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The 100 Best Places to Raise a Family
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 1:22 am
by mohawkbaseball#1
1. Honolulu, Hawaii
2 Virginia Beach, Virginia
3 Billings, Montana
4 Columbus, Georgia
5 San Diego, California
6 Des Moines, Iowa
7 Minneapolis, Minnesota
8 Madison, Wisconsin
9 Colorado Springs, Colorado
10 Santa Rosa, California....................................... ... ise-family
Re: The 100 Best Places to Raise a Family
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 6:56 am
by orange-n-brown 365
the trailer park wasn't in the top ten?
I think I will be moving to the number one spot if I can figure out how to drive there

wow Ohio is low on the list
47 Akron, Ohio
90 Cincinnati, Ohio
Re: The 100 Best Places to Raise a Family
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:36 pm

Re: The 100 Best Places to Raise a Family
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:45 am
Give me a small town bigger places stink.
Re: The 100 Best Places to Raise a Family
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 1:59 pm
by Mouth's Better Half
I would like the Virginia Beach, VA area. I also wouldn't mind the Wisconsin or Minneapolis area but my better half would hate the cold. He hates the cold but can't stand the sand at the beach. What am I gonna do?
Re: The 100 Best Places to Raise a Family
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 7:37 pm
by Boo-Duh
I just got back from Va Beach a few weeks ago. I love the area...The traffic to and from the beach is murder..4 1/2 mile backup from the Hampton Roads tunnel...Just crazy..64 from Richmond to Newport News is 80-85 mph bumper to bumper..those people are freaking nuts!!! Give me the orange barrels on 52 any day!!! LOL!!!
Re: The 100 Best Places to Raise a Family
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:27 pm
by Mouth's Better Half
Boo-Duh --- You reminded me of another reason my betterhalf wouldn't move there --- traffic! He did seem to enjoy vacation at the beach this year when he saw the "big screen t.v. and the lazy-boy" in the beach house he had no complaints.
Re: The 100 Best Places to Raise a Family
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:44 pm
by bulldog21
Over my dead body would I ever stay in a dump like Cincinnati, Ohio. Haha.
Re: The 100 Best Places to Raise a Family
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 2:24 pm
by henrysteele
The entire Tidewater area is so pretty. However, I would say that Virginia Beach is one of the Most Dangerous Cities in America. I lived in that area for two years and would NOT recommend Virginia Beach as the best place to rear a family.
Folks, it's not Myrtle Beach with population of 30,000. The Tidewater area is roughly the size of Columbus, OH. It's an urban area with urban crime. I recall watching the Tidewater evening news doing the year-to-date murder totals and seeing whether DC was still leading in "most killed".
However, it is a great place to visit. There is plenty to do in that area besides the beach. Norfolk offers some cool stuff. I loved the MacArthur Memorial. Chrysler Art Museum in downtown Norfolk is one of the finest art museums on the East coast. It's Tiffany glass collection was very special when I was there. can also see the cannon ball that St. Paul's in downtown Norfolk. What a war relic! ... bcd58c.jpgThe U.S. Navy in Norfolk and the naval air station at Oceana (Virginia Beach) offered tours before 911. I am not sure what they do now, but it is well worth doing if still available. Simply give the base a call and ask. Tides play high-level AAA baseball. Harbor Park is a great baseball park too. Beach has a nice aqaurium. in Hampton, you should see Ft. Monroe. Jefferson Davis sure saw enough of it. The Nauticus is a cool place ... don't think any tour of that area is complete without driving around a little in Norfolk's historic neighborhoods (daytime ONLY!!!). Ghent is popular (but over-rated in my opinion. Personally, I like other areas of Norfolk better.
Also check out Sandbridge. It's a very unusual beach that most tourists miss.