Der_Kommissar1968 wrote:Stone's could rustle up a mean t-bone steak for you, even at 1:00 a.m. on a Friday night.
Is the T & H still around?
No, it was replaced by one of the finer establishments in Ironton known as the "JAB"................

Der_Kommissar1968 wrote:Stone's could rustle up a mean t-bone steak for you, even at 1:00 a.m. on a Friday night.
Is the T & H still around?
85inside wrote:Can anyone tell me the name of the roast beef place at 7th and Park? Before it became Giovannis and after it was Borden Burger, there used to be a place there that sold roast beef sandwiches, I think. Any help Turkey?
Hosscat, Are we swinging by Gambino's Pizza after the game on Friday or will it be Anderson's Pub?
The Flying Dutchman wrote:Turk, x's&o's does not like to talk about the pants deal. I am surprised you did not mention The Circle Bar(home of the Blue Tigers) and old man Kirtner sitting in front of his shop on N.2nd. As a kid I thought Mouse's place was the "Mouse House"?
IronTigerMum wrote:Remember Culligan's on South Third Street? Little bar where the barber shop is now.
Pocket Aces wrote:Maybe I just don't travel 3rd Street enough.....but last night when I drove by, the Wolohan's sign was lit up as if they were back in business. Just seemed more than a little bit of an odd use of electric.
What's next, a little Wood's Furniture Store sighting? James' Ice Ball Stand perhaps?
Or give me a little Shadybrook Restaurant and it's all good.
Come to think of it, a reopening of Goodie's would be pretty sweet also.
racenut70 wrote:My favorite place was Boggs Coffee Shop on Third Street best BBQ and onion rings in the area. What was in the building that now is C & S Guns?
XandOs wrote:How about getting an ice ball at Smitty's on 6th and Oak?
What was the name of the little store on 6th and Kemp? Mom used to go to their meat counter quite often.
Don't forget about a nice dinner at Stones. Wasn't that at 2nd and Park?
wcurtislloyd wrote:Does anyone remember Pete Corbin's Market north of Ironton on old State Route 75 (now State Route 93) ?