Minford Falcon Fortune
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:21 am
Minford Athletic Boosters will be holding their annual fundraiser Falcon Fortune on February 4th. Cash prizes totaling $11,000. Other fabulous prizes will also be drawn for. Tickets are $100 and admits two people for a catered buffet dinner. The Mothman Band will be performing and there will be various games throughout the evening. The event will be held at SOMC Friends Center, with doors to open at 6pm and drawing to begin at 7pm. Tickets are available from any Boosters Officer, Coach, at the High School or Johnson's Design Plus.
As in the past, no alcohol will be served. All proceeds will benefit all junior high and high school athletes.
As in the past, no alcohol will be served. All proceeds will benefit all junior high and high school athletes.