Please, no arguments, I just hope everyone can enjoy this as much as I did. And no proselytizing.

whodeyAtown21 wrote:snopes is definitely not a know it all...bu look at the definition in the toes. the base of the foot wouldn't be imprinted as strongly in the womb if the toes are that defined.
whodeyAtown21 wrote:I count 5...
You're Tiger Bait wrote:that is so precious , but it made me cry, because of a situation we recently had happen. we were getting ready to adopt another child, and the mother changed her mind after 2 days. but that is a precious picture. one i hope every one enjoys, and makes you think long and hard about how precious children are.
dragoncoach56 wrote:You're Tiger Bait wrote:that is so precious , but it made me cry, because of a situation we recently had happen. we were getting ready to adopt another child, and the mother changed her mind after 2 days. but that is a precious picture. one i hope every one enjoys, and makes you think long and hard about how precious children are.
Prayers to you ytb that happened to us the first time we tried to adopt and it devastated us but God saw to it we got other chances.