracy.............We have always had groups like you, and there will always be groups like you.........But we will continue to grow and prosper in spite of you.........This country does not want your anti everything attitude...........We never have.........That is why equality, fairness and diversity have been growing since we started this great experiment........It will continue to grow.......face it, things are getting better in spite of your kind.........Do not worry, be happy........ :12224

Kentucky Trojan
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Re: West Point Same Sex Marriage

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

abuck76 wrote:You are but an example of a small disgruntled group that believes they know the best for everyone.........The problem you and your ilk is we live in a democracy.............We have always had groups like you, and there will always be groups like you.........But we will continue to grow and prosper in spite of you.........This country does not want your anti everything attitude...........We never have.........That is why equality, fairness and diversity have been growing since we started this great experiment........It will continue to grow.......face it, things are getting better in spite of your kind.........Do not worry, be happy........ :12224
"getting better"?????????

It is easy to say we are getting better when you can run a trillion dollar deficit each year.

Give me an extra $50K each year for my family and I am sure that I would say things are "getting better".

However, after 20 years I would still owe $1,000,000 plus interest.

"Great experiment"???

My donkey!!!!!


BTW, attack the issue, not me personally......you should know better as an educator to quantify me as "you and your ilk"...

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Re: West Point Same Sex Marriage

Post by abuck76 »

You and your ilk is not a personal attack but reality........You put your ideas, beliefs and philosophies out there, be ready and willing to be confronted about those items.........And when referring to the Great Expeiment I was referring to Alexis de Tocqueville’s book Democracy in America........ :12224

Kentucky Trojan
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Re: West Point Same Sex Marriage

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

abuck76 wrote:You and your ilk is not a personal attack but reality........You put your ideas, beliefs and philosophies out there, be ready and willing to be confronted about those items.........And when referring to the Great Expeiment I was referring to Alexis de Tocqueville’s book Democracy in America........ :12224
One more personal attack on me and I will have you reported.

I am aware of the book from 1830. However, we are destroying ourselves from within when we should be standing tall against the world.

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Re: West Point Same Sex Marriage

Post by toast »

"You and your ilk" is not a personal attack.....not even close.

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Re: West Point Same Sex Marriage

Post by abuck76 »

:lol: :lol: :lol: You need to learn what a personal attack is........ :lol: :lol: :lol: And you will report me?...For what? :roll: ...You are so funny...OMG, that is a personal attack!!!....... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .........
Kentucky Trojan wrote:we are destroying ourselves from within
So you agree with Karl Marx also......That is very liberal of you Mr. Condom......... :lol: :lol: :lol: ......Love you man..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ............And on topic, same sex marriage is coming and will be yet another in a long list of accomplishments from the progressive side of the aisle......... :12224

Kentucky Trojan
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Re: West Point Same Sex Marriage

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

toast wrote:"You and your ilk" is not a personal attack.....not even close.
It is in a long line of personal attacks from abuck that will not occur any longer.

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