Dinosaur Tissue
- kantuckyII
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Re: Dinosaur Tissue
Burg_Grad_77 wrote:
And yet, without science you wouldn't be able to voice that opinion right now and would instead probably be sending a messenger by burro or pounding on drums to try to get your point across.
. . . And I'd probably also have lower blood pressure!

Again, I'm not trying to bad-mouth science. All I'm saying is that you can develope science all you want to but at the end of the day, it doesn't make you a better person because you can sit around and waste time by posting on an internet chat forum.
We live in a very technologically advanced nation, but we still have a very high divorce rate, we're eating ourselves into the graves, and the upcoming generations of kids are being taught that what they have is what determines what kind of a person they are.
Technology has also played a hand in putting lots of people out of work because there is a decrease in the need for manpower to do many jobs. Science has it's ups and downs.
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
my2cents wrote:
Hypotheticals and assuptions abound in this article. It also contains tons of blanket statements.
A good deal of it hinges on the eternal universe theory, which is just flat out wrong and I'll prove it right now using simple mathematics:
Think of time as a continuous straight line:
Ok, now if the universe is eternal and a timeline is eternal, how could this happen?:
<------------------------------X (November 18, 2009)
How can an eternal universe be possible when tomorrow doesn't even exist yet? That's illogical.
- bigtimehitter
- All Conference
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Re: Dinosaur Tissue
You know I really tried 2 avoid this topic, because it is heavy in relgion and beliefs BUT I AM WITH MY2CENTS AND PALADIN , you guys are ridiculos in with religion and the things you guys believe in and if it is not what "THE TOP DOGS" believe like "CHRISTIANITY" OR WHATEVER" but if not what you say is within the beleifs of majority, then nighty night. And if this post is removed then I would love it, because we are invadii\ng personsal right, and i will have more to say tomorrow.
- Space Cowboy
- Posts: 2627
- Joined: Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:13 pm
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
I still think that dinosaurs should use Kleenex brand. Its softer on the nose and more absorbant.
- kantuckyII
- Posts: 12198
- Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:43 am
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
bigtimehitter wrote:You know I really tried 2 avoid this topic, because it is heavy in relgion and beliefs BUT I AM WITH MY2CENTS AND PALADIN , you guys are ridiculos in with religion and the things you guys believe in and if it is not what "THE TOP DOGS" believe like "CHRISTIANITY" OR WHATEVER" but if not what you say is within the beleifs of majority, then nighty night. And if this post is removed then I would love it, because we are invadii\ng personsal right, and i will have more to say tomorrow.
This had nothing to do with 'religion' ..the only one who introduced religion into it was Paladin and My2cents. This is about scientist who have discovered tissue of dinosaurs that is still soft and pliable. As Leslis Stahl said, 'this should shake up the scientific community'
why? because....like the dinosaur bones this material came from, this is something you can see, and hold in your hand. Just watch the tape, read about it. It's very interesting. However, it shakes up some people's worlds and it's hard for them to accept it but..it's easily duplicated over and over again.
Watch the clip, he finds the obvious (at least, in my eyes) but still shoots for another conclusion to explain away this tissue
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
Does the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics count as "science"?
Second Law of Thermodynamics - Increased Entropy
The Second Law of Thermodynamics is commonly known as the Law of Increased Entropy. While quantity remains the same (First Law), the quality of matter/energy deteriorates gradually over time. How so? Usable energy is inevitably used for productivity, growth and repair. In the process, usable energy is converted into unusable energy. Thus, usable energy is irretrievably lost in the form of unusable energy.
"Entropy" is defined as a measure of unusable energy within a closed or isolated system (the universe for example). As usable energy decreases and unusable energy increases, "entropy" increases. Entropy is also a gauge of randomness or chaos within a closed system. As usable energy is irretrievably lost, disorganization, randomness and chaos increase.
Second Law of Thermodynamics - In the Beginning...
The implications of the Second Law of Thermodynamics are considerable. The universe is constantly losing usable energy and never gaining. We logically conclude the universe is not eternal. The universe had a finite beginning -- the moment at which it was at "zero entropy" (its most ordered possible state). Like a wind-up clock, the universe is winding down, as if at one point it was fully wound up and has been winding down ever since. The question is who wound up the clock?
The theological implications are obvious. NASA Astronomer Robert Jastrow commented on these implications when he said, "Theologians generally are delighted with the proof that the universe had a beginning, but astronomers are curiously upset. It turns out that the scientist behaves the way the rest of us do when our beliefs are in conflict with the evidence." (Robert Jastrow, God and the Astronomers, 1978, p. 16.)
Jastrow went on to say, "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries." (God and the Astronomers, p. 116.) It seems the Cosmic Egg that was the birth of our universe logically requires a Cosmic Chicken...
Second Law of Thermodynamics - Increased Entropy
The Second Law of Thermodynamics is commonly known as the Law of Increased Entropy. While quantity remains the same (First Law), the quality of matter/energy deteriorates gradually over time. How so? Usable energy is inevitably used for productivity, growth and repair. In the process, usable energy is converted into unusable energy. Thus, usable energy is irretrievably lost in the form of unusable energy.
"Entropy" is defined as a measure of unusable energy within a closed or isolated system (the universe for example). As usable energy decreases and unusable energy increases, "entropy" increases. Entropy is also a gauge of randomness or chaos within a closed system. As usable energy is irretrievably lost, disorganization, randomness and chaos increase.
Second Law of Thermodynamics - In the Beginning...
The implications of the Second Law of Thermodynamics are considerable. The universe is constantly losing usable energy and never gaining. We logically conclude the universe is not eternal. The universe had a finite beginning -- the moment at which it was at "zero entropy" (its most ordered possible state). Like a wind-up clock, the universe is winding down, as if at one point it was fully wound up and has been winding down ever since. The question is who wound up the clock?
