Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

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Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

kantuckyII wrote:
abuck76 wrote:I think Romney or any candidate not mentioning the military at such an important event , while you have men and women dying on foreign soil is unconscionable....The military will remeber......And the Senate stopping a bill that would help veterans on their return?...What in the heck is wrong with you guys in the GOP?..For Gods sake, just do what is right!!!!!!!............. :12224
We've sure not heard much about the active military members dying every day in Afghanistan since Obama put so many of them there, have we? Seems like if the D's are in control, they're expendable and have very little value

And yet you are all for starting another war in Iran so that more of our soldiers can die.


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Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Post by kantuckyII »

You Damnacrats or is it Demoncrats? you're all hypocrites! Burgrad is the biggest...I'd name abuck but he's a moron too which is a special breed of hippocrit lol

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Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Post by noreply66 »

kantuckyII wrote:You Damnacrats or is it Demoncrats? you're all hypocrites! Burgrad is the biggest...I'd name abuck but he's a moron too which is a special breed of hippocrit lol
Sounds like you are hurting for word---Must be the Mellon Head effect :aaaaa8

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Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

kantuckyII wrote:You Damnacrats or is it Demoncrats? you're all hypocrites! Burgrad is the biggest...I'd name abuck but he's a moron too which is a special breed of hippocrit lol

You are the biggest hypocrite I have ever come across. You complain about people turning your threads into political threads and yet you post political threads on here constantly. You complain about all of the soldiers who have died in what you call "Obamas wars" and yet you want to go to war with Iran because we are "morally" obligated to. So I guess it's alright for all of these soldiers to die as long as it "morally" right.

You're not only a hypocrite, you are also an idiot.

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Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Post by abuck76 »

Poor old tuck.........I live in his head rent free..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .................. :12224


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Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Post by abuck76 »

Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, has announced that an anonymous GOP Senator has blocked a bill to provide veterans and their spouses with a Cost of Living increase in the benefits they receive.

You read that right. What has been since time out of mind a thoroughly non-partisan and non-controversial annual act has been anonymously blocked by some Senate Republican for reasons passing understanding. This bill affects 3.9 million veterans and their families, and the cowardly ball of filth who did this has not come forward.

"This is stunning" said Senator Murray. "Particularly because we still don't have any indication why someone would block a cost-of-living adjustment for veterans and their surviving spouses, many of whom are struggling to make ends meet. This adjustment for our disabled veterans is hard earned and well deserved."

Paul Sullivan, a Gulf War veteran and Director of Veterans Outreach for Bergmann & Moore, LLC, a law firm concentrating on VA disability law, said, "This secret hold is unconscionable: it will take up to $500 next year out of the wallets of disabled veterans and their families: money they need to pay their rent and put food on the table for their children."

So, just to be clear here:

Vote for war in Iraq: YES

Vote for war in Afghanistan: YES

Vote for COLA increase for veterans and their spouses: NO

...and just to add a little more Republican salt to the wound:

Vote for Veterans' Jobs Bill last week: FILIBUSTERED TO DEATH by the GOP

I am, quite literally, choking on my own rage right now.

These scum-riddled Republican ghouls are all too happy to throw American men and women into the meat-grinder of for-profit wars, but God help them if they actually survive the carnage and come home as veterans. There is no home front to return to in the world these Republicans would make. There is only the back of their hand, so sorry, helping you after you served our country cuts against our small-government ethos. Once upon a time, we had the GI Bill. Now, we have this.

The Roman method for dealing with corruption was to sew the offender into a sack with a wild animal and have that sack thrown into the river. In these enlightened days, I'd be satisfied to sew whoever blocked this legislation into a sack with five veterans who depend on the benefits earned with their blood and service, and let nature take its course.

I would pay long money to see that.
.......................................................................... :12224 ... r-veterans

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Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Mitt the Cowardly Draft Dodger...............protesting in FAVOR of the Vietnam Draft, while AVOIDING the draft himself. Scumbag.

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Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Ole Mitt may have just lost the vets now.

