Which Would YOU Rather Win?

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Which Would You Rather Win?

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Re: Which Would YOU Rather Win?

Post by fuzzhead »

The Nobel Peace Prize is a joke. . . but I'd take the money.

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Re: Which Would YOU Rather Win?


The LOTTO!!!!!!!

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Re: Which Would YOU Rather Win?

Post by my2cents »

Funny thing is, I don't recall ever hearing anyone complain one way or the other about the Nobel Peace Prize until it was awarded to Obama. So it is still the same basic hatred of everything the man says or does. I don't know if he deserved it or not, don't really care. He didn't sign up for it, he was picked by a panel of foreigners. Other than the fact that is looks good on your resume, it doesn't really mean much, and he gave the money away.

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Re: Which Would YOU Rather Win?

Post by abuck76 »

I did not hear who he gave the money to........who was it? ..................... :12224

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Re: Which Would YOU Rather Win?

Post by TheMalteseFalcon »


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Re: Which Would YOU Rather Win?

Post by abuck76 »

ole malty..funny as ever :lol: :lol: :lol: ............acorn :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .....whew...... :12224

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Re: Which Would YOU Rather Win?

Post by IronTigerMum »

TMF: :lol:

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Re: Which Would YOU Rather Win?

Post by my2cents »

He has said he will give it away to Charity. There are several hoping to get it or at least a piece of it. Including a museuem in Dayton Ohio.

Peace museum angling for Obama's peace prize money
By JAMES HANNAH (AP) – Oct 27, 2009

DAYTON, Ohio — A fledging museum devoted to the pursuit of peace is hoping its mission is just what President Barack Obama is looking for when he decides what to do with the $1.4 million cash award that comes with his Nobel Peace Prize.

Volunteers and supporters of the Dayton International Peace Museum are writing letters to Obama in hopes of swaying him to make a donation. Dayton Mayor Rhine McLin says city leaders also will reach out to the president. The museum's founders are also urging state officials to make an appeal.

Obama has said he will travel to Oslo, Norway, to accept the award in December, and plans to donate the cash to charity. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said this month that Obama has not decided which charity or charities will get the money.

Museum officials say they would use the prize money to expand their peacemaking and conflict-resolution programs in elementary schools and among first-time youthful offenders and at-risk youth.

The beating death of a Chicago honor student last month attracted Obama's attention. The president sent Attorney General Eric Holder and Education Secretary Arne Duncan to the city to meet with students, parents and administrators. Federal officials also promised support efforts to stop youth violence nationwide.

The idea for the Dayton museum was born at a bus-station diner in 2003 when Christine Dull and her husband, Ralph Dull, longtime peace activists who live in the Dayton area, were on their way home from New York City after visiting the United Nations.

"All of a sudden I said, 'It's high time Dayton had a peace museum,'" Christine Dull recalled. She said the couple was inspired by the realization that there were thousands of war museums and memorials throughout the world, but few peace museums.

The Dayton museum opened in 2005 in a stately 1877 Italianate mansion. The Dulls and several others used their own money to start it, along with a $10,000 grant from a local organization that supports grass-roots groups that promote social change. The museum is nonpartisan and not affiliated with any church or religion.

The museum sends volunteers to schools to urge students to make nonviolent choices, sponsors a summer peace camp and puts on a peace festival. Its former director has visited Pakistan, India and Iran multiple times to meet with peace groups and schools.

"I believe there is a critical mass for good in the world now. And we want to be part of that," Christine Dull said.

Some peace organizations are flourishing.

The United States Institute of Peace, a government-funded, independent group that works to prevent and resolve conflicts around the world, recently celebrated its 25th anniversary. It has grown from three employees to around 250 and is building a new headquarters on the national mall in Washington near the Lincoln Memorial, giving it high visibility.

"It's a symbol of our nation's commitment to peace-building," said spokeswoman Lauren Sucher.

Richard Deats, former executive director of the U.S. branch of the Nyack, N.Y.-based Fellowship of Reconciliation, has followed, lectured and written about the peace movement for years. He said a peace museum is a physical sign of humanity's desire for peace and called the Dayton museum "significant."

"It's very important as a cultural landmark where peace is being studied," Deats said.

