You watch me cash in/have a claim if I ever get damage from a flood. I've been paying for it for 21/22 years. The sneaky cash cow will just have to go up if there's major damage but that's with any kind of insurance if the claim is big enough. Cash cow??

I can't make a claim if I have no flood damage, it has to flood first.

I was just saying cash in/claim with all this rain if it floods. What did you think, I was going down there and get some free cash with out a claim? I can't do that, although it would be nice, but they bring people out to look at properties if there is flood damage, to see the price of damage before they give ya a fixer check.

Tried to get out of having FI two years ago and told them it don't flood here no more. They even knew it was in the 60's the last time it flooded in this area, but they are calling it a 100 year flood plain. Government has control over FI now. No way out of it till any home is loan free. Had one place that was lying to me all along but LI caught it for me. He couldn't believe what the lady was telling me at NW. Now it's 400 dollars less than what I was paying a year with NW, but I have to have it regardless. 8 more years of it Bolt, and I'm dropping it. Ole BR did as soon as his home was paid off. JS did too. I know something freak could happen if ya had enormous amounts of rain in a short period of time, but other than that it don't flood in here no more. Ole SK moved because he had to have FI, now MA was telling BR he's moving because of the FI. Ole MA said he's not giving anymore of his money away for nothing.

Had my house appraised 2 years ago and the guy that did it told me when they put the 33 highway in, most of the water shed west of 33 stays over there mostly. before 33 was put in the river took it all in the 60's. He said the water shed has slowed way down because of 33 and all the work they have done on rush creek. These FI company's are raking in free money for this area he told me but I had to follow the 100 year plain with an active home loan. Government is biting down on FI he said. Only getting 8 more years out of me, that's if I'm still living here. I've got some other ideas in the works, might not be here Bolt.