great to see you here again old friend hope to see you at the games soon but not till your ready our "new devils" ae going to turn some heads this year!!!! wishing you a speedy recovery Mighty Mighty Devils
4-Ever hopes to attend Friday's GAHS-Athens football game on Memorial Field. He probably won't make it to the pressbox, but hopes to keep company with Bob Marchi and others in the north corner endzone near the GAHS Athletic Boosters Foodbooth.
Its really great to see you posting again. I checked seops everyday to see how you were doing. You went through a rough time and I hope it is all behind you . My family and I were pulling for you all the time. Great to have you back. Take care buddy !!!!! Ace63
Welcome back steve, so glad to hear you are doing much better, I know when you had fist went in I talked to you for a short time, and could tell you was really in a lot of pain, then the next time I had called your cell I got your wife and she said you had just goten out of surgery,and was in recovery.
OZ and myself tried to get away to come up to visit, but we have been really swamped lately.
Steve: Even though I haven't posted on this thread, I want you to know you've been and will continue to be in my prayers. Those devils can't take the field without you there, glad you are getting to go to the game! Continued recovery my SEOPS buddy...
Well darn if I had known you were in the Huntington VA (I obviously did not read the posts well enough) I would have come and visited you or at least had some of the nurses there that I know give you a hard time. (I work with one of their sisters and have several as clients and their pets as patients.)
BTW--I would have sent you home on antibiotics in the first place if you were my patient--But you would have to learn to bark convincingly. (My treatment for pancreatitis is also much less invasive but then my patients survive it better than I understand that humans usually do.)
Bottom line is that I am glad that you are back and I am still praying for a complete recovery and nothing worse than a congested liver from chronic gall bladder disease.