Photos and biographies of Mahatma Gandhi and Nobel Peace Prize winners, including Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr. hang on the Dayton museum's walls. Shelves are lined with books on peace. One room is devoted to the United Nations. Another resembles a school classroom with posters on how to deal with bullies.

One exhibit includes photos from the World War II atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, and poems written by survivors.

"There are a couple of generations that have no idea what nuclear bombs can do, and we think they need to be educated on that," Christine Dull said.

The Dulls have had a passion for peace nearly all of their adult lives.

Ralph grew up in the Church of the Brethren, which historically has taken a strong stance for pacifism. He was a conscientious objector during the Korean War, working for two years in the slums of Baltimore instead of serving in the military.

In 1983, the couple began traveling to the Soviet Union on friendship trips. In 1989, they lived in a collective farm village there while two Soviet farmers worked on their farm in Ohio.

"We went for friendship purposes because we felt that no matter what our governments were doing, we thought that the people should get to know each other," Christine Dull said.

Over the years, the Dulls have taken part in countless peace rallies and vigils.

When peace talks between leaders of the war-torn Balkans were held at nearby Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in 1995, Christine played her cello outside the base's fence line in tribute to Vedran Smailovic, the Sarajevo cellist who became a symbol of courage for playing in the city's bombarded streets during its siege.

Today, the Dulls are part of a museum that has 75 volunteers and counts former U.N. Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, actor Martin Sheen and singer Willie Nelson as honorary trustees.

The couple often is seen at community events riding in their PeaceMobile, a colorfully painted motor home with an exhibit inside. It is among several such vehicles around the country. Only rarely do the Dulls get a hostile reception, such as the time they asked for permission to join a parade in a local suburb.

"The man yelled at me over the phone and he said, 'What's the matter with you, lady? PeaceMobile? Don't you know we have a war going on?'" Dull said, laughing.

If the museum receives funds from Obama, it wouldn't be the first time it has gotten peace prize money. In 2005, Holbrooke donated $10,000 of his $25,000 Dayton Peace Award to the museum after he was honored for his role in forging the agreement reached at Wright-Patterson that ended fighting in the Balkans.

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Re: Which Would YOU Rather Win?

Post by Space Cowboy »

abuck76 wrote:[quote="[b]Space Cowboy[/b]Since 99,There is not one single person on that list that deserves to be there.
Obama aint been around long enough to know either way.
Al Gore????? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yunus????? :lol: :lol: :lol: and I would bet bet you blame Bush for all the financial troubles we have....go dig into this persons paper trail.
Kofi Annan? :lol: ...a known brutal communist :roll:
Jimmy Carter? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ...even funnier than Gore
To be sure, there are many names on that list that deserve to be there, but the Nobel Peace prize has been a joke for at least the last decade.

Snide remarks........hmmmm................. :12224[/quote]
I said snide towards me. My fault... I assumed you understood the difference. I was laughing about who has recieved the NPP for the past decade.... think about it for a moment... Obama aint been on the stage long enough to know if he deserves it or not. That wasnt snide. Yunus and Kofi Annan were extremely poor choices, therefore, not a snide comment- its the truth. Gore is laughable due to the fact that this man expects you and I to reduce our carbon footprint on this planet, yet he is living proof of someone that doesnt practice what they preach- therefore, what I posted was the truth. Carter, well thats the one place I was slightly wrong-at least he does donate his time and some of his finances to habitat for humanity, so he is, at least, a couple of steps above Gore. Other than that, Carter didnt deserve it.
Here lies your problem- you are wanting to make this into something political and it shouldnt be. This is what I was talking about with the snide commentary. I knew you would bite... you cant help it. I could have come back, with many more snide comments to your countless ones, but most of the time, I refuse. I understand why you think the way you do, but for someone who is so educated, you seem to stoop to the same level you accuse others of. It was just past due time this was pointed out.

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Re: Which Would YOU Rather Win?

Post by Tigercannon71 »

Id pick the Nobel prize. Its like winning the Heisman. No matter where you go you will always be called the Nobel Peace Prize winner tigercannon71. So thats awesome. Plus its a great pickup line at the bar. You can be like hey baby want to come to my place and see my Nobel Prize. So a Nobel prize is much better than being a chia pet. Plus you can endorse more items as a Nobel winner and maybe even get a guest shot on the Simpsons. So Nobel prize much cooler than chai pet.

