Canceled TV shows....

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Post by robycop3 »

The shows are falling like flies this week, as the nets present "upfronts" to sponsors this week. Some, we'llmiss; others...GOOD RIDDANCE!

Fox green-weenied Trading Spouses & Nanny 911. To me, both were krap. I watched partsa each one when they each premiered, got disgusted, & turned the channel to a good, entertaining test pattern, never watching eother show again.


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Post by robycop3 »

Evidently, Fox signed a peace treaty with The War At Home. It ended on my birthday, Apr. 22, and won't be back.

The show, that is! Hopeta see s'more birthdayzz!

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Post by robycop3 »

Fox also nixed "Happy Hour". However, all its eppys may be released on DVD.

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Post by robycop3 »

ballparent wrote:What ever happened to the "Fear Factor" shows. They were really gross and I didn't watch them but my kids did. I don't remember anything being said about them being canceled.....they just faded away......

"Fear Factor" was cancelled in May, 2006; the remaining eps were burned off that summer. It might be found in syndication if ya have lotsa channels available.

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Post by robycop3 »

fans of JERICHO, perk up!

An official CBS release:

To the fans of Jericho:

We have read your emails over the past few days and have been touched by the depth and passion with which you have expressed your disappointment. Please know that canceling a television series is a very difficult decision. Hundreds of people at the Network, the production company and the incredibly-talented creative team worked very hard to build and serve the community for this show -- both on-air and online. It is a show we loved too.

Thank you for supporting Jericho with such passion. We truly appreciate the commitment you made to the series and we are humbled by your disappointment. In the coming weeks, we hope to develop a way to provide closure to the compelling drama that was the Jericho story.

Nina Tassler, President of CBS Entertainment

Now, just form this closure will take, I dunno...may be a 2-hr movie, may be several new eps. However, I doubt if it'll be a whole Season 2, as the actors & production people are released from their contracts when a series is cancelled. Here's hopin'....

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Post by TheToe »

Eyes starring Tim Daly

Great PI show that never had a chance to develope a following. Too bad!

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Post by robycop3 »

Thanx, Toe!

While The Donald has said he won't do another season of The Apprentice, he still has a year left on his contract to NBC, and they could possibly force him to either star in a new season or face substantial monetary penalties. However, I think NBC would be crazy to make another season of a show whose ratings have fallen week-to-week. The public, which wantedta know what a tycoon looked like & how he spoke have had their curiosity satisfied, & the novelty of the show is gone. Timeta let it go for good.

Fans of the cancelled Show Me The Money got some good news. There were seven eps of that show made, and the Game Show Network(GSN) has acquired the right to show,em all, and they're gonna do it, beginning in the middle of June. To me, this was by far the worst show Wm. Shatner was ever in, and I won't bother to watch. I saw one ep, & that was it for me.

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Post by robycop3 »

ABC has apparently dumped ACCORDING TO JIM. It lasted 7 seasons without ever being muchuva hit. Always drew SOME ratings, however...

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Post by robycop3 »

Ashton Kutcher has ended his own show, "Punk'd", a modern Candid Camera-type show. Its ratings weren't on the bottom, & it was often FUNNY, something ya can't say about most "comedies" nowadays. I understand AK just got tireda the grind. Well, it was good while it lasted.

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Post by 1987chieftains »


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Post by PointerFan02 »

I think I heard Jericho's cast contracts won't expire till June 15. So if CBS would listen to the fans, there's still time.

Online Petition -

Jericho Rally Point (message board) -

Jericho Lives (information) -

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Post by robycop3 »

PointerFan02 wrote:I think I heard Jericho's cast contracts won't expire till June 15. So if CBS would listen to the fans, there's still time.

Online Petition -

Jericho Rally Point (message board) -

Jericho Lives (information) -

Traditionally, "Save My Show" campaigns are failures because the show was given every chance to pick up viewers during its run, and usually, there are abut 1 to 2 milloin participants in such a campaign, hardly a drop in the bucket to a major net.

However, I believe CBS is listening to the fans of Jericho & are gonna make at least enough eps to give closure to the story. May be a supersize ep, may be a series. but one thing's certain: Jericho's future will only be a short one at best....simply not enuff viewers.

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Post by robycop3 »

Now, there's a rumor from NBC that THE APPRENTICE may be coming back. And Trump isn't denying it, either. However, IMO, they'd be nuts to make another season of a show whose novelty is worn off & whose ratings have steadily weekly declined its whole last season.

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Post by oldpgguy »

I loved The War at Home

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Post by robycop3 »

Hey, "jericho" fanzz...

It's coming back for seven new eps! So rare for a cancelled show to return like that! However, those 7 eps are gonna absolutely be the end of it.

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Post by PointerFan02 »

I have heard that depending on how the show does in the ratings will determine if it returns for a 3rd season.

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Post by yabbadabbadoo »

Misteroby wrote:Hey, "jericho" fanzz...

It's coming back for seven new eps! So rare for a cancelled show to return like that! However, those 7 eps are gonna absolutely be the end of it.

Man, that is great to hear. I was thinking there is no way they can leave the fans that did watch it hanging with the way it ended at the end of the season.

How do you think they end it? Do you think they end up restoring peace and everything gets back to normal or do they end it with an all out war and America being destroyed.

Should be an interesting 7 episodes.

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Post by robycop3 »

I couldn't beginta tellya how Jericho will end, but I DO predict the 1st ep will be well-watched, but then the viewership will steadily drop. From the buzz i've been seeing from CBS, those 7 eps will be IT unless viewership remains at 12 million or so.

Fox has cancelled "Paula Zahn Now", one of their newsmag shows. Ms. Zahn's contract with Fox ends in September, & it's expected she'll move on.

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Post by robycop3 »


NBC is airing the unaired eps of the cancelled "Kidnapped" beginning Sunday morning at midnight, 8 months after it was originally yanked. Seems as if its few fans had various probs trying to view these eps online, and, seeing the concession CBS made to its fans of "Jericho", they followed suit.

I don't think "Kidnapped" ever had anywhere near the viewership of "Jericho", & I really don't understand why NBC simply didn't resolve the online problems. Wonder if they borrowed dawn Ostroff from the CW net to do their scheduling for them?

I mean, shoot, if a show was a dud to begin with, why tryta resurrect it? Dead is DEAD!

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Post by robycop3 »

CBS has pulled its animated series Creature Comforts from the air, to be replaced with reruns of The New Adventures Of Old Christine for the time being. It is unknown if, when, or by what venue the unaired eps will be offered.

'Tis rare for a summertime series to be yanked during summer! The many summer bummers usually run their course & are not renewed. Most nets don't wanna waste their best stuff on the sparse summer viewerships.

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