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Inauguration Photo
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:46 pm
by kantuckyII
Check out this thing.Instructions are:
This picture was taken with a robotic camera and weighs in at 1,474 megapixel. (295 times the standard 5 megapixel camera)
It was a Canon that pulled together over 200 individual shots
Zoom in ('double-click' an area)...and watch it focus
Then zoom some more...and wait for focus
Each zoom in takes a second to focus ...and then you can see some amazing reactions.
You can move around within the image with the 'hand'
I've been trying to spot Irontonian. I wonder now if she was really there or not (

Re: Inauguration Photo
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:03 pm
by Irontonian
I've been trying to find myself for 2 days. Thats a very neat photo, It was sent to me via email from a friend of mine. There are way too many black coats to find mine...I've squinted so much I have a headache. Wonder what time it was taken? If I knew the time I could def. narrow the area down.
Re: Inauguration Photo
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:47 pm
by Runner
My guess on the time would be somewhere between 12:20 and 12:45 since that would have been the time frame he was making his speech.
Re: Inauguration Photo
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:07 pm
by vids4ckcrash
Directly over President Obama's right shoulder is a gentleman with a dark red scarf and directly above him is a lady with a scarlet scarf. Over her right shoulder and over the gentlemans head it looks like a double exposure of a timed exposure on the one guy. I thought at first he was wearing glasses but he must have moved his head between clicks.
I was looking for Irontonian when I found this. Have not found her. Yet....
If you will go left from the lady in the scarlet scarf, you will find the first Pres Bush and also the Clintons beside them. And a little farther left and up a row or two is the ex Presidential candidate from TN.
I had not gotten this in e-mail yet so thanks for letting us know about it. When you can distinguish people in a photo this large, you must be amazed.
I love technology.
Re: Inauguration Photo
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:34 pm
by ballparent
Wow, great photo kantucky! Thanks for sharing.
Re: Inauguration Photo
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:39 pm
by biggdowgg
wow, thats unreal how they can do that
Re: Inauguration Photo
Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:35 pm
by BigOrangeOne
Ol' George looks thrilled doesn't he?

Re: Inauguration Photo
Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:08 pm
by grndma1
You can even read the music the band is playing. This is really neat.
Re: Inauguration Photo
Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 5:39 pm
by biggdowgg
lots of cameras on top of the white house .......amazing how close you can bring them in
Re: Inauguration Photo
Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 6:18 pm
by abuck76
That is way cool..........Can't wait to show my kids........Of course I'll have to wait till monday...out again!!..........

Re: Inauguration Photo
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:12 pm
by Irontonian
Runner wrote:My guess on the time would be somewhere between 12:20 and 12:45 since that would have been the time frame he was making his speech.
well thats easy. just look for the black girl with the black coat, black hat, and black gloves on (holding a pink camera to her face)...LOL, ok well maybe not as easy as I thought cause I still can't find myself. I would've been taking "crowd" pics around this time so look on top of port-a-potties, in the trees, statue and on the metal steps. Thats where I shot most of my "crowd" pics from. Im still looking...
Re: Inauguration Photo
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:49 am
by kantuckyII
So, you're bashful? You saw the guy getting ready to take the photo and you put the camera up to hide from getting your picture taken?

Re: Inauguration Photo
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 2:34 am
by Burg_Grad_77
vids4ckcrash wrote:Directly over President Obama's right shoulder is a gentleman with a dark red scarf and directly above him is a lady with a scarlet scarf. Over her right shoulder and over the gentlemans head it looks like a double exposure of a timed exposure on the one guy. I thought at first he was wearing glasses but he must have moved his head between clicks.
I was looking for Irontonian when I found this. Have not found her. Yet....
If you will go left from the lady in the scarlet scarf, you will find the first Pres Bush and also the Clintons beside them. And a little farther left and up a row or two is the ex Presidential candidate from TN.
I had not gotten this in e-mail yet so thanks for letting us know about it. When you can distinguish people in a photo this large, you must be amazed.
I love technology.
There is another double exposure that I spotted right behind President Carter, who is seated new to George Sr and his wife. This photo is amazing. I've been having fun with it for a few days. It's just amazing the technology we have now to be able to do this. This just goes to show that if Big Brother wants to he can see everything we do at any given time.
Re: Inauguration Photo
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:57 am
by vids4ckcrash
Burg_Grad_77 wrote:
There is another double exposure that I spotted right behind President Carter, who is seated new to George Sr and his wife. This photo is amazing. I've been having fun with it for a few days. It's just amazing the technology we have now to be able to do this. This just goes to show that if Big Brother wants to he can see everything we do at any given time.
Any parent can tell you that it happens all the time. You tell them to not move and when the picture is reviewed, there they are with two fingers up behind their sister's head or their tongue stuck out or eyes crossed. This must be made of very small sections as when there is a double, it is of one person.
Another double if you look at the steps to President Obama's left, down from the sailor is another person and below him and two people to the left is a lady with a white toboggan.
You can tell this is a composite of timed exposures because some are clapping and some are not.
Directly behind the President and to his left looks like the SCOTUS got a front row seat. And above them is another double. (male, sunglasses, blue neck scarf)
Irontonian, if you go again in four years, be sure to wear something more easily recognizable.