Donald Trump - Interesting Opinions

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Re: Donald Trump - Interesting Opinions

Post by eccedomusscientiae »

It's a good thing TrumP "changed" his stance on abortion inthe past 6 months. Now Kantucky II is backing him. Justkeep walking toward the slaughter.

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Re: Donald Trump - Interesting Opinions

Post by kantuckyII »

Has Obama EVER changed his stance on abortion? Last time I heard, he was still the most radically pro-abortion president ever..and probably, the more radically pro-abortion Senator who has ever served and it wasn't just lip service either, Obama has a voting record that establishes him as being how I described him. Nothing hidden with Barrack Hussein Obama on that issue, everyone who voted for him knew what he was for and where he stood and his past voting record. There, you knew what you were getting!

I'm still not saying Trump is the man, I just said I thought he had 'interesting opinions. Also,Trump said he changed his stance on abortion quite a while ago. Now, I'll agree, that's certainly a relative way of expressing that. I do know in 2000 he said that, and I quote: "pro-choice I'm uncomfortable with the procedures" Now his stance is, like many of us, it's an 'evolutionary process' as we sort through our conscious and come to the conclusion that abortion on demand is wrong.

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Re: Donald Trump - Interesting Opinions

Post by Dean »

Please tell me I am dreaming. The Donald has no other thought in his mind other than "what is good for me". Anyone who thinks he has the country's best interests at heart is naive. I love this country, and even though I feel the last two Presidents were/are two of the worst that have served I still respect the office of the President. I do not believe Donald Trump does.

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Re: Donald Trump - Interesting Opinions

Post by Bleeding Red »

Why does everyone bring up the fact that Trump has filed bankruptcy in the past?

Do they not realize that nearly 25% of the US population has filed for bankruptcy in the past 10 years?

Do they not realize that we have a federal debt of TRILLIONS of dollars? And that means the country has been BANKRUPT since the National Debt was established?

We dont need any more money hungry politicians. I think we need someone just like Trump. The guy would be LOSING millions of dollars a year to be our president. That would be a big change vs someone gaining millions of dollars in lobbyist money and closed door meetings at the White House.

Bottom line is our country is in terrible shape by our standards. If we keep electing politicians, we will keep getting the same results. Currently it is all about greed. Of course just putting new blood in the White House doesnt mean all that much. We need a complete overhaul in the US Senate and House as well. Enough bickering over political parties and other bullcrap. We elected these buffoons to make our country better....and safer. If they cant get it done they need removed. So far they are all striking out.

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Re: Donald Trump - Interesting Opinions

Post by kantuckyII »

Wait Dean, if you watch the video, he addresses; the trade problem with China, he wants the Senior Citizens and Medicare protected and is very concerned with Paul Ryan's budget plan that would attack Medicare and Seniors, attack the deficit by creating a strong country by NOT buying OPEC Oil..which, will lower energy cost and strengthen our country, does NOT believe that taxes are needing raised either to work on the deficit. Also, believes in a strong military, to build it even stronger.

I believe that BOTH parties are hating on Trump because he's raising very uncomfortable questions for them.

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Re: Donald Trump - Interesting Opinions

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Trump won't run for anything. He is doing this for his EGO.

He has a little TV show on NBC and we are about to enter May Sweeps Month for TV ratings.

I'm sure there are countless other reason's he is doing this, but looking out for the "average Joe" isn't one of them.

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Re: Donald Trump - Interesting Opinions


KVDW wrote:
newarkcatholicfan wrote:He has no clue what the common man needs.
It would be just like this country to put him in charge.
Yeah, after Bush and Obama I'd say they are absolutely foolish enough to elect Trump too.
I think I'm ready for someone outside the "R" or "D" parties.

He can't be any worse. Heck, give him a shot
I agree he can't be any worse and I 110% agree on outside of the "R" AND "D" PARTY, they stink.

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Re: Donald Trump - Interesting Opinions

Post by Space Cowboy »

Dean wrote:Please tell me I am dreaming. The Donald has no other thought in his mind other than "what is good for me". Anyone who thinks he has the country's best interests at heart is naive. I love this country, and even though I feel the last two Presidents were/are two of the worst that have served I still respect the office of the President. I do not believe Donald Trump does.
Please name me just one politician that doesnt have that very mentality.

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Re: Donald Trump - Interesting Opinions

Post by Snowman79 »

I think Trump much like us has probably throughout his adult life has probably spent a few nights worrying about his future unlike 75 percent of these career politicians we have electeded.
The guys life is kinda like our countries past 100 years.... Had it all goin good, lost it all and has got it back... Much like our country needs to do now.

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