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Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Post by abuck76 »

Yeup , like every other demographic except old white guys............. :12224

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Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Post by abuck76 »

Stu Steinberg served in the Army for five years and spent eighteen months in Vietnam as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal operator. He was decorated for heroism and wounded in action. He is a retired law school educator
................................ :12224

According to a recent poll, veterans are supporting Mitt Romney by 58% to 34% for President Obama. If you are a veteran, or are serving on active duty, and you're thinking about voting for Mitt Romney, there are some things you need to know. At the outset, I will state that Mitt. Romney, despite his recent campaign stops at the VFW national convention, his speech from the deck of the USS Wisconsin in Norfolk when he introduced Paul Ryan as his VP pick, and, yesterday, at an American Legion post in Virginia, is not our friend. I say, "Our", because I am a veteran and have been involved in veterans' advocacy since 1977 as a first-year law student in New Hampshire when we started a clinic to assist veterans with VA and Social Security disability claims. In 1978, I became one of the first people to be accredited by the VA as a service officer for Vietnam Veterans of America and have been assisting my fellow veterans ever since. For the past thirty-four years, I have kept myself informed about veterans issues and which politicians actually are our advocates and which ones actually work against our best interests. Mitt Romney and the GOP, despite their blatherings when they are in front of veterans, or active duty military people, are not our friends.

Just before the 2008 election, I wrote a piece for OpEdNews about how members of Congress ranked when it came to veterans legislation. I cannot find the data that was on the web from, I believe, the Disabled American Veterans at the time, but, essentially, it showed that Republicans, uniformly, were not our allies. In fact, when it came to veterans legislation, one of the lowest scoring on the 1-100 scale was John McCain, who has often preached that our VA health care should be privatized. I believe his score was 23, maybe 28. The Republicans in Congress averaged something like 28, while democrats averaged 88. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama got 100, as did the entire Massachusetts delegation. It is also curious that virtually the entire current leadership of the GOP, including Romney and Ryan, despite the fact that they are constantly waving the flag in our face and often make statements about what great patriots they are, never served in the military. Although many Democrats have not served, either, at least they're not trying to shove the flag down my throat or bragging that they are bigger patriots than "the other guys."

No one with any memory, at all, can forget how the scumbags known as "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" savaged John Kerry during the 2004 campaign with claims about Kerry's service that were wholly fabricated. In fact, I also wrote a piece for OpEdNews about these cretins and, by reviewing Kerry's military records that had been placed online, showed that every claim they made about Kerry's military service was false. Nor can we forget how the GOP jumped on Bill Clinton for having student deferments so he could study at Oxford, yet, they didn't care about Dick Cheney's five deferments that he got because, in his own words, he "had more important things to do." Today, we have a group of ex-Navy SEALs running racist, anti-American ads about President Obama and claiming, among other fabrications, that the President has been bragging that he almost single-handedly killed Osama bin Laden. Well, I've had it with these self-proclaimed uber patriots and I'm not going to let them get away with trashing the President while claiming to support veterans' and soldiers' rights to healthcare and decent jobs when the facts clearly show that they do not.

Let's talk about Romney, first. Mitt Romney actively evaded military service during the Vietnam War. And I do not want to hear that he had a high draft lottery number and that's why he didn't go because many of us who did volunteer also had high numbers, but went anyway. Mitt Romney, in my opinion, didn't serve because he is a gutless coward and he comes from a family that has never served in the military. In fact, none of his five sons saw fit to serve, despite the fact that all of them came of age during times of war. Tagg was born in 1970 and Matt in 1971. Thus, they were both of age when the first Gulf War broke out. Josh was born in 1975 and was available for the Balkans War; Ben in 1978 and Craig in 1981, making both of them available to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan. For people constantly telling us how great America is, and how much this country has given them, they sure have never shown us, in the one way that really counts, how grateful they really are. Other than their loyalty to their fellow plutocrats, they know nothing about true loyalty, courage or commitment to country.

The following is from an article on Real Clear Politics, published on June 5, 2012:

"According to the Associated Press, Romney's recollection of his Vietnam-era decisions has evolved in the decades since, particularly as his presidential ambitions became clear.

He said in 2007, with his first White House run under way, that he had 'longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam.' But his actions, Selective Service records and previous statements show little interest in joining a conflict that ultimately claimed more than 58,000 American lives.


