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Ben Howell Road "rock house"

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:44 pm
by wcurtislloyd
The remains of what once was Harrison Elmer Christian's log house now stands (at least I think it still stands) at the northernmost junction of Ohio State Route 93 and Ben Howell Road (County Road 119). The hill behind the house was rock-capped and, to the best of my memory, held a shallow rock cave.

Harrison used to take his grand-children on "explorations" of the old
"rock house", as he often called it. He died more than half a century ago. Most of my family are gone now. And lately, I have come to realize just how much I miss them, especially "Grandad" Christian.

I've often thought I'd like to go up there and look around, and maybe take a few pictures.

Does anyone here know the name of the currrent owner of the property that includes the top of that hill?

Re: Ben Howell Road "rock house"

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:32 am
by chief
If you are talking about the old log house that no one is living in, I know who owns it. but I am not sure how far up the hill they own.

Re: Ben Howell Road "rock house"

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 10:01 am
by wcurtislloyd
What the hell happened???? I was passing by the old house yesterday, or what used to be the old house, and saw that all that remains now is the chimney. Does anyone know?

Re: Ben Howell Road "rock house"

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 3:38 pm
by cameraguy
It was sold and taken down piece by piece and moved.