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Re: Which Would YOU Rather Win?

Post by Space Cowboy »

my2cents wrote:Funny thing is, I don't recall ever hearing anyone complain one way or the other about the Nobel Peace Prize until it was awarded to Obama. So it is still the same basic hatred of everything the man says or does. I don't know if he deserved it or not, don't really care. He didn't sign up for it, he was picked by a panel of foreigners. Other than the fact that is looks good on your resume, it doesn't really mean much, and he gave the money away.

For the most part, I agree with your statement. I , however, have heard several folks complain, in the past few years, but thats just me. I believe most peoples complaint about Obama recieving the NPP is the fact that he hasnt been in office long enough to see, one way or the other. This is one that nobody can blame on Obama, though.

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Re: Which Would YOU Rather Win?

Post by abuck76 »

thats the trouble with most people, they want to look at the surface to find answers.....Look underneath and find the answers....We don't have to agree with their picks.......I don't believe they really give a furry rats behind whether anyone agrees or not...........They are fulfilling their obligation as THEY see fit............. :12224
snide (snīd)
adj. snid·er, snid·est
Derogatory in a malicious, superior way.....you were making fun of those picks, no matter how ya try to spin it........... :122249
I don't think Obama necessarily deserves it, for what he has accomplished, as to what he represents in his accomplishment..............I for one think Jimmy Carter deserved the award many times over.....A not so good President, for the most part.......... but a true humanitarian............................ :12224

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Re: Which Would YOU Rather Win?

Post by IronTigerMum »

I agree that Jimmy Carter deserved it, he is a 'doer'. He gets his hands dirty and goes out and 'does' to help others. Some of the others on this list are as laughable as Obama. I think this year it was kind've like the 'straw that broke the camel's back' type deal. Obama did nothing to deserve it except TALK about how he wants peace. It just diminishes the award more now than it did before.

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Re: Which Would YOU Rather Win?

Post by wildthingRV »

I'd settle for some dignity for you, tuck.


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Re: Which Would YOU Rather Win?

Post by abuck76 »

I think people are getting confused and think the prize was given for a single instance of peace brokering..........It stands for possibilities.........Now Obama may or may not live up to the hype.....For me as an American, I hope he does, as I'm sure every American wants him to succeed.........oh, wait thats not true........The prize committee's official announcement follows.......................... :12224

The Norwegian Nobel Committee

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.
Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. Thanks to Obama's initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened.
Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population.
For 108 years, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world's leading spokesman. The Committee endorses Obama's appeal that "Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges."

Oslo, October 9, 2009

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Re: Which Would YOU Rather Win?

Post by Space Cowboy »

abuck76 wrote:thats the trouble with most people, they want to look at the surface to find answers.....Look underneath and find the answers....We don't have to agree with their picks.......I don't believe they really give a furry rats behind whether anyone agrees or not...........They are fulfilling their obligation as THEY see fit............. :12224
snide (snīd)
adj. snid·er, snid·est
Derogatory in a malicious, superior way.....you were making fun of those picks, no matter how ya try to spin it........... :122249
I don't think Obama necessarily deserves it, for what he has accomplished, as to what he represents in his accomplishment..............I for one think Jimmy Carter deserved the award many times over.....A not so good President, for the most part.......... but a true humanitarian............................ :12224

Im not trying to spin anything. You read something, and if it doesnt suit you, you automatically go on the attack. Like I said, I do understand your line of thought on most subjects you post on, but you just cant help yourself from going on the offensive when someone has another point of view.

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Re: Which Would YOU Rather Win?


Im still going with the LOTTO!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Which Would YOU Rather Win?

Post by abuck76 »

man, the lotto would be sweet..............The Hillbilly Retirement system............. :12224

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Re: Which Would YOU Rather Win?

Post by fuzzhead »

abuck76 wrote:I think people are getting confused and think the prize was given for a single instance of peace brokering..........It stands for possibilities....

So. . . you don't have to have real results, just talk about them.
So technically, a beauty pagent contestant should have just as much right to a NPP as anyone on the list because, heck, they all want world peace, too - just ask them during a competition. :lol:
And I'd like to know how Jimmy Carter deserves a NPP. :lol:
Or does he just talk purty too.

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