Obama's Blunder In Libya

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Re: Obama's Blunder In Libya

Post by abuck76 »

I hope ............. :12224

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Re: Obama's Blunder In Libya

Post by farmer »

kantuckyII wrote:Seriously Paladin? That's your reply to this thread? I mean I know that you're watching Hillary try to pull her head out of her butt but... Maybe you would like to comment on all that went down while her head was wedged so tightly?!

However, you know this is very serious. You're not stupid like abuck, I know you can sense the gravity of the situation here (farmer? For the record I only call abuck names)
For the record you told another lie. You have called me names on here before also. You have also called OBAMA to many names to even list. So for the record you are a broken record as you try to convince people what you have said before was not what you said before. So I do understand the gravity here.

You want an answer to why Hillary said what she did. Well if you live in a BOX you could have a SIMPLE ANSWER. But in that area of the world many groups would go off if the truth was spoken. As well as more trouble for Americans in the entire region.

Then to add the crap about Obama wanting to take guns with 10 rounds away from AMERICANS. That has nothing to do with this. That ploy is more like the add on politicians make to a bill to get it passed. It has nothing to do with it but to stroke their own ego.

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Re: Obama's Blunder In Libya

Post by farmer »

kantuckyII wrote:Obama did provide air support for the people to overthrow Moammar Qaddafi. Knowing, that they had the weaponry they did, it was extremely negligent and irresponsible of this administration to make sure that weaponry did not fall into the hands of the people that it did, as we were involved in this battle already. That American air support no doubt allowed terrorist to seize those weapons. Some type of troops or air attack or what ever should have taken those weapons out early on

He's worried whether I can put 10 bullets or 11 in my handgun but he's not worried about 20,000 surface-to-air missiles?
I know many on here are worried that you would have a handgun to begin with.

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Re: Obama's Blunder In Libya

Post by mustang_lvr »

farmer wrote:
kantuckyII wrote:Obama did provide air support for the people to overthrow Moammar Qaddafi. Knowing, that they had the weaponry they did, it was extremely negligent and irresponsible of this administration to make sure that weaponry did not fall into the hands of the people that it did, as we were involved in this battle already. That American air support no doubt allowed terrorist to seize those weapons. Some type of troops or air attack or what ever should have taken those weapons out early on

He's worried whether I can put 10 bullets or 11 in my handgun but he's not worried about 20,000 surface-to-air missiles?
I know many on here are worried that you would have a handgun to begin with.
farmer wrote:
kantuckyII wrote:Obama did provide air support for the people to overthrow Moammar Qaddafi. Knowing, that they had the weaponry they did, it was extremely negligent and irresponsible of this administration to make sure that weaponry did not fall into the hands of the people that it did, as we were involved in this battle already. That American air support no doubt allowed terrorist to seize those weapons. Some type of troops or air attack or what ever should have taken those weapons out early on

He's worried whether I can put 10 bullets or 11 in my handgun but he's not worried about 20,000 surface-to-air missiles?
I know many on here are worried that you would have a handgun to begin with.

Hope people in his area do not go to the movies when he does.

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Re: Obama's Blunder In Libya

Post by dazed&confused »

farmer wrote:
kantuckyII wrote:He's worried whether I can put 10 bullets or 11 in my handgun but he's not worried about 20,000 surface-to-air missiles?
I know many on here are worried that you would have a handgun to begin with.

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Re: Obama's Blunder In Libya

Post by kantuckyII »

Baked beans
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Re: Obama's Blunder In Libya

Post by abuck76 »

Image ........................ :12224

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Re: Obama's Blunder In Libya

Post by dazed&confused »

Well they wanted a showdown, guess they got their comeuppance!

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Re: Obama's Blunder In Libya

Post by Paladin »

I saw parts of both hearings. She really kicked their butts. What a bunch of dumbazzes.

Clueless ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Obama's Blunder In Libya

Post by noreply66 »

Mrs C.took it to them

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Re: Obama's Blunder In Libya

Post by kantuckyII »

Paladin wrote:I saw parts of both hearings. She really kicked their butts. What a bunch of dumbazzes.

Clueless ! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Are you SERIOUS???!!! She needs to be prosecuted!

