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Riding the Bench
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Post by TerryGirl »

Bear wrote:People being fat doesn't effect my health, people smoking around me does. Big difference.

But it certainly affects your health care costs and insurance rates. (AND MINE). I'm assuming you fit right in the "perfect" zone on the ht/wt charts and do EVERYTHING else right to the "T" on health concerns and that allows you to harp on smokers.

Like I said before, health items that can be controlled by the individual, most people don't do them. But thet're sure quick to put the blame for their ills on somebody else.

Total hypocrites !!

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orange-n-brown 365
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Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

when you smoke it bothers everyone... I have a child with asthma who does it affect? her she cannot even go to the restroom in school because of the smoke! No one considers that when they are public there are people who is effected by smoking! But its my opinion and mine only

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Post by biggdowgg »

TerryGirl wrote:
gahs4ever wrote:For my part I wish they would ban smoking in this country is only for what the rising health care costs are doing to my insurance rates.

The last survey I saw said that obesity is now the leading cause for rising health care costs and higher insurance rates but it isn't politically correct to talk about the "F" word
I would imagine there are many times more overweight people on here than there are smokers.
I fit into both categories.... how about you??
C'mon everybody, 'fess up now.

I am overwieght, but do not smoke, ...maybe if I smoke, I could drop some pounds?

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The Instructor
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Post by The Instructor »

orange-n-brown 365 wrote:when you smoke it bothers everyone... I have a child with asthma who does it affect? her she cannot even go to the restroom in school because of the smoke! No one considers that when they are public there are people who is effected by smoking! But its my opinion and mine only

It is illegal to smoke on public school grounds in Ohio.

The school should be doing something about it.

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The Instructor
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Post by The Instructor »

gahs4ever wrote:I like how people take someone else's problems as justification for something else, and call them hypocrites along the way.

A hypocrite, where I come from, is someone who says one thing and does something else. Fat people are not hypocrites just because they are fat. And if you knew anything about being fat and fat people, you would know that most of us are more conscious and even self-conscious about it than you could possibly know.

Since I am both a former smoker and someone who has dealt with being obese all of my adult life, I can see how one parallels another. It felt like it was going to kill me when I put down the packs while smoking three packs a day, and I have spent money on gyms, doctors, diets, and anything else you can name trying to get down to 240, then 220, then 200. The closest Ive gotten is 227, and the snap-back went all the way to 291. I am presently 275 and have been stable for several months now.

My inactivity is the biggest problem, and laying around eating the wrong foods is the second biggest culprit. I suspect somewhere along the line my metabolism factors in as well, but then some of you would accuse me of making excuses.

Thanks for the compassion and caring Terry Girl. Posts like yours are sure to change someone's life for the better and encourage them along the way. I'm just wondering what your own particular "pet sin" is, or are you so perfect that you can afford to label people hypocrites as you do?

A hippo-crit in some people's eyes.

Bravo! Bravo!! Bravo!!! Bravo!!!!

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Post by Tigercannon71 »

If we were to ban everything that could kill us then we would all end up alone living in plastic bubbles.

Riding the Bench
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Post by TerryGirl »

tigercannon71 wrote:If we were to ban everything that could kill us then we would all end up alone living in plastic bubbles.

Amen bro. That's exactly what I am saying. I've got my sins and you've (everybody) got yours. I'll leave yours alone and you leave mine alone.

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Post by TerryGirl »

gahs4ever wrote:I like how people take someone else's problems as justification for something else, and call them hypocrites along the way.

A hypocrite, where I come from, is someone who says one thing and does something else. Fat people are not hypocrites just because they are fat. And if you knew anything about being fat and fat people, you would know that most of us are more conscious and even self-conscious about it than you could possibly know.

Since I am both a former smoker and someone who has dealt with being obese all of my adult life, I can see how one parallels another. It felt like it was going to kill me when I put down the packs while smoking three packs a day, and I have spent money on gyms, doctors, diets, and anything else you can name trying to get down to 240, then 220, then 200. The closest Ive gotten is 227, and the snap-back went all the way to 291. I am presently 275 and have been stable for several months now.

My inactivity is the biggest problem, and laying around eating the wrong foods is the second biggest culprit. I suspect somewhere along the line my metabolism factors in as well, but then some of you would accuse me of making excuses.

Thanks for the compassion and caring Terry Girl. Posts like yours are sure to change someone's life for the better and encourage them along the way. I'm just wondering what your own particular "pet sin" is, or are you so perfect that you can afford to label people hypocrites as you do?

A hippo-crit in some people's eyes.

Ahhhhh... in jumps the Great Philosopher once again....

Not trying to justify anything but like I said in the post above, I've got my sins and you've got your's. You leave mine alone and I'll leave yours alone.
I have the same definition of hypocrit as you do. You ARE saying one thing (complaining about smokers raising health care costs and insurances) and DOING another .....admitting to being obese, the actual BIGGEST cause for high costs (275-291 probably puts you in the MORBIDLY obese category).....and that, my friend makes you a hypocrit.