Critics note that the candidate is among three generations of Romneys, including his father, former Michigan Gov. George Romney, and five sons, who were of military age during armed conflicts but did not serve.

As a presidential candidate in 2007, Romney told The Boston Globe he was frustrated, as a Mormon missionary, not to be fighting alongside his countrymen.

'I was supportive of my country,' Romney said. 'I longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam and be representing our country there, and in some ways it was frustrating not to feel like I was there as part of the troops that were fighting in Vietnam.'


But the frustration he recalled in 2007 does not match a sentiment he shared as a Massachusetts Senate candidate in 1994, when he told The Boston Herald, 'I was not planning on signing up for the military.'

'It was not my desire to go off and serve in Vietnam, but nor did I take any actions to remove myself from the pool of young men who were eligible for the draft,' Romney told the newspaper.

But that's exactly what Romney did, according Selective Service records. He received his first deferment for 'activity in study' in October 1965 while at Stanford."

After his first year at Stanford, Romney qualified for 4-D deferment status as "a minister of religion or divinity student." It was a status he would hold from July 1966 until February 1969, a period he largely spent in France working as a Mormon missionary. Interestingly, Mitt Romney was avoiding the draft while demonstrating in favor of the draft and the Vietnam War when he was a student at Sta nford and a member of the Young Republicans. It was shortly after that that his "convenient " ministerial deferment showed up. And, by the way, Romney has also lied about how tough he had it during his mission in France. At various times he has claimed that he lived in a house that had no working bathrooms and that their shower was a hose attached to a sink. That may have been true, initially, but for most of his 2 - years in France, while he was avoiding military service, Romney lived in what has been variously described as a "palace." There were stained-glass windows, chandeliers, a full-time chef and a house boy. As Voltaire, a Frenchman, put it, "The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor."

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Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Post by BubbleGumTiger »

abuck76 wrote:Stu Steinberg served in the Army for five years and spent eighteen months in Vietnam as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal operator. He was decorated for heroism and wounded in action. He is a retired law school educator
................................ :12224

According to a recent poll, veterans are supporting Mitt Romney by 58% to 34% for President Obama. If you are a veteran, or are serving on active duty, and you're thinking about voting for Mitt Romney, there are some things you need to know. At the outset, I will state that Mitt. Romney, despite his recent campaign stops at the VFW national convention, his speech from the deck of the USS Wisconsin in Norfolk when he introduced Paul Ryan as his VP pick, and, yesterday, at an American Legion post in Virginia, is not our friend. I say, "Our", because I am a veteran and have been involved in veterans' advocacy since 1977 as a first-year law student in New Hampshire when we started a clinic to assist veterans with VA and Social Security disability claims. In 1978, I became one of the first people to be accredited by the VA as a service officer for Vietnam Veterans of America and have been assisting my fellow veterans ever since. For the past thirty-four years, I have kept myself informed about veterans issues and which politicians actually are our advocates and which ones actually work against our best interests. Mitt Romney and the GOP, despite their blatherings when they are in front of veterans, or active duty military people, are not our friends.

Just before the 2008 election, I wrote a piece for OpEdNews about how members of Congress ranked when it came to veterans legislation. I cannot find the data that was on the web from, I believe, the Disabled American Veterans at the time, but, essentially, it showed that Republicans, uniformly, were not our allies. In fact, when it came to veterans legislation, one of the lowest scoring on the 1-100 scale was John McCain, who has often preached that our VA health care should be privatized. I believe his score was 23, maybe 28. The Republicans in Congress averaged something like 28, while democrats averaged 88. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama got 100, as did the entire Massachusetts delegation. It is also curious that virtually the entire current leadership of the GOP, including Romney and Ryan, despite the fact that they are constantly waving the flag in our face and often make statements about what great patriots they are, never served in the military. Although many Democrats have not served, either, at least they're not trying to shove the flag down my throat or bragging that they are bigger patriots than "the other guys."

