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what if, AND JUST WHAT IF.....
Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:56 pm
by bigtimehitter
You won the lottery??? What would you do with all the money? You cant put it all in your local bank, what would you have to do manage all that money?? I was just askin cause im pretty sure i just bought the winning ticket

but seriously, what would you do to manage all that money? What would you do with all of it?
Re: what if, AND JUST WHAT IF.....
Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:19 pm
by Manwithplan
I would pay off all my debts. I would then make sure that all my kids were well taken care of. I would also donate to charities. I wouldn't donate to help find a cure for cancer. I don't mean to sound cruel, but the big, high and mighty, and GREEDY pharmaceutical companies don't want to find a cure for cancer. It would take billions, if not trillions of dollars out of their pockets.

Re: what if, AND JUST WHAT IF.....
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 9:29 am
by Mouth's Better Half
I would go to a financial planner first. My next call would be to my brother, who is an accountant. My husband and I would want some $ to go to our respective churches and then we would take care of the youngest kids college. I'm not in debt -- so I would want a house in the Carolinas and I would want to travel. My husband would quit work the day we found out we won, and be the happiest man on earth.
Re: what if, AND JUST WHAT IF.....
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 11:58 am
by Boonedawg
I would be buying a couple thousand acres adjacent to Glaicer National Park in Montana and building a nice herd of cattle. It also depends on the size of the lotto jackpot on what I would do.
Re: what if, AND JUST WHAT IF.....
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 4:17 pm
by bigtimehitter
But what I'm askin is how would you mange it and how would you recieve all of it? NOT HOW YOU WOULD SPEND IT because I know the common things people would do with that money, b ut once you won, you dont just walk in your bank and say, "hey I would like to cash this check for 60 million", do you see what im askin?
Re: what if, AND JUST WHAT IF.....
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 4:46 pm
by earp
Build a moat around my house with some gators in it because you will have about 2,000 best friends come out of the woodwork!

Then I would build Fairland a new stadium with field turf with a giant Dragon on top of the scoreboard that his eyes light up and he breathes fire!Kinda like what Stuebenville has with the horse!And I would of course invest some in some good solid stocks!
Re: what if, AND JUST WHAT IF.....
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 1:44 pm
by Boonedawg
I wouldn't invest it in anything I couldn't lay my hands on that's for sure.
Re: what if, AND JUST WHAT IF.....
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 8:57 pm
I'd pay off my debts,set up college funds for my younger children,pay for the rest off my 1st born's college education.Make sure my family would be well taken care of,set up some kind of trusts for 4-H scholorships for camp and college,as well as the high school athletics boosters.I'd also help renovate our little league baseball fields.Plus give some money to the local churches.Whew!Then I'd be poor,but happy again.LOL
Re: what if, AND JUST WHAT IF.....
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 8:59 pm
by Orange and Brown
I give all my money to all of my SEOP's Friends!!!!!!!!!! After I set some aside for my son.