Dinosaur Tissue
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
Didn't think so. . .
I'm not the one talking trash. You and Paladin have "trashed" the beliefs of the "young earthers" on this thread. All I'm doing is asking for proof and you refuse to give it.
All you've done is resorted to name-calling.
I'm not the one talking trash. You and Paladin have "trashed" the beliefs of the "young earthers" on this thread. All I'm doing is asking for proof and you refuse to give it.
All you've done is resorted to name-calling.
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
Noahs ark supposedly came to rest on Mt. Ararat, correct me if I'm wrong, because I'm not that well versed as some of you.........When did this happen, approxiamtely? A date if you will, BC or AD, whichever it is...............Thanks in advance.......... 

- kantuckyII
- Posts: 12198
- Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:43 am
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
Paladin wrote:The losers have to denigrate ALL sciences -- geology, biology, chemistry, paleontology,astrology, etc. -- because ALL come to the same conclusions of all their respective work that the Earth is very old, ages that millions of years pre-dating man existed and the evidence is clear, convincing and overwhelming. Science will continue to spread the knowledge of man and destroy the attempts to use beliefs as a fake "science".
Those poor scientists even made it to the Moon with their lack of knowledge and foolish info.
Paladin, I challenge you and call you the 'flat earther' I think you're so mingled in superstition, you don't want to hear anything else.
The fact of the matter is, this tissue is soft and preserved. How could it be 25 million years old?
- kantuckyII
- Posts: 12198
- Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:43 am
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
So, my2cents? are you calling the many millions upon millions of people on this planet, who go to church and believe the Bible stoopid? cause, that is what it sure sounds like you're saying.
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
Well tuck, fuzzy..........asked a question..........are ya afraid of the answer?............... 

- kantuckyII
- Posts: 12198
- Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:43 am
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
Hey, you're the one who said you were sold out to God a few weeks ago. If you're talking about the same God, you should KNOW the answer and shouldn't have to ask us. You need to research it yourself. It will do you some good.
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
abuck76 wrote:Noahs ark supposedly came to rest on Mt. Ararat, correct me if I'm wrong, because I'm not that well versed as some of you.........When did this happen, approxiamtely? A date if you will, BC or AD, whichever it is...............Thanks in advance..........
Off hand, I couldn't tell you.
I'd say a ball park figure might be considered to be around 5 or 6 thousand years or so.
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
^^^Maybe a few thousand more.
Again, I don't profess to know an exact date on when God created everything.
I do know that God created it and most people on this planet agree.
Again, I don't profess to know an exact date on when God created everything.
I do know that God created it and most people on this planet agree.
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
Have you seen the pictures of the so-called Arl Anamoly on Mt. Ararat?...............

- kantuckyII
- Posts: 12198
- Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:43 am
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
abuck76 wrote:Well tuck, fuzzy..........asked a question..........are ya afraid of the answer?...............
Oh, and...by the way, I'm not afraid of any answer. I'm not afraid of anyone who thinks I'm stupid because I believe the Bible, as it is written. That doesn't bother me a bit. Heck, if anything, I'm very proud of that.
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Re: Dinosaur Tissue
kantuckyII wrote:Paladin wrote:The losers have to denigrate ALL sciences -- geology, biology, chemistry, paleontology,astrology, etc. -- because ALL come to the same conclusions of all their respective work that the Earth is very old, ages that millions of years pre-dating man existed and the evidence is clear, convincing and overwhelming. Science will continue to spread the knowledge of man and destroy the attempts to use beliefs as a fake "science".
Those poor scientists even made it to the Moon with their lack of knowledge and foolish info.
Paladin, I challenge you and call you the 'flat earther' I think you're so mingled in superstition, you don't want to hear anything else.
The fact of the matter is, this tissue is soft and preserved. How could it be 25 million years old?
It isn't. It was said repeatedly that it came from bones that were 68 to 80 million years old. The lady said this was something that hadn't ever been done before because paleontologists weren't keen on the idea of the bones being destroyed, buy Mr Horner let her do this by supplying her with material to work with. They may have been able to do this all along, find soft tissue in the bones by dissolving them, but just never did because no one had tried it before.
Personally I believe in science and thier evidence that the Earth is hundred of millions of years old. You say for us to prove that it is, on that same token let's see some proof that it isn't. And I don't mean just "because the Bible says so".
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
abuck76 wrote:Have you seen the pictures of the so-called Arl Anamoly on Mt. Ararat?...............![]()
That's a very pretty picture.

- Space Cowboy
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Re: Dinosaur Tissue
abuck76 wrote:Noahs ark supposedly came to rest on Mt. Ararat, correct me if I'm wrong, because I'm not that well versed as some of you.........When did this happen, approxiamtely? A date if you will, BC or AD, whichever it is...............Thanks in advance..........
2500 BC or 4500 years ago. Thats about as close a figure without going to a bible scholar.
- Space Cowboy
- Posts: 2627
- Joined: Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:13 pm
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
my2cents wrote:Paladin, the problem lies in the fact that the religious text were written thousands of years ago by men who saw the world in the knowledge of their day. Sadly, many take it all literally and their ignorance sheds a "dim" light on all believers.
"You don't have to be ignorant to believe in religion, but it sure does help"
If there is no God, then did you ever stop to think that maybe the earth created us just so we could evolve long enough for us to supply it with plastic and then its gonna shrug us off like a bad summer cold?