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Re: Obama's Blunder In Libya

Post by kantuckyII »

abuck76 wrote:Image ........................ :12224
There's brave Americans murdered who asked for protection and you....forget it....sad people u are. Hope it's not one of your loved ones that are hit by these weapons that Obama gave the terrorist

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Re: Obama's Blunder In Libya

Post by abuck76 »

These senators that made obscene comparisons, like some on here do, should be prosecuted..........Hilary read then the riot act and spanked them........They were made to look foolish.............Good job Hilllary........ :12224

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Re: Obama's Blunder In Libya

Post by toast »

John McCain is a bitter old man. He still hasn't gotten over losing to President Obama. It's really sad to see.

Hillary Clinton will leave her office as the second most popular Secretary of State ever. Only behind Colin Powell in approval ratings.

Hilllary is the most admired woman in the world! And the Republicans just dig their hole deeper every day. I honestly find it hard to believe what has happened to the Republican Party. So extreme and out of touch with most Americans. :( :(

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Re: Obama's Blunder In Libya

Post by mikepike »

What's the problem with Libya? I mean, Obama supported Islamic extremists in overthrowing the government; weapons weren't accounted for and ended up who-knows-where ( I have an idea, but anything that might paint Muslims in a less than flattering light is unacceptable); intelligence reports warned of possible problems on 9/11 (so what if they were ignored? It's not like Bush is in office); when the attack was reported, so what if nobody did anything? Muslims are peace loving people; a few hours after the attack, when it was clear what had happened, who cares that the government(Obama) lied? Can't upset the Muslims, can we?

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Re: Obama's Blunder In Libya

Post by kantuckyII »

I cannot believe they are letting her get by was saying what does it matter? Media is so slanted to the left today it's not even funny. It is like we're in some kind of communist regime take over like China or Cambodia or something like that.

I cannot believe they're not critical of Obama more than they are for allowing Libyans to get those weapons. I mean, these arent A.R. 15's but missiles that can take down a plane a mile up and 2 miles down range.

Sadly, in the near future, I have no doubt my mind we're going to revisit this again after they done just that. With the number of surface-to-air missiles they have in their possession it is hard to say what these morons are planning. They could launch a concerted strike one day on every airport United States. For heaven sakes if we can't stop cocaine and heroin etc. etc. coming into this country I don't believe that anyone has to have an excessive imagination to imagine they could sneak them into this country as well

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Re: Obama's Blunder In Libya

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Like Rand Paul ever has to worry about being President! His comment made me laugh! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Obama's Blunder In Libya

Post by dazed&confused »

The Mujahideen
Al-Qaeda has its origins in the uprising against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. Thousands of volunteers from around the Middle East came to Afghanistan as mujahideen, warriors fighting to defend fellow Muslims. In the mid-1980s, Osama bin Laden became the prime financier for an organization that recruited Muslims from mosques around the world. These "Afghan Arab" mujahideen, which numbered in the thousands, were crucial in defeating Soviet forces.
Read more: Al-Qaeda — Infoplease.com http://www.infoplease.com/spot/al-qaeda ... z2IuYNYKZY

The story of Stingers in Afghanistan are told in many sources, notably Charlie Wilson's War by George Crile, and Ghost Wars by Steve Coll. In late 1985, several groups, such as Free the Eagle, began arguing the CIA was not doing enough to support the Mujahideen in the Soviet Afghan war. The Central Intelligence Agency eventually supplied nearly 500 Stingers (some sources claim 1,500–2,000) to the Mujahideen in Afghanistan as part of Operation Cyclone.[8] with the supply of 250 launchers.

Where was your outrage when Reagan's CIA provided stingers to the "Afghan Arab" mujahideen in 1986? All we got from that was Bin Laden.

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Re: Obama's Blunder In Libya

Post by kantuckyII »

They were fighting Russians, not trying to kill everybody who wasn't a Muslim and Jews

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Re: Obama's Blunder In Libya

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

I wonder if all these teabaggers remember what happened in Beruit during the Reagan Administration? Probably not. Bombing of a marine barrack that killed 241 marines. But that was not the fault of Reagan or the Secretary of State, of course!

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