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Golf Scramble @ Grayson Lake Hidden Cove Golf Course-4/25/09

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:27 pm
by UKBasketball
Willard Church of Christ will be hosting a golf scramble on Saturday, Apirl 25th at Grayson Lake "Hidden Cove" Golf Course.

Based on 20 teams, $400 for 1st place, $300 for 2nd. If the max 25 teams get in, a possible 3rd place will be paid.

Prizes will also be given for:
-Longest Drive on 2 different holes.
-Closest to the pin on ALL four par 3 holes.
-Gift prizes for the team with the worst score.

$160 team entry fee. 2 mulligans, 2 skirts and 1 throw per person can also be purchased for $5 each per person.

17 teams have already called and reserved tee times. The FIRST 25 teams to call in or sign up will be taken. Meal will be provided after the scramble.

Contact James Carper (606)-474-5465 or Barrett Bush (606)-475-0508 to register team