Will Catholics In Ohio decide this election?

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Re: Will Catholics In Ohio decide this election?

Post by C-Bolt »

I find it interesting that all you repubs want to save the innocent children but for the poor innocent adults already here who won;t be able to find jobs after romney gets in take all their assistance away let them starve and be homeless, wonder if the bible condones that?

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Re: Will Catholics In Ohio decide this election?

Post by kantuckyII »

There's nine million more Americans who don't have a job since Obama took office. He set a record for the longest period over 8% until that bogus report come out last month and now, this month, they're delaying it so you can figure, it's back over 8 again. Obama just doesn't care about people. As his own staff member remarked, 'it's surprising he's in politics because he just doesn't like people'

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Re: Will Catholics In Ohio decide this election?

Post by kantuckyII »

..and that nine million figure would be about the equivalent entire adult population of Ohio and Kentucky, combined! that's a LOT Of people out of work since Obama took over!

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Re: Will Catholics In Ohio decide this election?

Post by Paladin »

Meddling old fools want to "save" a collection of ameoba sized cells which they call "children" while allowing untold misery to pester the actual people already born, alive, kicking and screaming and struggling to live. Those same old fools want to control a woman's body, her reproductive rights and even control cases of rape, incest and the Mother's life to save the "ameobas" while practicing hate and discrimination on gay people and taking away their rights too. Its telling that in the Catholic vote, the Nuns groups support Obama while the conservative clergy support Romney. My Catholic wife is an Obama supporter , as am I. Not that its important, but I am Catholic too. 8)

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Re: Will Catholics In Ohio decide this election?

Post by kantuckyII »

How can you be Catholic and be an atheist or agnostic Paladin? That's like saying you're a fish but don't live in water

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Re: Will Catholics In Ohio decide this election?

Post by dazed&confused »

Is there a law against being agnostic? I wasn't aware. Does that mean my vote doesn't count?

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Re: Will Catholics In Ohio decide this election?

Post by kantuckyII »

I was addressing my question to Paladin, who made the comment that he was a Catholic. From many previous conversations with him, I've easily gathered that he's agnostic or atheistic and I'm simply asking him how he could be either of those two and claim to be Catholic?

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Re: Will Catholics In Ohio decide this election?

Post by Bear »

You claim to be Christian, and yet you judge and judge and judge those you deem who are not christian enough. There is a special place in hell for the likes of people like you.

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Re: Will Catholics In Ohio decide this election?

Post by abuck76 »

Tuck follows a man that does not believe biblically as he does.........So it makes sense that tuck judges......He will fit into Romneys army of lost souls fine.........You are following a false prophet tuck.......For Gods sake WAKE UP........I pray for you......... :12224

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Re: Will Catholics In Ohio decide this election?

Post by kantuckyII »

Bear wrote:You claim to be Christian, and yet you judge and judge and judge those you deem who are not christian enough. There is a special place in hell for the likes of people like you.

The man (Paladin) said he doesn't believe there is a God. I simply ask how you can be a Catholic and not believe in God. Not a thing wrong with my question.

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Re: Will Catholics In Ohio decide this election?

Post by Bear »

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Re: Will Catholics In Ohio decide this election?

Post by kantuckyII »

abuck76 wrote:Tuck follows a man that does not believe biblically as he does.........So it makes sense that tuck judges......He will fit into Romneys army of lost souls fine.........You are following a false prophet tuck.......For Gods sake WAKE UP........I pray for you......... :12224
I am not judging..I'm simply stating facts. Just as you've called Christ a liar for all practical purposes, I'm simply asking how you can be a Catholic...or a Baptist and not be a believer. Do you know what the Bible says about this BUCK? it says, 'before a man can come to God, he first must believe He is'

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Re: Will Catholics In Ohio decide this election?

Post by Paladin »

The greater question concerns my wife -- raised in a DEEPLY RELIGIOUS LARGE DEVOUT CATHOLIC family( 8 kids), she learned after becoming an adult that the church was hateful and bigoted. She had a gay niece. Also had a sister who almost died in childbirth trying to be "Catholic" :roll: . She quickly came to her senses and realized that much of religion is man made BS. She "believes" but doesn't follow blindly. She thinks for herself. Knowing her, I'm very proud that she broke the yoke of religious dogma and thinks for herself, openly caring about others and defying the hatred and bigotry of the church and its "leaders" .

As for me, I'm "catholic". I'm also well educated. And I'm not stupid. 8)

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Re: Will Catholics In Ohio decide this election?

Post by kantuckyII »

Good golly Paladin, you're not running for office, just please answer my question. "How can you be Catholic and not believe there is a God?"

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Re: Will Catholics In Ohio decide this election?

Post by abuck76 »

Very well put Pallidin..........I am a Protestant, but I also have been given free will and have been eductated, both formally and informally..........I am proud of the women in your family.......That is what we need strong women and men willing to stand up and say, yes I believe, but not in the lies, distortions and hate filled rhetoric in some churches........Thank you pallidin for that post.......... :12224

So tuck, you believe tha same religiously as Mitt Romney??. .....I certainly DO NOT......I believe in Jesus.............You better pray hard before you get in too deep ..........You are going to lose your soul following a false prophet.......... :12224

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Re: Will Catholics In Ohio decide this election?

Post by kantuckyII »

You believe in a Jesus you made up in your mind but not in the one true God, Jesus.

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Re: Will Catholics In Ohio decide this election?

Post by Paladin »

I was baptized, indoctrinated, brain washed and ordered around until I learned enough that I didn't need others thinking for me. I'm great friends with our Priest, join in the parish activities, but I'm NOT a "practicing" Catholic. Doesn't bother our Priest at all. And it frankly isn't any of your bigoted, racist business, mr. holier than thou :roll:

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Re: Will Catholics In Ohio decide this election?

Post by Bear »

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Re: Will Catholics In Ohio decide this election?

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

There are religious Democrats in this world. In fact, this Sunday, many African American congregations will go to the polls in Ohio to vote after Sunday services.

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Re: Will Catholics In Ohio decide this election?

Post by kantuckyII »

Abuck, by every mainstream denomination and Christian traditional teaching. You're an apostate

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