No one with any memory, at all, can forget how the scumbags known as "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" savaged John Kerry during the 2004 campaign with claims about Kerry's service that were wholly fabricated. In fact, I also wrote a piece for OpEdNews about these cretins and, by reviewing Kerry's military records that had been placed online, showed that every claim they made about Kerry's military service was false. Nor can we forget how the GOP jumped on Bill Clinton for having student deferments so he could study at Oxford, yet, they didn't care about Dick Cheney's five deferments that he got because, in his own words, he "had more important things to do." Today, we have a group of ex-Navy SEALs running racist, anti-American ads about President Obama and claiming, among other fabrications, that the President has been bragging that he almost single-handedly killed Osama bin Laden. Well, I've had it with these self-proclaimed uber patriots and I'm not going to let them get away with trashing the President while claiming to support veterans' and soldiers' rights to healthcare and decent jobs when the facts clearly show that they do not.

Let's talk about Romney, first. Mitt Romney actively evaded military service during the Vietnam War. And I do not want to hear that he had a high draft lottery number and that's why he didn't go because many of us who did volunteer also had high numbers, but went anyway. Mitt Romney, in my opinion, didn't serve because he is a gutless coward and he comes from a family that has never served in the military. In fact, none of his five sons saw fit to serve, despite the fact that all of them came of age during times of war. Tagg was born in 1970 and Matt in 1971. Thus, they were both of age when the first Gulf War broke out. Josh was born in 1975 and was available for the Balkans War; Ben in 1978 and Craig in 1981, making both of them available to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan. For people constantly telling us how great America is, and how much this country has given them, they sure have never shown us, in the one way that really counts, how grateful they really are. Other than their loyalty to their fellow plutocrats, they know nothing about true loyalty, courage or commitment to country.

The following is from an article on Real Clear Politics, published on June 5, 2012:

"According to the Associated Press, Romney's recollection of his Vietnam-era decisions has evolved in the decades since, particularly as his presidential ambitions became clear.

He said in 2007, with his first White House run under way, that he had 'longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam.' But his actions, Selective Service records and previous statements show little interest in joining a conflict that ultimately claimed more than 58,000 American lives.


Critics note that the candidate is among three generations of Romneys, including his father, former Michigan Gov. George Romney, and five sons, who were of military age during armed conflicts but did not serve.

As a presidential candidate in 2007, Romney told The Boston Globe he was frustrated, as a Mormon missionary, not to be fighting alongside his countrymen.

'I was supportive of my country,' Romney said. 'I longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam and be representing our country there, and in some ways it was frustrating not to feel like I was there as part of the troops that were fighting in Vietnam.'


But the frustration he recalled in 2007 does not match a sentiment he shared as a Massachusetts Senate candidate in 1994, when he told The Boston Herald, 'I was not planning on signing up for the military.'

'It was not my desire to go off and serve in Vietnam, but nor did I take any actions to remove myself from the pool of young men who were eligible for the draft,' Romney told the newspaper.

But that's exactly what Romney did, according Selective Service records. He received his first deferment for 'activity in study' in October 1965 while at Stanford."

After his first year at Stanford, Romney qualified for 4-D deferment status as "a minister of religion or divinity student." It was a status he would hold from July 1966 until February 1969, a period he largely spent in France working as a Mormon missionary. Interestingly, Mitt Romney was avoiding the draft while demonstrating in favor of the draft and the Vietnam War when he was a student at Sta nford and a member of the Young Republicans. It was shortly after that that his "convenient " ministerial deferment showed up. And, by the way, Romney has also lied about how tough he had it during his mission in France. At various times he has claimed that he lived in a house that had no working bathrooms and that their shower was a hose attached to a sink. That may have been true, initially, but for most of his 2 - years in France, while he was avoiding military service, Romney lived in what has been variously described as a "palace." There were stained-glass windows, chandeliers, a full-time chef and a house boy. As Voltaire, a Frenchman, put it, "The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor."
nice post a retired Air Force vet. I find it very interesting about Mitt's back ground..........

