The Nun In Hooters

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orange-n-brown 365
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The Nun In Hooters

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

The Nun in Hooters

A nun, badly needing to use the restroom, walked into a local Hooters.

The place was hopping with music and loud conversation and every once in a while "the lights would turn off."

Each time the lights would go out, the place would erupt into cheers.

However, when the revelers saw the nun, the room went dead silent.

She walked up to the bartender, and asked, "May I please use the restroom?

The bartender replied, "OK, but I should warn you that there is a statue of a naked man in there wearing only a fig leaf."

"Well, in that case, I'll just look the other way," said the nun.

So the bartender showed the nun to the back of the restaurant.

After a few minutes, she came back out, and the whole place stopped just long enough to give the nun a loud round of applause!

She went to the bartender and said, "Sir, I don't understand. Why did they applaud for me just because I went to the restroom?"

"Well, now they know you're one of us," said the bartender, "Would you like a drink?"

"No thank you, but, I still don't understand," said the puzzled nun.

"You see," laughed the bartender, "every time someone lifts the fig leaf on that statue, the lights go out.

Now, how about that drink?"

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Re: The Nun In Hooters

Post by grizzly »

:lol: :lol: that was great

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Re: The Nun In Hooters

Post by The_Legend_of_Northwest »

:aaaaa24 :aaaaa24

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Re: The Nun In Hooters

Post by sportsfanatic85 »


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Re: The Nun In Hooters

Post by jeepgirl_4life »

way to go sister! :-D :-D :-D :-D

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Re: The Nun In Hooters


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: The Nun In Hooters

Post by kantuckyII »

Good one Orange n' Brown..

here's one..

A man is on his way to a Halloween costume party dressed as Satan. It's storming so badly as he drives out this old 2 lane country road he can hardly see. Right as he rounds a corner when, suddenly his engine dies and he pulls off the side of the road. He looks around and only light he sees on is this little country church so he starts running as fast as he can to the church in the pouring rain with lighting and thunder clapping! He grabs the door handle of the church and swings it open just as an enormous clap of thunder and a bolt of lighting hit and the lights blink on and off in the church. The congregation had just turned to see who had opened the door right as the lights go off and then come back on and there, sillouted in the doorway, they see Satan standing there!

Ladies scream and men shout and they all start running towards and out the back door. Our party goer has no idea why they're running but he decides to join them and runs towards the back of the church as well. Everyone gets out the door but one poor little old lady who had fallen down right in front of him. Party man reaches down to help her up and the old lady..her voice shaking and quivering says..'Oh, please Mr. Devil, don't hurt me......I know I've been a member of this church for 50 years but I've been on your side the whole time!

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Re: The Nun In Hooters

Post by caglewis »

Absolutely true story - not a joke
My son and daughter-in-law were driving a long distance from Illinois to introduce their relatively new-born [under 6 mos old] son to Ohio family and friends.
They were tired, hungry, the baby was fussy, and it was late on their way back home. A Hooters restaurant was the first place they spotted off the Interstate to get something to eat, take care of the baby's needs, and relax for a little while.
Their waitress, understandably unused to babies in that establishment, thought my little grandson was adorable and wanted to hold him. Since he'd just been been fed, changed, and was out of the confinement of of his car seat, he was "agreeable - all smiles" to being handed off to someone else.
Other waitresses noticed and crowded around to see and hold the baby. My son always has his camera with him, and got several great pictures of his new little son [with a big smile on his face] posed with a whole line of Hooters waitresses holding/gathered around him!
My son says he's going to enlarge one of those photos to poster-size for his son, the "baby", to hang in his college dorm-room some day. It's a GREAT picture!

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Re: The Nun In Hooters

Post by grndma1 »

caglewis wrote:Absolutely true story - not a joke
My son and daughter-in-law were driving a long distance from Illinois to introduce their relatively new-born [under 6 mos old] son to Ohio family and friends.
They were tired, hungry, the baby was fussy, and it was late on their way back home. A Hooters restaurant was the first place they spotted off the Interstate to get something to eat, take care of the baby's needs, and relax for a little while.
Their waitress, understandably unused to babies in that establishment, thought my little grandson was adorable and wanted to hold him. Since he'd just been been fed, changed, and was out of the confinement of of his car seat, he was "agreeable - all smiles" to being handed off to someone else.
Other waitresses noticed and crowded around to see and hold the baby. My son always has his camera with him, and got several great pictures of his new little son [with a big smile on his face] posed with a whole line of Hooters waitresses holding/gathered around him!
My son says he's going to enlarge one of those photos to poster-size for his son, the "baby", to hang in his college dorm-room some day. It's a GREAT picture!

Loved the joke orange-n-brown 365, and caglewis, that is a great story. I also have a Hooters story. A few years ago, my then teenage grandson and some of his teammates entered a soccer tournament in Columbus. They won their age division so as a reward my husband, who was their coach for the tournament, let them pick where to eat. Of course they all wanted to go to Hooters. They sat at a separate table across the room from us old folks. I told our waitress about their win, and she spread the word to all the other waitresses. One by one, they went over to the boys and congratulated them and chatted with them. I think to them it was better than winning the tournament.

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Re: The Nun In Hooters


great stuff all around. never been to a hooters. gonna have to find a reason why, should not be too difficult.

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Re: The Nun In Hooters

Post by biggdowgg »

I have a few hooter storys, but I wont share on here.

and I would aslo like to go to the hooters restaraunt one day.

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Re: The Nun In Hooters

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

grndma1 wrote:
caglewis wrote:Absolutely true story - not a joke
My son and daughter-in-law were driving a long distance from Illinois to introduce their relatively new-born [under 6 mos old] son to Ohio family and friends.
They were tired, hungry, the baby was fussy, and it was late on their way back home. A Hooters restaurant was the first place they spotted off the Interstate to get something to eat, take care of the baby's needs, and relax for a little while.
Their waitress, understandably unused to babies in that establishment, thought my little grandson was adorable and wanted to hold him. Since he'd just been been fed, changed, and was out of the confinement of of his car seat, he was "agreeable - all smiles" to being handed off to someone else.
Other waitresses noticed and crowded around to see and hold the baby. My son always has his camera with him, and got several great pictures of his new little son [with a big smile on his face] posed with a whole line of Hooters waitresses holding/gathered around him!
My son says he's going to enlarge one of those photos to poster-size for his son, the "baby", to hang in his college dorm-room some day. It's a GREAT picture!

Loved the joke orange-n-brown 365, and caglewis, that is a great story. I also have a Hooters story. A few years ago, my then teenage grandson and some of his teammates entered a soccer tournament in Columbus. They won their age division so as a reward my husband, who was their coach for the tournament, let them pick where to eat. Of course they all wanted to go to Hooters. They sat at a separate table across the room from us old folks. I told our waitress about their win, and she spread the word to all the other waitresses. One by one, they went over to the boys and congratulated them and chatted with them. I think to them it was better than winning the tournament.


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Re: The Nun In Hooters

Post by RVRaiderFan »


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Re: The Nun In Hooters

Post by Tigercannon71 »

Those are some great stories. I love those jokes. I got a Hooters story, but it isnt very good. My only time going to a Hooters was in Columbus. I didnt have a very good time though. We had just got beat by Desales by like 40. It was horrible and right across from us was some Desales fans celebrating. It wasnt a very fun trip to Hooters for me.

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