TigerTownTurkey wrote:cold and blustery today, high of 35.......temps steadily rising this week with temps in the 50s this week-end :!:
The good part is that 35 might also be the LOW! Steadily above freezing in my end of town for a couple of days now! I looked outside at 7:30 PM last evening, and it was still "light" - OK dim twilight, but still light - and DST is coming right up. There is hope for SPRING!
Here comes Peter Cottontail, Hopping' down the bunny trail, Hippity, hoppity, Easter's on its way.
Bringing' every girl and boy Baskets full of Easter joy, Things to make your Easter bright and gay. He's got jellybeans for Tommy, Colored eggs for sister Sue, There's an orchid for your Mommy And an Easter bonnet, too.
Oh! here comes Peter Cottontail, Hopping' down the bunny trail, Hippity hoppity, Happy Easter day.
Here comes Peter Cottontail, Hopping' down the bunny trail, Look at him stop, and listen to him say: "Try to do the things you should." Maybe if you're extra good, He'll roll lots of Easter eggs your way.
You'll wake up on Easter morning And you'll know that he was there When you find those chocolate bunnies That he's hiding everywhere.
Oh! here comes Peter Cottontail, Hopping' down the bunny trail, Hippity hoppity, Happy Easter day.
I think I'll go for a walk outside now the summer sun's callin' my name (I hear ya now) I just can't stay inside all day I gotta get out get me some of those rays everybody's smilin' sunshine day everybody's laughin' sunshine day everybody seems so happy today it's a sunshine day
I think I'll go for a walk outside now the summer sun knows me by name he's callin' me I gotta get out, gotta get out, gotta get away I gotta get away, get away, get away, get away Into the sunshine day
Can't you dig the sunshine Love and sun are the same Can't you hear him callin' your name
Oh, I think I'll take a walk everyday now the summer sun has shown the way to be happy now I just can't stay inside all day I gotta get out get me some of those rays everybody's smilin' sunshine day everybody's laughin' sunshine day everybody seems so happy today it's a sunshine day
Can't you dig the sunshine Love and sun are the same Can't you hear him callin' your name
I think I'll go for a walk outside now the summer sun's callin' my name I just can't stay inside all day I gotta get out get me some of those rays everybody's smilin' sunshine day everybody's laughin' sunshine day everybody seems so happy today it's a sunshine day
everybody's smilin' sunshine day everybody's laughin' sunshine day everybody seems so happy today
Short Version (Aired at beginning of episodes) "Boy the way Glen Miller played, songs that made the hit parade, guys like us we had it made, those were the days, and you know where you were then, girls were girls and men were men, mister we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again, didn't need no welfare states everybody pulled his weight, gee our old Lasalle ran great, those were the days!"
Full Version "Boy, the way Glen Miller played. Songs that made the Hit Parade. Guys like us, we had it made. Those were the days! Didn't need no welfare state. Everybody pulled his weight Gee, our old LaSalle (a car) ran great. Those were the days! And you knew where you were then! Girls were girls and men were men. Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again. People seemed to be content. Fifty dollars paid the rent. Freaks were in a circus tent. Those were the days! Take a little Sunday spin, go to watch the Dodgers win. Have yourself a dandy day that cost you under a fin (five dollar bill). Hair was short and skirts were long. Kate Smith really sold a song. I don't know just what went wrong! Those Were the Days!"
I didn't know there was a longer version of this song.