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Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Post by abuck76 »

Thanks TTT........My three brothers are ex-military and one , my youngest brother fought in the first Gulf War in 91........Yes, very curious.......... :12224

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Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Post by noreply66 »

Too many wives and he couldn't claim all of them so he did some off the bottom dealing to stay home--lol

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Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Post by abuck76 »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .....................Romney is another example of a Sunshine Patriot.............. :12224

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Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly


diffrent thread same IDIOTS :aaaaa8

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Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Post by caglewis »

noreply66 wrote:Too many wives and he couldn't claim all of them so he did some off the bottom dealing to stay home--lol
Republicans are good at disparaging Obama's birth record credentials and his stated religious beliefs - how about Romney's polygamist religious beliefs?
Is anyone hunting for multiple "marriage" records in his background? Let's get Donald Trump, et al, right on that since they are so good at doubting and "researching" everything Obama has ever said about his birthplace/religious beliefs! "Birthplace" IS mentioned in the Constitution you're so fond of, but isn't RELIGION of all varieties specifically excluded from any "rule-making" power or requirement HERE like the Taliban has/wants THERE; and isn't our military over there fighting against that authoritarian repression rule based on religious belief?
How is 'tucky any different from the Taliban? Christianity is just as good at HATE as all other religions - HATE is the primary message of ALL religion in history - believe like me/look like me/adhere to MY rules or you get punished by my LAW
my GVT - right here, right now, never mind waiting on supposed eternal doom.
And you must demonstrably hate all the people I tell you to hate to be worthy!

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Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Post by abuck76 »

Image............................ :12224

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Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Post by abuck76 »


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Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Post by kantuckyII »

caglewis wrote:
noreply66 wrote:Too many wives and he couldn't claim all of them so he did some off the bottom dealing to stay home--lol
Republicans are good at disparaging Obama's birth record credentials and his stated religious beliefs - how about Romney's polygamist religious beliefs?
Is anyone hunting for multiple "marriage" records in his background? Let's get Donald Trump, et al, right on that since they are so good at doubting and "researching" everything Obama has ever said about his birthplace/religious beliefs! "Birthplace" IS mentioned in the Constitution you're so fond of, but isn't RELIGION of all varieties specifically excluded from any "rule-making" power or requirement HERE like the Taliban has/wants THERE; and isn't our military over there fighting against that authoritarian repression rule based on religious belief?
How is 'tucky any different from the Taliban? Christianity is just as good at HATE as all other religions - HATE is the primary message of ALL religion in history - believe like me/look like me/adhere to MY rules or you get punished by my LAW
my GVT - right here, right now, never mind waiting on supposed eternal doom.
And you must demonstrably hate all the people I tell you to hate to be worthy!
How am I any different than the Taliban? is that just a shock statement meant to bring on a response or have you lost total reason?

The difference between Romney's beliefs and Obama's beliefs are - Romney won't try to make us do something that is completely against our conscience - Obama desires us to do so and will force us if he can. Remember, both of these men are running for a secular office; The President Of The United States, not a pastoral or religious position. It is (as it often or perhaps always is) the lesser of two evils. To the Christian (the Born Again, Bible Believing Christian), Romney is certainly the lesser of two evils.

The Constitution guarantees the Church protection from the government, the government is not protected by the same from the Church. I don't see how you think that the message of 'all religion in history' is hate. Yeah, there's been terrible times in people who CLAIMED TO BE CHRISTIANS in the past, I don't believe they were Holy Ghost filled Christians for a NY minute! I believe they were those who 'crept into the church - wolves in sheep's clothing - clouds without water - without fruit, twice dead! They took over positions in the church for either; money, prestige, power etc etc it was never to serve God. In the past especially, those who could not read the Word of God were especially led astray by this folks over them. They made OUTRAGEOUS claims - and exchanged the Gospel of God for a lie.

Now, I know you see most, if not all, Christians as hate mongers or something like that. Often times, you probably are right but you have to remember, we don't preach ourselves, we preach Jesus and Him crucified for He is the only perfect man who's ever walked this planet and I can assure you that, there is not a single person on this planet that loves or has loved you as much as Jesus Christ. There is not a hair on your head that he doesn't know the number of it - no matter what you've done, no matter what you've said, no matter what you're going to do, you cannot cause God to keep from loving you. He still stands and waits with outstretched arms to make you one of His own.

Salvation is simply a gift, you only have to receive it - it's free...100% a free gift of God

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Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Post by noreply66 »

Rommie likes to be a head of everything to were he can tell everyone it is my way or the highway. He goes in with all smiles then will turn into the boss you hate. He will try to do the same if he is president and the little guy will pay. If he wins and congress goes to the Rs there will be a lot of funerals from starvation.

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