Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by fightingtigers45 »

Discipline would have been hitting her a couple of times. Who gives their 16 year old the belt anyway?

Theres a reason she decided to set up the camera. I would say this happened more than once.

I cant believe ANYONE is sympathizing with this guy. Un.freaking.believable.

Tigercannon, Id like to see you get hit in the butt and legs as hard as that girl did. See what you think then. And Id say your pain tolerance is higher than a 16 yeard old, but I know it would still hurt. Guy swung like Albert Pujols.

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by Tigercannon71 »

Or maybe she set the camera up because she knew he had crossed the line and expected with this being the 5th or 6th time she did this that her dad would whip her. Then she held that tape for blackmail because of her dad being a family judge she knew that might get him in trouble. So no occasion occured for her to use it till now when he threatened to cut her off and take her car so the tape mysteriously appears what 7 years later. Hmmmmmmm thats very interesting. As mythbusters would say stamp that baby PLAUSIBLE.

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by starbase_318 »

If I beat my dog long enough it will conform to my commands too. Heck, if he beat his dog like that he would be in jail! This is abuse, plain and simple. If you have been on receiving end of beatingS, you'll know abuse. Since the child was prepared to video the abuse, you can guarantee this wasn't the first time she suffered at this moron's hands.

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by Tigercannon71 »

If thats the case she would have lots of tapes or evidence of his continual abuse.

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by starbase_318 »

Do you really believe she just happened to tape the one and only time her dad beat her? Maybe this was the LAST time he beat her. I don't know any father who raised a child never disciplining them and then goes off his rocker and beats the snot out of them when they are a teen. These type beatings are usually progressive and often end in death or the making of a serial killer.

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by starbase_318 »

It's a control/power thing for these type ANIMALS...Much like his current job!!

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by Tigercannon71 »

A serial killer? No sorry this doesnt make a serial killer. Of all the serial killers Ive read about this was never a sign that one was becoming a serial killer.

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by farmer »

I agree with TC that there is more to the story. Maybe she did set him up because she knew what he would do.So she did wrong on purpose to intentionally push his buttons. But he needed to calm down first before he punished her. She would still be there later. Then he may not have been seen as being out of control. If a parent did that in his court room they would have been handcuffed.

I hadn't heard but was the girl actually physically injured during this?

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by Tigercannon71 »

I havent seen anywhere where he or she says that she was harmed anymore than normal when you get whipped.

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by starbase_318 »

It is well documented that the overwhelming majority of serial killers have been abused as children (physically, sexually and emotionally). None of us know how long this child suffered at the hands of this coward but what we do know based on the video, he beat her on at least one occasion. Since he was caught on tape, you can best bet this wasn't a one and done deal.

Also,if you don't think she was physically injured, how about subjecting yourself to a leather belt and let me know how it works out for you. No way should a child be subjected to this type of punishment. What does beating a child with a belt, switch, backhand...etc....accomplish?

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by Tigercannon71 »

Oh so your saying she will become a serial killer after getting whipped with a belt. I understand now. Let me think what does getting disciplined accomplished? Uh you stop doing the behavior that gets you spanked. That is usually what happens. Yea go back and read Ive gotten a switch before it hurts I said that, but you know what it accomplished its job.

You say this wasnt a first time offense. Do you know the family personally to be able to say that? I mean if this guy had a temper that bad that made him do this all the time when it came out you would have people that actually know him saying you know I can believe that. Then they would give incidences that support their idea.

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by Tigercannon71 »

tigercannon71 wrote:I havent seen anywhere where he or she says that she was harmed anymore than normal when you get whipped.
I think you missed this post. See I acknowledge she was hurt as in a sore butt and a stinging sensation that usually happens when you get whipped, but she didnt suffer broken bones, cuts, excessive bruising or any other type damage.

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by starbase_318 »

farmer wrote: I hadn't heard but was the girl actually physically injured during this?
You may have missed this post by another poster.

Did I say she would become a serial killer? No.....I said it is well documented serial killers were developed by adults who physically, sexually or emotionally abused them... :roll: :roll: Noone knows the breaking point. Best not abuse kids for that reason, don't you think.

Where there is smoke there is fire, eh! I guess the guy could have snapped to cause him to lose his freakin mind to beat the tar out of her and she was lucky enough to have caught it on tape on this isolated incident.

Would you subject your pet to this sort of treatment, if it pissed in your house or didn't follow your COMMANDS?

Would you actually take a switch and/or belt to your child, because they did something you didn't like? Under what circumstance would you beat your child? They didn't eat, dirty room, didn't do assigned chores, got drunk and/or high, having sex....etc...

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by Tigercannon71 »

No I didnt miss it I responded to it with a post right under it that you missed cause you're to worried about her becoming a serial killer.

If Im not mistaken you do whack a dog on the butt with a neswpaper or rub its nose in the pee if it does pee in the house. I actually asked three people at work this with pets so thats where Im getting my info there.

Yea, Id take a switch or belt to my kid for discipline.

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by starbase_318 »

I'm far more worried about this idiot getting by with abuse than her becoming a serial killer. However, for you again case you didn't get it the first time, serial killers are developed by adults who physically, emotionally and/or sexually abuse kids...THAT"S A FACT! Since we dont know the breaking point, and everyone is different, best we error on side of caution! UNDERSTAND???

I get it now...Welting, bruising and stinging sensation are not physical injuries as you responded to farmer. Physical injuries only occur if you break a bone and cut someone open...Interesting!

I believe most effective trainers would tell you those old styles of house breaking a dog are very ineffective. Anyway, I'm sure you could always break out the belt or stick. THat will surely help! :mrgreen:

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by abuck76 »

Starbase is correct about the connections to the development of a serial killer............Corporal punishment does not work...........Children may do what you want sometimes, but it is not out of a learning aspect, but from a fear aspect........They will just become better at deceiving you.........NOw there are no absolutes, in either case, but I have never brought a weapon into the arena of discipline with my children, nor do they now with their children...........This was abuse, plain and simple.......... :12224

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by Tigercannon71 »

Apparently you cannot read very well I said sore butt or stinging sensation nothing about welting or bruising. You're the one who brought up about serial killers. Ill just stick to tried and true methods of discipline that Ive seen work and you can try all these new age hippy methods of raising dogs and kids and I guarentee my methods will work better. They have been proven over and over to work.

This is not abuse. This is discipline sure like I have said the words he was using was not the best things to yell and it makes it look worse than what it is. There is a lot more to this than what we are hearing.

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by starbase_318 »

I'm far from being a hippy. You can raise your children how you see fit, to a certain degree. This is not the 50s and times have changed. WHat was once the norm has become abuse in many areas of our country. I would hope when you decide to discipline your child, you have a cooling off period, before going off like this wacko!

The idiot was out of control. Beating and cursing like a maniac.

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by abuck76 »

Why do we not use corporal beatings in school then?................... :12224

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by Tigercannon71 »

Its the wussification of our children led by the hippies. Thats why we have the problems in school we have today. Thats whole other topic. Start a thread on that on here.

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