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Re: Dinosaur Tissue
First of all -- I don't need to prove anything. All the sciences are taught in school & colleges . Their body of work speaks for itself. The mindless here want someone to prove a negative. The mere fact that biology, chemistry, etc are taught and teach about facts which ALL back up each branch of science that the Earth is millions of years old. No one teaches the Earth is but a few thousand years old. Except maybe a branch of the FLAT EARTH SOCIETY.
Should also be pointed out that there are lots of religious believers who ALSO believe in science. It is only the extremists ( Conservatives) that exclude science in favor of rigid fanatical religious doctrine. The fact that schools & colleges teach the sciences of all types to the EXCLUSION of the flat eaarth kooks "theories" makes REAL science the curriculum thats standard for all. Blatant attempts to replace REAL science with religious beliefs as a "science" have failed. Only here , on an internet message board can you have an old coot preaching his crap that no one in respected academia can accept because they have no proof. Science has all kinds of proof in ALL the various forms of science that destroys their voodoo religion about the real age of the Earth, the Universe,etc.. What a folly. Disbelieve science and instead, follow mindless idiots with their voodoo beliefs.

Should also be pointed out that there are lots of religious believers who ALSO believe in science. It is only the extremists ( Conservatives) that exclude science in favor of rigid fanatical religious doctrine. The fact that schools & colleges teach the sciences of all types to the EXCLUSION of the flat eaarth kooks "theories" makes REAL science the curriculum thats standard for all. Blatant attempts to replace REAL science with religious beliefs as a "science" have failed. Only here , on an internet message board can you have an old coot preaching his crap that no one in respected academia can accept because they have no proof. Science has all kinds of proof in ALL the various forms of science that destroys their voodoo religion about the real age of the Earth, the Universe,etc.. What a folly. Disbelieve science and instead, follow mindless idiots with their voodoo beliefs.

Re: Dinosaur Tissue
kantuckyII wrote:So, my2cents? are you calling the many millions upon millions of people on this planet, who go to church and believe the Bible stoopid? cause, that is what it sure sounds like you're saying.
Nope, not all of them. Just the ones who think the Earth is 10,000 years old, Now they are stoopid. No if, ands or buts. They are even considered Stoopid by the 99% of most church goers. And their Mecca is the evolution museum, where, as I have stated many times, they have a diarama showing a dinosaur pulling a cart for a caveman.

Re: Dinosaur Tissue
fuzzhead wrote:Didn't think so. . .
I'm not the one talking trash. You and Paladin have "trashed" the beliefs of the "young earthers" on this thread. All I'm doing is asking for proof and you refuse to give it.
All you've done is resorted to name-calling.
Well Fuzz, since your so interested in getting to the truth, please show us your evidence that the Earth is 10,00 years old, besides the bibles version of course.
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
fuzzhead wrote:Didn't think so. . .
You trash the beliefs of others, yet can't give anything to back up your own. . .
Just let everyone else do all the thinking for you, lil guy.
I once had a very wise professor who told me that you should be able to know just exactly what you believe and why you believe it.
Actually Sir, you were the first to denegrate to name calling. What do I need to back up my belief, which actually is not considered a belief but an accpeted scientific fact. How about the thousands upon thousands of books and scientific resarch on the subject. Of coures you have your one source.
"The Goat Herders Guide to the Galaxy"
You should pick and choose your battles a little more carefully. This one only sets religion back in a bad light and drives more people away from it than it draws towards it.
- kantuckyII
- Posts: 12198
- Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:43 am
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
Paladin wrote:First of all -- I don't need to prove anything. All the sciences are taught in school & colleges . Their body of work speaks for itself. The mindless here want someone to prove a negative. The mere fact that biology, chemistry, etc are taught and teach about facts which ALL back up each branch of science that the Earth is millions of years old. No one teaches the Earth is but a few thousand years old. Except maybe a branch of the FLAT EARTH SOCIETY.
Should also be pointed out that there are lots of religious believers who ALSO believe in science. It is only the extremists ( Conservatives) that exclude science in favor of rigid fanatical religious doctrine. The fact that schools & colleges teach the sciences of all types to the EXCLUSION of the flat eaarth kooks "theories" makes REAL science the curriculum thats standard for all. Blatant attempts to replace REAL science with religious beliefs as a "science" have failed. Only here , on an internet message board can you have an old coot preaching his crap that no one in respected academia can accept because they have no proof. Science has all kinds of proof in ALL the various forms of science that destroys their voodoo religion about the real age of the Earth, the Universe,etc.. What a folly. Disbelieve science and instead, follow mindless idiots with their voodoo beliefs.![]()
Good night Paladin, as I said, you're REALLY ARE the flat earther. This isn't someone preaching the Bible. This is someone that is saying..here, 'hold this tissue' it's real, it's pliable, it's soft tissue from dinosaurs. There's no way it's 25 million or even a million years old..
You're superstitious as well! Wouldn't you admit that you're SCARED TO DEATH Of these findings because..they're right in your face. You can't argue them, you just lash out and attack because your little world has been shaken up! Over and over again, your view of the world is toppling.
- kantuckyII
- Posts: 12198
- Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:43 am
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
Should also be pointed out that there are lots of religious believers who ALSO believe in science
Yeah, they're called invertebrates