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Bodies The Exhibition at Cincinnati Museum Center

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:12 pm
by ballparent
I've seen this exhibit advertised on flyers and stuff but never really read them in detail. And then today in the Herald-Dispatch there was an article that the exhibit was being investigated concerning where they get their cadavers. :shock: I never realized that it used real bodies.
Here's the link to the exhibit:

And the article from the Dispatch:
Cadaver exhibit making stop in Cincinnati under investigation
Feb 16, 2008 @ 12:59 PM
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK — The company running a popular exhibits of human cadavers — with one currently on display at the Cincinnati Museum Center — is under investigation by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo to determine where the bodies and body parts came from.

Cuomo spokesman Steven Cohen confirms that subpoenas have been issued to Premier Exhibitions Inc. but the office has drawn no conclusions.

The exhibit by Atlanta-based Premier Exhibitions Inc. shows preserved cadavers in different poses.

A Premier spokeswoman didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. Premier Exhibitions told ABC News it would cooperate fully.

There have been complaints and protests against various cadaver displays from critics who say Chinese citizens whose bodies or body parts are used never agreed to let their remains be displayed.

ABC News reported on Friday that the doctor behind a similar exhibit, “Body Worlds,” stopped using bodies from China for fear that some of them may be executed prisoners. Dr. Gunther von Hagens told ABC’s “20/20” that he had to destroy some bodies he had received from China because they had injuries that made him suspect they had died in executions.

The exhibit in Cincinnati, Premier’s “Bodies ... The Exhibition,” opened Feb. 1 and runs through Sept. 1.

Cheryl Mure, Premier Exhibitions’ education director said in January that the specimens are unclaimed or unidentified bodies from a medical school laboratory in China and that the bodies were obtained legally.

The exhibit brought in record attendance for the museum on its opening weekend, despite the area’s Roman Catholic archbishop calling it an “unseemly” public exhibition of “unclaimed, unreverenced, and unidentified” bodies.

Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk had said the church maintains that dead bodies must be treated in a way that recognizes the dignity of the human person.

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:42 pm
by Tigercannon71
I saw that program last night. It was very fishy when they talked to the chinese and the guy from Premier Exhibitions when they asked where the bodies come rom. The exhibitioni s kinda freaky really.

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:57 pm
by Lancer_Fan
My daughter is a nursing student. They had to attend the exhibit in Columbus as part of their clinical experience! She said it was very creepy!
They are making a HUGE profit from it! The school of nursing student got a discount...they only had to pay $15 dollars to see it. The normal price is $25!!!! They didn't show all of it on 20/20 last night....there is part of the exhibit (one entire room) that is babies....... they were not oriental either. One had blonde hair! ! She had nightmares after seeing it. SICK.....

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 6:54 pm
by ballparent
I don't see how this doesn't fall under that Abuse of a Corpse law I hear about. :?

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 10:14 pm
by orange-n-brown 365
Lancer_Fan wrote:My daughter is a nursing student. They had to attend the exhibit in Columbus as part of their clinical experience! She said it was very creepy!
They are making a HUGE profit from it! The school of nursing student got a discount...they only had to pay $15 dollars to see it. The normal price is $25!!!! They didn't show all of it on 20/20 last night....there is part of the exhibit (one entire room) that is babies....... they were not oriental either. One had blonde hair! ! She had nightmares after seeing it. SICK.....

where does she go to nursing school??

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:21 am
by Mouth's Better Half
I read about this in a newspaper Sunday and couldn't believe what I was reading. I can't believe a museum would agree to have a show like this. I also don't see this at all as art.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:51 pm
by Baby Duck
I seen this on T.V. the other night and they said that they didn't even know who the people were. That is very strange.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:41 pm
by Mouth's Better Half
Baby Duck,
Would you go see this? I just couldn't.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:20 pm
by Baby Duck
No I have no desire to see this. I can look in a book if I want to see my insides. I can think of other things to spend my money on. :-D
On 20/20 they showed a pregnant women and you could see the baby in her womb. It was something I didn't want to see.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:00 pm
by ballparent
Mouth's Better Half wrote:I read about this in a newspaper Sunday and couldn't believe what I was reading. I can't believe a museum would agree to have a show like this. I also don't see this at all as art.

That's what gets me. I had seen this advertised on lots of things but never paid attention to the ads and certainly never realized they used real bodies. :shock: Wouldn't they had to have gotten a permit to use the bodies or even show them by the cities or the U.S.? And if they did why oblige them by giving them one? I fully understand the use in medical schools in a teaching situation but just to be put out there for public viewing??? I don't get it.