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Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 7:23 pm
by USAF_Defender23
Just to let everyone know. A few months ago I posted that a member of my unit here at Eglin was severly injured in an IED attack. His friend, a US Army soldier was killed in the attack. After numerous surgeries, extensive rehab and a lot of encouragement he returned "home" today to Eglin. He looks different but his spirit and personality is the exact same as before. SSgt Bradley is a helluva man and I am proud to say that I serve with him. I will be attaching a link to the local newpaper here and if you would like there is a video that shows his welcome home ceremony. All members of our unit gathered along with Mayor's and all local police departments. SSgt Bradley, after the ceremony, came up to every single person at this event and shook his/her hand and gave a hug and said thank you.

(video is injured airman returns home)


Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:29 am
by USAF_Defender23
Here is a link from Eglin's homepage that has pictures of SSgt Bradley's welcome home ceremony. ... =123122858


Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:55 pm
Thanks for the updates, thats good news.