The theological implications are obvious. NASA Astronomer Robert Jastrow commented on these implications when he said, "Theologians generally are delighted with the proof that the universe had a beginning, but astronomers are curiously upset. It turns out that the scientist behaves the way the rest of us do when our beliefs are in conflict with the evidence." (Robert Jastrow, God and the Astronomers, 1978, p. 16.)
Jastrow went on to say, "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries." (God and the Astronomers, p. 116.) It seems the Cosmic Egg that was the birth of our universe logically requires a Cosmic Chicken...
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
What about granite and polonium? Are they "Scientific"?
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Re: Dinosaur Tissue
y? because....like the dinosaur bones this material came from, this is something you can see, and hold in your hand. Just watch the tape, read about it. It's very interesting. However, it shakes up some people's worlds and it's hard for them to accept it but..it's easily duplicated over and over again.
I think you need to watch it again. These tissues and blood cells were not something you could "hold in your hand" and "see" them. These were microscopic pieces of tissue and cells.
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
Your wasting your time Burg77. The young Earthers have no problem telling lies to promote their "belief" system. It might just be that they are so brainwashed to the idea that they don't even realize they are lying. Not only do posters on here have problems with flat out changing the quotes of people in the video that they asked us to watch, but the Answers In Genesis people do the same thing on their website. It would be comical if it weren't so sad. 

- All Conference
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Re: Dinosaur Tissue
fuzzhead wrote:So the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is a lie? I'm not "lying" about anything.
It is bad science by bad scientist who only quote each other. Not accepted by recognized academia, (you know the guys with phd's). I don't claim to understand it, but here is a link about why their belief is wrong ( and it is a belief, for it is trying to make science match the bible, instead of letting the facts play out. You can't reverse engineer science to fit your belief)
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
fuzzhead wrote:It was proven that the earth was round many thousands of years ago.
That is another myth, there was never a time when men thought the Earth was flat. Even the Bible mentions the Earth as an Orb. The flat Earth story appears in the middle ages and might have been told to the ignorant masses (kind of like the Young Earth people of today), but the learned men of the time have always known that the Earth is Round (kind of like the Old Earth people of today)
Second Law of Thermodynamics - In the Beginning... As for this point that Fuzz is trying to make, it is accepted science that the univers started with the BIG BANG. This was a massive gravitational orgy when all the material in the universe collasped in on itself until it could no longer pack in any tighter. Then BANG, it all blew apart again. So there was a beginning to this universe, but it also was the ending of the last one. This has been going on forever. I look it at as "God's heartbeat" in a time line that is beyond human comprehension. We know that our universe will someday collapse on itself and the next BIG BANG willl take place.
Last edited by my2cents on Thu Nov 19, 2009 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- kantuckyII
- Posts: 12198
- Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:43 am
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
my2cents wrote:
That is another myth, there was never a time when men thought the Earth was flat. Even the Bible mentions the Earth as an Orb. The flat Earth story appears in the middle ages and might have been told to the ignorant masses (kind of like the Young Earth people of today), but the learned men of the time have always known that the Earth is Round (kind of like the Old Earth people of today)
I said it was "proven" - as in it seen from making observations of earthly phenomena. I didn't say "everyone on earth accepted the fact that the earth was flat."
But here's the funny thing: if the Bible was written by ignorant goat herders, how would they have known what shape the earth was?
my2cents wrote:Second Law of Thermodynamics - In the Beginning... As for this point that Fuzz is trying to make, it is accepted science that the univers started with the BIG BANG. This was a massive gravitational orgy when all the material in the universe collasped in on itself until it could no longer pack in any tighter. Then BANG, it all blew apart again. So there was a beginning to this universe, but it also was the ending of the last one. This has been going on forever. I look it at as "God's heartbeat" in a time line that is beyond human comprehension. We know that our universe will someday collapse on itself and the next BIG BANG willl take place.
Lets cut the crap and get right down to it. It is physically impossible to have all of this motion in our universe without something having started it all off. The phrase "gravitational orgy" is just priceless. How does gravity suddenly come into play out of nothing? How does the energy required for all of this just "happen"? What's comical is that even with this far-fetched sci-fi, the universe you've painted a picture of has order and a supposed time-table. How does such an ordered universe with such variety and beauty come by accident?
Again, you'd have a better chance of an ocean wave forming a sand castle on a beach than our universe (a) being eternal (b) being so ordered.
An eternal universe is NOT POSSIBLE.
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
Fuzz, this is a useless endless debate. I can't help you understand science and you can't help me understand your belief. Like I said many post ago, I don't really have a problem with your beliefs as long as you don't try to force them into the schools, or if you use Tuck's methods and lie or misquote people to try and prove your point.
The young Earth science is bad and not accepted by anyone except for hardcore bible believers and they could really care less if it is scientifically sound. As Tuck said, if science disagrees with the bible, he will take the bibles version. That's his choice.
And why is an endless univers impossible, "With God, all things are possible".
The young Earth science is bad and not accepted by anyone except for hardcore bible believers and they could really care less if it is scientifically sound. As Tuck said, if science disagrees with the bible, he will take the bibles version. That's his choice.
And why is an endless univers impossible, "With God, all things are possible".
- kantuckyII
- Posts: 12198
- Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:43 am
- Space Cowboy
- Posts: 2627
- Joined: Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:13 pm
Re: Dinosaur Tissue
"Gravitational Orgy"?
"Big Bang"?
Thats what happened to them dinosaurs.
It was the whips and chains and the bondage. Sicko perv velociraptors.
"Big Bang"?
Thats what happened to them dinosaurs.
It was the whips and chains and the bondage. Sicko perv velociraptors.