It's got all a country song needs "Three Chords and a hook line" to People Are Crazy :
This old man and me, were at the bar and we
Were having us some beers and swaping I dont cares
Talking politics, blonde and red-head chicks
Old dogs and new tricks and habits we aint kicked
We talked about Gods grace and all the hell we raised
Then I heard the ol' man say;
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy
He said "I fought two wars,
Been married and divorced"
What brings you to Ohio?
He said "Damned if I know"
We talked an hour or two about every girl we knew
What all we put them through
Like two old boys will do
We pondered life an death
He light a cigarette
He said "These darn things will kill me yet;
But God is great, beer is good and people are crazy"
Last call its 2am, I said goodbye to him
I never talk to him again
Then one sunny day, I saw the old mans face
Front page Obituary, he was a millionaree
he left his fortune to some guy he barely knew, his kids were mad as hell
But me, Im doing well
And I drop by today, to just say thanks and pray, I left a six-pack right there on his grave and i said; God is great,
beer is good, and people are crazy.
God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy.
God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy.