Little Mosque On The Prairie?!

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Space Cowboy
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Re: Little Mosque On The Prairie?!

Post by Space Cowboy »

There are certain subjects that can be brought up on this chat forum, which by their very nature, will wind up bordering on the political no matter how hard every single person tries to keep from crossing that line. That is just part of life.

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Re: Little Mosque On The Prairie?!

Post by toast »

FIDO wrote:You're quibbling! :lol: :lol: :lol:

You have no credibility in your arguments! :roll: :roll:

When you are consistent in your argument against ALL political posts in this forum, then maybe you'll find your whining post a little more supportive. :shock: :shock: But, I'm not holding out hope. 8)

So, go whine to the mod's all you want. :roll: :roll: :roll: Go cry to mommy and daddy because Susie pulled your hair. :lol: :lol: :lol:

You are a typical RADICAL PIGLOSI ULTRA LIBERAL! :roll: :roll: :roll: You want to silence those who may oppose your points of view, while remaining silent when others of your ilk list garbage daily.... :roll: :roll: :roll:

MAN UP and stop being a gnat!! :roll: :roll: :roll: You're insignificant! :lol: :lol: :lol: But hey, thanks for giving me something to look forward too in answering your idiocy. :lol: :lol: :lol:
And there is a mature adult response if I ever heard one! :roll: :roll: :roll:

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Re: Little Mosque On The Prairie?!

Post by toast »

Space Cowboy wrote:There are certain subjects that can be brought up on this chat forum, which by their very nature, will wind up bordering on the political no matter how hard every single person tries to keep from crossing that line. That is just part of life.

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Re: Little Mosque On The Prairie?!

Post by Space Cowboy »

toast wrote:Here's a post Gahs4ever made on another thread. It's in reference to the Fred Phelps and his group protesting at the funeral of the nine year old girls killed in the shooting in Arizona.

"The idiots and extremists ALWAYS get the attention and everyone else (other Baptists and Christians in general) are lumped together with them in the eyes of those only looking for an excuse to judge."

Many of you are doing a similar thing when it comes to Islam. Your attempting to lump them all together concerning their thoughts and behaviors which is as dishonest as it is inaccurate. But it is encouraging to see some of you admit they are not ALL terrorist. That's a start. :) :) :)

Most Muslims are not even politically active. They just struggle to get by day to day like the rest of us. There are nearly 2 Billion of them on Earth. Their beliefs about Islam are diverse. To state they all want Americans dead or they all hate us is incredibly ignorant.
Once again, you are ignoring the facts. Did you even read my post??? I have been all over the Middle East, still keep close tabs on what is going on there, and why. Keep your head buried in the sand about these heathens, continue to defend them....its your future.
As far as the Middle East is concerned, when cut, I bleed Israli Blue.
Take your BS about this subject elsewhere, Im starting to bore of your ignorance.

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Re: Little Mosque On The Prairie?!

Post by kantuckyII »

It would be my sincere desire to see all Christians think of Muslims the way that God sees then. He loves them but hates their sin. Islam IS a sin if you believe that Christ is truth. Islam, by it's very nature and creation is a struggle against God, Jews and the rest of the non-Islamic world.

I HATE Islam with a purple passion and I'm not apologetic about it. I have no kinship whatsoever with a Muslim. I do NOT worship the same God as they do

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Re: Little Mosque On The Prairie?!

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

I heard something a while back while doing some security training at the plant I work at and it stuck with me. Out trainer said this and it makes sense.

Not every Muslim is a terrorist, but almost every terrorist is a Muslim.

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Re: Little Mosque On The Prairie?!

Post by kantuckyII »

It's that ole' 'Square And Rectangle' thing ;-)

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Space Cowboy
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Re: Little Mosque On The Prairie?!

Post by Space Cowboy »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:I heard something a while back while doing some security training at the plant I work at and it stuck with me. Out trainer said this and it makes sense.

Not every Muslim is a terrorist, but almost every terrorist is a Muslim.
True, but lets take that one step further into the truth :Almost every Muslim supports and/or approves of the actions of Muslim terrorists.

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