As far as me not knowing anything about being fat, if you could read, you'd see that I said I was BOTH fat AND a smoker. I do cut back on my smoking by not smoking around people that it offends. How about you cutting back on your eating and stop raising my health care costs. It's the TRUE way for you to lose weight. You don't need all those Doctor's, lawyers and Indian chiefs like you said (adding, incidently to my health care costs). Simply cut back on your eating. Gluttony is a sin ya know..

The only thing worse than a reformed smoker is a morbidly obese reformed smoker..... one that won't take the bull by the horns and push away from the table to reduce MY healthcare costs.... something that offends ME greatly.

My whole point is.....quit bitchin' about everybody elses shortcomings and take care of your own.... but then it IS easier the other way isn't it.

Keep in mind that you people started this, I didn't.

Think I'll start a thread about:


BTW.. Thank YOU GAHS for the compassion for us smokers. I'll make you a deal. I'll quit smoking if you'll lose 75 pounds..... and we can both save money and quit offending the rest of the busybodies.


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Post by caglewis »

"Speed limits" are already law - and have been for a long time.
Speeding [reckless driving in general] poses risks to others, too.
How many of you "anti-smokers" religiously and habitually comply with the posted speed limit and traffic rules?? You want me to refrain from smoking in your presence - fine.
Will you agree to drive within the limits of and in compliance with traffic laws already on the books and don't require passage of any new ones?
Last edited by caglewis on Mon Jul 31, 2006 7:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Riding the Bench
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Post by TerryGirl »

gahs4ever wrote: or are you so perfect that you can afford to label people hypocrites as you do?

No, I'm not and neither are you Mr. Hippo-Crit..... or anybody else. We ALL have shortcomings. Try taking care of your own first, then when you get perfect you can come after me.

GLUTTONY IS A SIN !!!!! The Bible says so. I don't think it says anything about smoking does it?

Riding the Bench
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Post by TerryGirl »

orange-n-brown 365 wrote: who does it affect? her she cannot even go to the restroom in school because of the smoke!

No offense but she must have a pretty good sized bladder.

J/K O&B... I'd guess that those are kids smoking in the rest room. It's been going on since they have had schools I would say and not likely to stop. It is a game to them to not get caught.

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Post by TerryGirl »

"TG: If we have the same definition of hypocrite, then you can certainly understand that obesity (even the morbid kind) doesnt mean that the person is not aware of it and trying to do anything about it. "

It doesn't matter. That doesn't count. If you don't accomplish it, it doesn't count. I try to quit smoking (probably about as hard as you try to cut back on food :roll: ) every day but I haven't accomplished it yet and you keep harping and whining about it. At least I'm not running to the Doctor every day to solve MY problem and running your health care costs up like you are. You whine about me and I'll whine about you. Fair enough?

Riding the Bench
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Post by TerryGirl »

"Ive been to more than a few OBDTF and you can ask anyone who has ever sat in my presence that I eat less there than anyone in the room."

Maybe you do.....while you are IN THAT ROOM. Probably the smokers don't smoke while in that room either (out of respect for all the wimpy whiners) but when they get out thay sure fire them up. I'll bet you have a stash of Snickers in your car for on your way home, too.
You don't get to 291 pounds eating rabbit food.

Riding the Bench
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Post by TerryGirl »

"That alone dismisses me from being a hypocrite. "

No it doesn't. As long as you continue to eat to the point of keeping you morbidly obese and blaming any part of your lack of health on others (smokers) are being hypocritical.
Ask your Dr. which you are likely to die of first, your morbidly obese condition, or my second hand smoke.


Riding the Bench
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Post by TerryGirl »

"I didnt exclude myself in any part of this thread from my own "personal sins," and instead have been totally upfront with my weight "

I didn't either and I have been totally upfront, too. I have plainly said more than once.... I am a fat smoker..... but I don't openly whine about your condition costing me healthcare and insurance money, either like you have.

JUDGE NOT..........

Riding the Bench
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Post by TerryGirl »

"When an alcoholic stands up at an AA meeting and says his name and admits to being an alcoholic, does that make him a hypocrite? "

Certainly not...... BUT, but when he starts accusing me and my smoking of being the reason for his high healthcare and insurance costs (like you did) ... THEN he, too, is a hypocrit just like you.

(nice try on the alcoholic sobstory) :roll:

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Post by TerryGirl »

"See, you look at the results and pass judgment on things you know nothing about."

Hey, I'm not the one who started "passing judgement" here. You did. I never said a word about your cost causing condition until you started on mine but now all of a sudden I'm the one being unfair.

JUDGE NOT..............


Riding the Bench
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Post by TerryGirl »

"A failure is not someone who fails over and over again; a failure is someone who fails and gives up. I havent given up. "


Who said anything about you being a failure? Maybe that's just YOUR perception of yourself. I haven't given up either but if hypocrits keep accusing ME of running up THEIR healthcare costs, I may give up and my early death will be on the head of the agitator. Feeling guilty yet??


Riding the Bench
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Post by TerryGirl »

"If you had read my posts you wouldve noted that I have already taken steps to cut down on sodium."

Congratulations............ but I'd say cupcakes are more the problem. When you drop 75 pounds, give me a call and we'll sit down and discuss my smoking.


Riding the Bench
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Post by TerryGirl »

Now................ would you like to discuss the fact that I take a little nip now and then..................???????????????


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