someoverkill wrote:Im dumb, could you give me that example one more time?
mine? I wasn't talking about blasphemy against the Holy Spirit but rather, those who are described in the Book of Jude
someoverkill wrote:Im dumb, could you give me that example one more time?
someoverkill wrote:Thanks for the explanation bassmaster. So other than that, all sin is basically the same? I'll buy that.
Bassmaster wrote:Ray wasn't doing the drawing.....I would give that credit to the Holy Spirit. If God can use a donkey He can use any of us.
Philos_Finest wrote:I've been going to church every sunday since i was 6(12 years) & i believe in the bible just as much as any christian but I do not think being Homo-Sexual is a sin. It is just simply, a choice. None of us can judge them, that's HIS job, not ours.